game still wont launch, acts like it wants too but only get unexpected error…
Has this been addressed? I got the same error after completing the install. The game wont launch when hitting Play
2 posts were split to a new topic: Bethsman - Crashes
Same issue. my pc meets or exceeds all requirements.
I am having the same issue. Everything on my computer meets or exceeds and all it does it give me an unexpected error each time. It seems like if this many people are having the issue, there should be a better support for this.
I checked all of you out and all of you except Bethsman were having the same problem - a known issue that the devs are working on. Our latest post on this is here. We probably won’t have any more updates for a few days but you can follow this thread for updates as we get them.
Locking this thread to make sure we’re keeping all the reports in one place.