How important is pvp to Diablo 2 players

Not sure why people are saying pvp wasn’t a consideration. Why then is there a damage debuff and crushing blow debuff for pvp only in d2.

They didn’t even bother doing that in d3 and that’s why it was a 1-shot fest joke.

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wait there’s a poll?

yeah i aint clickin’ on no links for that ^.^

The link is in the first post of the thread

Look like its just a loud minority who do not care about pvp - only 43%

Another oft Forgotten aspect of the importance of PvP is the trading and value aspect. Most of my wealth hasn’t come from trading stuff that’s good for PvM/PvE but from trading stuff that’s good for PvP, for which they often pay a premium because PvP needs are much more specific than anything PvE/PvM will ever throw at you.

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it’s not an official poll.
not interested in: feeding my ip into that site ^.^

why be some nameless number on a poll. when you can voice your actual opinion on the forum? :stuck_out_tongue:

here’s an actuall offical poll if you want.

Poll’s closed

Misdirection we were talking about how only 43% of the player base doesnt consider pvp important

Blizz completely ignores the pvp community but I will be happy to vote if they ever do

where are you getting that 43% value from?

42.99% of the 314 respondents in the poll that you are replying to dont think pvp is important.

42.99% of respondents are d3 scrubs like u who want to ruin this game for the real players

oh, really? I’d better vote on that random poll then… nahh lol

it’ll be interesting to see the number of total votes it receives verses how many views this thread has gotten.

the title should be updated to: “how many of you are interested in polls” LOL

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Stop trying to silence the majority

You can vote like everyone else

I will vote by selecting “Mute thread” in the lower left hand side of the forum display.

This way I don’t see this thread in the list though others can still interact with it.

only hides it for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

That poll that you call official is junk seeing it didn’t make it to other communities. As this poll did. It was shared on other sites. I was made aware of this on another site where they said this forum is always trying to invalidate the importance of what pvp does. And now you see the clearer picture rather than the tiny amount of the llama heard.

If you understood you would agree but im sure you are unknowledgeable in the in game you wear a shako soj hoto travs chancies mara and you think thats end game gear. I see people wearing that stuff saying I have end game gear. Not even close. End game gear is yellow and orange. And who trades for that stuff pvp. Not pvm that has no clue.

Another dumb seks thread.

And another DameSP invading thread, made to create a community discussion, just insult the OP simply because he hates people having ideas and speaking opinions other than his

that part makes me wonder how it’ll be in hardcore. sure getting ganked mid pve by some random can be exciting in softcore but what about hardcore? lol

will it be something both parties have to agree to or just pure gank fest? if its something both sides have to agree to will it really happen that often? so much questions. cant wait to see how they deal with it.

What idea? You made a thread asking if people play pvp and think it’s important. Pvpers say yes. You then proceed to argue and insult people. Who are you bringing together you mental midget?


You are aware that merely disagreeing and counter argumenting isn’t insulting others… that only shows a great level of fragility

Bye bye harassing, insulting troll

Take your bets guys, 1week or 1month suspension?

The toxicity in here will go down a lot during that

Now back to topic folk, like mature civil human beings

pretty cute for an insult. 5 days max, if anything :stuck_out_tongue:

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Address nothing said. Quote the last snippet and divert from answering the question.

The irony is astounding.

To say I’ve been for 7 days for telling an harasser that constantly attacking me has become a “lunatic behaviour” lol