I am against /p8 online function

I stand corrected they did raise high rune droprates in 1.13.

[Diablo 2 Patch Notes 1.13 - Diablo Wiki]
diablo2.diablowiki. net/Diablo_2_Patch_Notes_1.13

Better drop rates doesn’t come with increased difficulty.

Why do you play bad game?

So what? If p8 would give you same loot as p1, you would not ask for it. So, the only reason you ask for p8 is that you want “moar loot”.

So, reduce their costs by 8! Right?

Looks like a statement from very experienced botter.

1 blessed hammer vs 1 blessed hammer is not more time to kill

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Alive and healthy. ™


cant you read? i said that about the hipothetical implementation of /8 in bnet without nerfing LK.

So instead, why not remove /x no drop scale for MP? i can support it too
But you wouldnt bc you wanna die protecting your status quo

dont know what you meant here

this info is in any MF guide for d2 on the internet
you should read some

another halfassed math? Use my example…

Last, im not the kind that bashes people for their english bc im not a native english speaker either, but boy you need some interpretation lessons

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It is amazing how people still go “but the bots / rmt will profit” as soon as drop rates are involved, totally ignoring most basic demand and supply rules.

  • People buy stuff because they can’t find it themselves.
  • More drops leads to less rmt demand.
  • Meanwhile more drops also leads to more supply.

How can that be good for RMT? Seriously?
Bots and RMT profit heavily! from super rare stuff. They DONT CARE about time invested. And if you think any RMT side does not have enough supply to satisfy demand anytime, you are just nuts!


Go login to OG D2. You will see way more games listed than you do see in D2R. It is actually an IP issue. Cuz whats happening is ur only seeing games that are close enough to the region u selected.

This didn’t work like this back in the day on OG d2. If D2Rs lobby actually functioned like the old lobby you would see 3x the games as you do know.

Other thing is most players play in private games. These do not show up in lobby. Only public game do. There are way more public games than shown. Its just the way the new bnet handles it.

Sorry, I’m allergic to bs.


back in the days there was an option called tcp/ip so we create games with our friends and play the game like 3-4 players together with /players 8 command, the game was fun like that bcos after a certain level on p1 game becomes too easy and no challenge at all… a standart ww barb with grief and botd forty etc, will just pass through the monsters and everything dies on p1 and it is not fun to play anymore but in p8 game it is challenging and more fun to play, so we really need an option to play single player chars with our friends or a p8 command on bnet. btw i m not gonna play public games or split farm etc so dont advice me to do so


change item drop rates per player added to less and give everyone separate loot so people are actually rewarded for playing together and don’t have to be under pressure to grab loot which in itself just isnt fun and why everyone just farms players 1. adding players 8 or the ability to choose your players number in solo probably is not the play but i wouldn’t care either way honestly. but the current system is trash and just keeps everyone from playing together

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The only reason why people would be against player 8 is because items would drop in price. Especially those grand charms that are going for Ber

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with player 8 people will qq hard that their build cannot solo end game content, more pvm buffs, stuff that is really gg in pvp will get incredible dps boosts, pvp = brawling, and game will be ruined for me.

just imo ofc, but i like balanced pvp with imbalanced pvm. i got no problem farming on hdin or lite sorc if it mean i get really nice pvp experience with thte gear i find.

side effect is all other ppl get to leach exp from lite sorc and hdin and level up their pvp characters easily. win win for everyone, just got to deal with torture chamber lobby but otherwise its not so bad.

I can read. Superchest drop > regular monster drop in D2. You said that means a bad game. So, why you play bad game?

Because in multiplayer you have not 100% chance to pick up an item and also your party need more items to share. In fact, party has about 50% drop per player with that boost.
With p8 you want 400% drop for no effort.

To run multibox botter need multiple game licences and hardware.
With p8 botters can get enough wealth to trade with 1 account and 1 PC.
Even if there are botters already, we should not make their life more easy.

MF and botting are not the same. You wrote about botting.

Your example lack important numbers - absolute skill damage numbers vs monster hp. You should divide not by % mob life, but by number of hits required. % of mob life means nothing if you do 10 times more damage, than monster hit points maximum. You oneshot them both at p1 and at p8 with any meta build. And you never play solo at p8 with non-meta build.

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You literally are a noob tho, so why are you concerned with others in the capacity at which they farm as? Noob.

No, looks like you cant bc…

This is only true for splitfarm******

You cant read at all
I said giving /X for bnet without nerfing Lk is bad design bc IF this happens we will be in a situation where opening chests is better than killing mobs

Yes you have, its called splitfarm wich means each player in one area/map

Totally wrong
P8 or p7 has roughly 110% more drops from trash than p1. P7 monsters have 4x more life.

Thats also untrue
First, the legit player should not be punished bc blizz is “unable” to stop botting
Second, the other 6 accounts dont sit in town doing nothing
And thats why i ve been advocating for a AH that accepts only runes

Champs/uniques being able to drop only one item 100% of the time is not somekind of botter knowledge, its in the game files, people know it for decades
I dont even know why im answering this kind of nonsense

I knew i would have to do the math for you bc taking numbers out of nothing is all you guys do…

Overall BiS hammer dmg is 14.2k

  • cowH has 9.442-15.449 hp in p1 = 1-2 shots
  • cowH has 18.884-30.898 hp in p3 = 2-3 shots
  • cowH has 28.326-46.898 hp in p5 = 2-3 shots
  • cowH has 37.784-61.796 hp in p7 = 3-5 shots

These dmg numbers look like 10x the monster hit points?

Thats one of my points
People like you say “wow easier drops…such lazyness” when no untwinked char should be farming more than /1 bc its not efficient

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That’s just totally wrong.

Because botter are totally like “oh no i had to AFK for 4 days instead of 2 days for all this stuff so frustrating…”

This works right up to the time the BER rune drops

Nerfing drop from objects just to have /p8 is terrible idea tho.

Exactly right thank you saved me the trouble of adding this to the discussion myself.

Would rather that than destroying p1 a million times

Or having a bunch of internet fwends to fill my games lol

Sorry but blizzard cant change game to have /p 8 online just because few individuals is antisocial.

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