Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

Jsp is as close as u r gonna get to a free market

Im not surprised ppl are mad

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Eh. Ber runes are 4000fg… Shako is 200.

So to get 2x Ber for Infinity I need to find and sell 40 Shakos. Have yet to find one. I’d really love it if high runes drop rates were increased to what PD2 has. Their drop rates for high runes are way better, but not the stupid D3-Rain-From-The-Skies-Every-Game-From-Every-Kill drop rate.

i’ll have you know back when i played og d2, yes the site existed, but it was only used by a tiyn fraction of ppl.
Most trades were done with items/gold/Pgems/runes…FG was NEVER the norm.

and again even back then it was 3rd party p2w. (but again blizz didnt care enoguh as they wouldnt get anything out of shutting em down)

The trading house in d3 was actually their attempt at rmt and the community hated it and it went away.

it was brought down by users like u in this forum, which is just a tiny fraction of the community. It definitly helped to get people away from D2jsp. Now most people i met ingame have the same opinion, that d3 was actually a good game when the AH was still there. Who cares if someone takes his credit card and gets items. You don’t have to do that, you can get all the gear just by playing. The diablo franchise was never really competitive so who cares if someone has better gear than you .

As for D4, If you won’t be able to trade properly, then i won’t even bother to buy that crap game. Trading is the best part of the franchise and D2jsp provides a fantastic plattform for trading.

i don’t really consider players buying fg or using previous fg in D2R as D2 players personally.
they are just people that can’t be bothered to play the game and don’t want or cannot farm for themselves.

especially in ladder / hardcore which got their purpose killed by such weak “players” : as ladder isn’t a “true restart” anymore , and hardcore isn’t a challenge for everyone anymore since people can simply get equipment without playing said gametype.

so , no it wasn’t the true D2 exp , maybe for the few that used it, but if that was the “true d2 exp” how come there wasn’t millions users on that cheater’s den of a website.

D2JSP is the economy of D2 and has been for ages. The prices are dictated by FG, even for in game trades and traderie and everything else (even when not using FG as a medium), because anyone with a brain knows they can go to JSP and make a trade for FG, and they can ballpark the prices using it. Not many people really care about traderie and as far as I can tell (mfing in their games and watching the chat) the people making in-game trades are mostly complete newbs who don’t know what anything is worth, or looking to swindle newbs with cheap prices.

yeah and its illigol and been a major problem for all that time but peeps dont wanna admit that coz take it down and you expose this games bull loot system which ppl have used for YEARS as ‘teh best evar’ (its honestly a bad system but fan boys man)

Lol… jsp was founded by botters? You gave real money to botters to finance their bots.

At least you take pride in cheating, bravo.


Most people on D2JSP aren’t using RMT and they haven’t promoted botting for ages. You just sound clueless. Not surprising.

So FG just popped out of nowhere and people have been trading the same handful of FG amongst themselves for 20 years?

Lol you call me clueless, look in a mirror. It’s bought with real money what are you talking about. It’s carried over ladders.

Bravo on cheating and promoting it.


Hey if you want to live under a rock and tell yourself whatever that’s fine, enjoy your delusional world.

Great so put your fingers in your ears and yell very loudly (your post). All your FG are either bought for or farmed by a bot over 20 years.

So not using d2jsp is linving under a rock? Just FYI theres 50k people trading on 1 discord server alone, traderie is also picking up speed fast.

D2jsp is not the only trading place under the sun, never was never will be and it sure ain’t the “authentic Diablo 2 experience”.


Can you imagine this guy? He’s using an AOL forum to play a 20yo game and says we’re living under a rock? Lol.

Hey jsp users probably chat on MSN still and check their Caramails often.


Dang, Caramail, that brings me back…

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You do realize that using d2jsp for trading doesnt not equate to cheating. Sorry to burst your bubble of a fantasy world. Back in the day you could even earn forum gold just for posting on the website.

People can earn FG without spending a dime. No one is cheating. I would agree with Poiuytr… you definitely seem clueless. Either that or you’re unnecessarily stubborn on your little soap box because you disagree with how people trade for items.

You’re probably one of those Shako 4 Vex chuds.

D2JSP makes the game so much easier to the point of boredom. Everyone decks out their characters so fast. I don’t care if d2jsp stays but please add solo self found to ladder


You talk nonsense and lie.

I made a post about NS is easier than Season and you denied it.
You were proven wrong.

You also don’t play HC yet you said you would play HC when D2R released.

So YOU are the one talking nonsense.

I’m in GG mostly, missing an item or two but thanks. Never needed JSP for 20 years, just like I didn’t use their bots back then.

The fact you carry FG to a new ladder is cheating, it’s been explained a lot already. I don’t need to cheat to suceed in a 20yo game, most of us are smart enough to do it.