Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

The d2jsp website was founded in 2002. It has been a part of Diablo 2 for nearly 20 years, and has been a part of many other games as well since then. Petitioning/demanding to have it shut down makes ZERO sense, since it is an integral part of the game at the point. Whether you like it or not, it is as much a part of Diablo 2 as pretty much anything else in the game. It’s been part of the game since runewords were added!

You guys wanted the authentic Diablo 2 experience with this remaster. This is what you wanted. Pretty much. In fact, some things are still missing… namely, hundreds of public bot runs being ran by item farming/selling websites, glitched items (anyone remember Ith runewords?), and massive amounts of dupes.

If you thought you were coming back to revisit rolling green hills and rainbows, you haven’t been right about that for decades. Take off those rose tinted glasses. This is Diablo 2.


Nothing wrong with wanting to play without cheaters. I remember the days of Diablo 1, when people would use hacking utilities to scan the characters of players joining their games to confirm they were not using god mode hacks or duped items before leaving town with them. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something.

The desire to play the game free of cheaters has existed since this game’s inception.


Its not part of game in any way. Trades are not even completed in game in most cases lol. You talk nonsense.

Yeah as bot site for cheaters. Later transformed to scam money from users to buy made up currency as it was better bussines model for owner than his bots.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How that copium is working for ya? The “true” Diablo 2 experience? How come Blizzard does not own d2jsp then?

I remember in 2002 when d2jsp offered pindleskin bots to download, the true experience… hahahahahahaha


Zax, do you know how trading worked in Diablo 2 before d2jsp? It was an endlessly scrolling wall of text from thousands of people spamming the items they were trying to sell, akin to something like twitch chat. And the currency used wasn’t forum gold… it was duped Stones of Jordan. 6 sojs for a Vamp Gaze, 8 for a Shaftstop, etc. If you think that was better, hey, better convince Blizzard to add a billion duped sojs into the game before they shut down d2jsp.


I can answer that because i played in that time. It worked great. I had no trouble to buy or sell anything in games back then.

I am not really getting stuff about sojs, if you think blizz duped SoJ, you are not ok dude.


It IS the true experience whether you like it or not. This is what the game was, all those years ago, and still is today, in D2:LOD. It has been this way for almost since the game released. What did you expect from a remaster? Blizzard to shut down d2jsp before release? A website that has been running as a trading service for multiple games from multiple developers for decades? Tell me who’s copium. I’m just speaking reality here.


authentic diablo experience means I go play at an e-cafe which ironically almost seems better because they would refund/wouldn’t charge me for time stuck in the queue lol


I was there, I remember, it was full of bots and dupers and d2jsp was where it came from. I remember joining games with a 1000 SOJ on the ground, all duped and ITH bugged items ect…

That was the reality, was it the way to play teh game or just a bunch of people cheating? I think it was just a bunch of people cheating until Blizzard started to call lawyers over d2jsp.

Don’t come at me with “it is the true way of playing Diablo 2”. it is not, d2jsp was a den of cheaters, nothing else.


I absolutely do not think blizz duped sojs. They tried everything to get rid of duped sojs, even added a soj counter to diablo clone spawn trying to get people to sell their stones of jordan dupes to merchants. You misunderstand what I mean. I’m saying, if d2jsp were shut down, the game would have literally zero currency. Players used duped sojs as bartering currency. Point being, it’s no better than d2jsp forum gold. In fact, I’d argue it was worse, because without forum gold, people also just straight up bought items for cash (back then mostly from ebay auctions)… and they paid amounts that were ridiculous even by today’s standards. You really don’t remember any of this?


With d2jsp you can get exact value for your items. To me, it seems like people who don’t like d2jsp are the ones that wanna scam others with shako for vex offers or stuff like that. They’re mad because there’s an exact value service competing with their scummy tactics.

Git gud.


I see what you’re saying but I don’t understand why you’re referring to d2jsp in the past tense? It never went away. If your opinion of it is a den of cheaters, I would argue that it’s a mix of legitimate players and cheaters alike, just like the game itself.


When they solved the SoJ issu runes started to be currency and are to this day. People are buying and selling for them all the time on many various platforms. Jsp was basicly just filling blank space before
D2R because it was hard to buy or sell with shrinking player base. But now its easy again and jsp is not needed.

And i wish people stop using it instead of support Ing scammer who is behind it and has it as personal bussines. It started as bot site for bots owner of jsp was making so i cant ever support that. Nobody should bucause he had big part in what become of battle net years ago.


Because the site has been allowed to operate for so long there’s nothing legally that can be done other than Blizz declaring its harmful for the game.

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I don’t think people who dislike d2jsp are all just out to scam people with price gouging… at least, I don’t think all of them are, maybe some. For the most part, I think people who hate it just feel that it’s creating an unfair advantage, due to the fact that you can purchase forum gold for cash and just get whatever items you want.

What I’m trying to illustrate is that the players who do that, will still do that, whether d2jsp exists or not. There will always be a way to do that, and they will find a way.

d2jsp isn’t just a bunch of illegitimate players buying all their gear for forum gold/cash. It’s also a legitimate trading platform.


You’re saying it is the true way to play the game, well it started as a den of cheaters so nope, it will never be the true way to play the game because the true way to play the game is the one where you have fun, period.

If you have fun amassing FG, then you do you.

Also the game already has currency, for the longest time it was the SOJ, now people trade for HR and PG. You don’t need FG to trade, never did, never will.


Yeah there is multiple places to trade now and you can trade there directly without using made up currency and without fear of being scammed.


You mean all this time that I haven’t been using RMT sites, I’ve been missing out on the authentic experience???

mind blown


I see we have a platinum d2jsp member here.


lol if you really think buying your way into d2R with d2jsp fg you should look at the cost of fg. It would be much cheaper if you just buy the things from 3rd party sellers.

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