Poll results ordered from most popular to least popular. When the devs look at these kind of lists they typically start with risk and move on to cost etc (something that’s both very popular and doesn’t cost them much is often an easy win for a dev team).
Should you be able to open the cow level after killing the cow-king? YES.
2.8.2-to-1* [This is in d2r currently]
Should the Nihlathak portal stay open after completing the quest and getting the waypoint? YES.
4.5.0-to-1* [This is in d2r currently]
Should they add at some point more endgame content like the Pandemonium Event? YES.
Should runes and gems be stackable (e.g. up to 10 per stack)? YES.
Should there be an optional additional tooltip on items, that shows the possible min-max rolls of the stats? E.g. Nagelring: +21% magic find (15-30% magic find)? YES.
Should there be an option to toggle showing ground loot (so you don’t have to keep ALT pressed every time you want to see the loot)? YES.
12.4.47-to-1* [This is in d2r currently]
Should there be minor mercenary balancing to make useless/bad mercenarys more viable? YES.
Should there be some minor spell balancing to make useless / bad spells more viable? YES.
Should there be an ingame runeword/horadric cube encyclopedia? YES.
Should there be an optional loot-filter to make certain item-drops (e.g. runes) more visible? YES.
Should there be minor item and runeword balancing to make useless / bad items and runewords more viable? YES.
Should they add at some point new items, runewords or horadric cube recipes? YES.
Should there be an optional, modernized spell hotkey system? YES.
26.2.38-to-1* [This is in d2r currently and more to come (input system)]
Should the Non-Ladder runeword/drop restrictions be removed? YES.
Should there be a seperate inventory space for charms? YES.
Should the stash space be increased? (original size = 8 x 6 squares) YES.
Should there be a Kill-Tracker to see how often you killed Boss X and get stats of the drops? YES.
Should the inventory space be increased? YES.
Should quivers have unlimited ammo? YES.
Should the /players X command (to increase XP/drops) also be available on Battlenet? YES.
Should the 6-months ladder season cycle be changed? YES.
Should there be an additional/easier way to respec? (e.g. one free respec every ladder reset) NO.
Should there be an optional personal loot option in multiplayer? (everybody gets his own loot, other people can’t “steal” it) NO.
n=4352, ratio of only yes and no responses, undecided or others ignored.
u think 5000 people that sit on blizzards trash forums a majority…
u my friend need too go back to D3 the game i played in beta and only did one act and knew it waz trash but ok
tell me that when most leave
whatever not like i care if blizz disappears at this point
I agree with this, too. Charms are inherently powerful in that they offer increased bonuses passively. To expand this would be unbalancing the mechanics. If itr were a LIMITED space (like rings, amulets, etc.) then it might work, but it would need to be really limited considering some of the charms that are available and the bonuses they offer.
If they use the same system found in pd2 then it really wouldn’t be a major issue since it just gives players back their entire inventory with a identical sized one that only charms can stored in.
All things aside from the ways a public poll can be manipulated. 5000 is a pretty solid number to represent a population of well over a million people, but in this specific case the accuracy is not reliable.
Where’s the issue? One inventory can you hold charms and the other can hold anything but charms. It’s falls more under QoL changes than it does anything else.
The issue is if it conflicts with design direction, IMO/IMA
Charms are intended to conflict with inventory space because of the inherent bonuses they provide- if they intended everyone to get “free” bonuses (because essentially you’re not doing anything besides picking them up and holding onto them) by including another “tab” or “bag” or “area” for them, one would think they would have done it to begin with.
We are also talking about a game that stopped getting real updates over a decade ago. Who knows if a team dedicated to the game would think the same as you or even me for that matter. It’s like saying the reason why we didn’t have shared stashes was because the developers wanted people to make meaningful decisions on what they kept.