Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

The “prices” are dictated by the real supply of items and the demand for those items based on the number of players and the power of those items for relevant meta builds. You are conflating price with value, by the way, and demonstrating your lack of understanding of basic economics in the process.

It’s not cheating if you acquired it through legitimate trades. That is NOT the definition of cheating. Try again.

Stop trying to spin a negative narrative to something you simply disagree with. Trading doesnt equal cheating. Literally anyone can do it so the fact that you insist that people are cheating is funny.

I don’t need FG to play D2, or D2R. But I prefer to trade on jsp for the sheer fact I get more value for my items. Which in turn, I can use for other items. You sure can’t understand the concept of an established economy.

Can you not read? You carry FG to a new ladder, when everbody else has their inventory reset to 0 you have a load of FG and get your GG in a week.

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That’s just a giant assumption on your part dude.

Most people aren’t willing to pay outrageous prices for those items early on and just grind it out until prices are significantly down.

I found the majority of my items on D2R, Including all of Tal’s set minus the Ammy (I traded for that eventually). I traded for a Gul rune to roll a Vex for a HOTO.

Tell me more about how I am cheating.

A lot of opinion in this post, full of I think this and I think that. There is no in game trade platform for console. I’ve not seen a single solitary game description with a decent trade offer. “Cheaters” a term being thrown around too loosely, I haven’t come across a single one of them either, not even a complaint on the forums, or a story of cheaters in d2r.

Trading is a necessity for ARPG’s lest you end up with D3, loot raining from the sky, all soul-bound, and you begin the primal hunt of eventuality.

Unique items are rare, but shako for ber is a huge scam, but getting shako’s, torches, mara’s, arachnids, etc. accumulate to the possiblity of trading for a ber rune long before the once in a year drop rate occurs.

You will get no where without a very good trade plaform, searchable, relateable, Warframe, PoE, etc. all have market places, phone apps, etc. available. D2jsp just happens to be diablos. You saw what happened when Diablo tried to take d2jsp’s thunder, Real Money AH… instead of a small percentage of the population getting things done and min maxing using d2jsp, you had the entire player base throwing items up undercutting, fire selling, low balling, crushing the entire market to oblivion. for a single dollar you could get your character to end game torment 6/X… people raged and complained constantly, until it was ripped out. 95% of the player base wont ever trade items, wont ever know what it’s like to slay hell baal solo, reach level 60 even.

Nobody said you are cheating, using your FG to purchase items early ladder is. Some people have millions of FG by now and they don’t care about paying inflated prices early to have a head start and that’s cheating, no matter what d2jsp defenders are saying.

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The funny thing with Shako 4 Vex is that that whole idea came from a Llama video that “Shako is probably worth vex early in season”. They aren’t even original in their stupidity. lol

Yes, that’s economics. There’s no way to make it contained other than soul-binding items on drop, which ruins the whole D2 experience. Streamers and organized groups are going to funnel items regardless of JSP. JSP just provides a medium of exchange for trading. The ladder isn’t a “fair” experience and never will be.

YOu’re missing the point, if your FG did reset each ladder that would be totally fine, it does not.

You are using wealth you aquired previously in a fresh economy. That’s not how the system is supposed to work, ladders are played in big part because of this fresh economy so using FG in ladder, especially early, is just plain cheating. Everyone is starting on an equal footing except people with forum gold.

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It’s not cheating if they accumulated that. The only advantage is in the fact that people aren’t willing to use jsp to trade and accumulate FG of their own.

You can’t call it cheating if literally access to FG is available to everyone. That’s the point Im making. You might disagree with jsp or the concept of FG but since it’s available to everyone to utilize, it’s not cheating.

It’s a personal preference at that point.

So is RMT and plenty of other way to game the system. Cheating does not mean it is limited to certain players only it means you are doing something that is not intended in the flow of gameplay.

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No, Cheating means you are doing something that causes you to have an advantage and others a disadvantage.

Since D2JSP is accessible to everyone, and you can use it without ever spending a DIME it is not cheating. You can very much not have ANY RMT, and stay legitimate. Which people on your side of the coin keep glossing over like it’s irrelevant.

Just because you and others choose not to use JSP, that is your choice. Stop throwing every trader on jsp in the cheating category. It’s inflammatory and just outright wrong.

And that’s exactly what using FG early ladder does, case closed.

So you’re saying that I am forced to use d2jsp if I want to even have a chance? And that’s without counting people that have been earning FG in other games including D2 for 15+ years?

That’s pretty insane.

I mean, you choose to take it personally. Every user of d2jsp is not a cheater, of course, but every one that uses his accumulated FG early ladder is, this is not even a discussion. You clearly use a currency you made prior to the ladder start, where everyone, d2jsp users and others, is supposed to start on equal footing.

Theres no such thing as equal footing when people have accumulated FG for years and can buy best items day 1 or dfay 2 of the ladder while everyone else has to go the long way around by droping valuable items to trade.

Then again, feel free to delute yourself and ignore the problem saying d2jsp is perfect and that should be the only way to play the game. It is not, not even by a longshot.

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Im not saying it’s the only way to play the game first and foremost.

Secondly, you keep pushing your narrative like it’s the only way to play the game.

Thirdly, while I am not saying you have to use jsp to “stand a chance”, I am telling you that you cant stomp your feet and complain about it when literally anyone, including you can do it. The fact you don’t is a personal choice.

Which is the ultimate point. Choice. You act like it’s unfair that people even use jsp. It promotes a more stable trading mechanism than in-game trading, and more of a potential safety net in the event someone gets scammed.

It literally doesn’t impact how you play your game.

Stop trolling.

Well you are wrong as always:

ht tps://

As you can see i do play Hardcore so i am really not the one who lies :slight_smile:

Also being wrong ==//== lying. Having opinion and being convinced of something doesnt make a liar from you lol. You should know that.

You’re delusional if you thinking having forum gold at the start of a ladder isn’t cheating. Plain and simple. Being able to Buy items at level 1 during a ladder race to 99 is an UNFAIr advantage from a third party site. That’s not spinning anything it’s cheating lmao


Ya no one had anything against JSP until D2R, its crazy. It didn’t kill LOD- why would it be any different now.

No one should want to play with cheaters, but… who’s cheating?

I completely agree with you this time.

This statement isnt exactly true.
Just look into the vast majority of those who play ProjectD2. Getting caught using that site for your PD2 characters will get you banned very quickly. And most people there approve of that.

d2jsp exists within a technical loophole and if it stepped out of that it would probably be shutdown pretty quick.
That to me speak volumes of how its not really a legit place to do my trading.

EDIT: corrected a sentence