Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

You officially fail economics.

D2jsp was a pindle map hack etc etc site. They got in trouble so they stopped. It was pretty much dead after that. People were trading in games and in the trade channels. D2jsp didn’t come into play tell late .10 maybe later.

I don’t have a problem with d2jsp. I won’t use them, but their dying to discord and other websites. It’s old and outdated forums are meh. I haven’t had a need for it EVER to get the items I needed.


lmao you edited that post 3 times. ( Yes it does show up.) So yes you buy on jsp and flip them on traderie. But the problem is there are plenty of jsper on traderie doing the exact same thing.

Discord trading is still slow as hell

Oh hey look he finally caught on.

Now what happens naturally when enough people do the same thing?

back in early '02, maybe late '01 (I’m getting old, cant remember lol) I used to sell maxed characters with all stat and attribute points for $100 each on E-bay…oh those days were amazing lol

so jsp control the price regardless but just look at the price of traderie in general. Only the none jsper pays those price LOL

So take advantage of the temporary disparity because complaining about it just makes you look incompetent. Find something nice, sell on Traderie (the superior platform) by getting “more than its worth” (not true BTW, because something is worth whatever someone else is paying… anyone selling on jsp is dumb, anyone buying on Traderie is dumb) in the form of an easily flippable rune, turn your rune into forum gold on jsp then buy what you want on jsp.

Eventually the markets on both places will correct.

Don’t get left out with the dinosaurs on jsp when that happens.

actually no. I have a few listing on traderie i keep an open tab out (just for shiz and giggles) . Its been like what? a week now? An no one is buying that and the price is dropping across the board for most items. Like it or not JSP dictate what the price is and will be. While it does not look as nice JSP got 2 main advantages. You can hold 30-40 hr runes wroth without spending a single in game inventory slot. The other advantages is its got a base currency that everything can be priced towards

I mean I have 0 problems selling anything on Traderie because I look at recent trades and just match that. Jsp has no such function.

You’re also describing the markets normalizing and you don’t even realize it.

PGems and SoJs, everything else is a lie.

When people think back on their fond D2 memories they’re not thinking of your nerd Monopoly money lol

And JSP just copied diabloii .net’s guides too


I mf in these trade games and 99% of them are idiotic things like asking for a vex for a titan’s or some BS. Almost nothing ever gets traded. D2jSP is how you do real trading in D2 and has been for a long time.

Yes it does, you just search for the item in the search tab and you see all the recent thread time dated with your search term highlighted. It takes 5s to price something to the market.

Yes, people use jsp because it has a liquid currency that can be traded in large or small amounts. There’s a reason people haven’t traded goods for goods in the real world for ages, and use dollars/currency, because direct trading is inefficient and pointless.

Being able to instantly see postings of an item sorted by oldest to newest or vice verse, looking for or selling, and verified completed trades is light years ahead of a forum search query, lmao.

All the posts are labeled by FT/ISO, they’re all time coded and shown in order, and all have the sell price because people negotiate in public. It literally takes 5s. It just sounds like you’re clueless and/or dumb.

Okay son keep on thinking your forum search query is the same as a literal database. Pathetic really.

i came to the realization that most people here are just bad informed about d2jsp. Most d2jsp users never bought any fg vs real money. They just trade their items to get fg and buy new stuff. It makes trading so fast and easy. Ingame trading is slow, people always lowball or try to scam. High value items are impossible to sell. If blizzard won’t implement a trading site by themselves, then i choose to use d2jsp. People who constantly complain about d2jsp are the same people who brought down the auction house in D3.

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By purchasing your gear in this game, you are complacent with pay to win games. Not that there’s anything wrong with enjoying pay to win games. Just know that you’re supporting the business model that generates micro transaction profits in exchange for you to win games.

Here is a super simple reference for this:

d2jsp haters : can’t scam or can’t learn in-game economics

d2jsp lovers : d2:r economics and a fair trade platform

anyone else is either too stupid to understand rng or a person who wants the lottery to tell them the numbers before hand