Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

Hard to be legit when it has plenty of cheaters :rofl:

What happened to the other forum post where I called them out? It just got censored huh? Censorship censorship censorship. Bet you the forum gold is still available because it’s included in Activisions micro transaction profits.

weren’t you the one called out on the claim of Blizzard making profit on jsp FG, now Activision is according to you. So is Activision more transparent than Blizzard, even though Blizzard wasn’t transparent enough for you to even back up the claim, but some how now Activision, Blizzards parent company, is transparent enough for you to claim the make money on jsp FG.

And the tidal dams have failed and the flood of BS is going to be worse than Katrina.

Traderie is trash. JSP has a much larger user base, which gives you access to more items and better rolls. Easy and understandable pricing to help you progress without needing a deep knowledge of the market.

What even is Traderie bro you stuck in the stone age while the rest of us in the future.

Traderie is the tats because rather than an archaic AOL forum it is an actual database with trade records and dynamic searchable listings. You can post item X and ask for A or B+C or D or Make Offers, then just let it sit and check later what the offers are. You can look up X to see what trades have been accepted historically and thus know instantly what your item is worth or what you’re bidding on is worth.

Jsp stone age cavemen don’t want to leave the past behind because MaH forum GoLdS.


After reading the discussions yesterday, it’s clear FG is definitely a superior way to trade and it boosts productiveness within the community (we need channels Blizz), but I still won’t use it because I would prefer to keep everything in game (or at least 1st party supported). So it’s definitely up to Blizzard to implement something before they release ladder. Someone said there’s a rumour that they are working on their own trading site, let’s see how that plays out.

But I don’t blame anyone for using JSP, especially with the horrible lobby system and lack of channels.

So this thread is basically saying we’re all cheaters because SOMEONE out there used this cheating tool and by interacting with these people unknowingly, we’re all cheaters too.


traderie is trash because A > what ever they have, B+C is >> what ever they have and, D is >>> what ever they have. The reason people like jsp is because it is easily comparable value to the rest of the items on the market. It also solve another issue. You dont need to mule it to hold its value. Find me one thing on traderie that i cant get on JSP for 1/2 of the price.

You’re a pretty dull tack. Traderie is an active, real market just as d2jsp is, so not only is an item worth whatever someone pays for it on either platform but if the two values don’t match then it’s within your power to either (on an individual item basis) buy from whichever place is cheaper and/or sell on whichever place is more expensive depending on your needs.

If an item on Traderie “costs” more in, say, runes than on d2jsp in comparative forum gold, since you can verify completed trades quickly and accurately on Traderie, a bright tack might sell on Traderie to increase their value and take those runes to d2jsp to buy (after converting those runes to forum gold).

This is remedial economics.

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Gross ignorance on your part if you think buying online items was normal 20 years ago.


If you do compare the price. Traderie is always more expensive. Reacts slower to the market. You look at common items like HoZ. a decent one is what? 300 fg? People on traderies wants 2 ist for it (so roughly 210 fg at today’s price). So why would I overpay for something when there is a KNOWN value to compare to. Also with JSP holding fg cost you exactly 0 inventory space. AKA you can be holding on to 30-40 hr without penalty. Or hell even 3-4 stash full without inventory penalty.

Congrats you completely missed the point. Dullest crayon in the box.

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i THINK you miss the point. FG have a much better advantage as you can store way more in value without the draw back. With the limited stash space that fg can hold an additional 30-40 character of items. You dont need to shop for which ever place is cheaper as traderie is always more expensive. ON a good day, its 20% more, on a bad day its like twice the price.

Your problem and the reason you are failing to understand this is that you think Traderie is a store and not a marketplace. There’s a guy named traderie buying and selling bananas for $5 and a guy named jsp buying and selling bananas for $1. You have three bananas and $10. What do you do?

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Both are a market place. One just covert everything to a base currency so everything is valued based on the base currency. There is enough people on one site with price history in the past day or so. You know exactly what things are going for at a particular moment in time.

Reality of the situation, no matter how you feel about it, D2jsp has kept the d2 community alive longer than the game itself.

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Please answer the banana exercise.

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  1. you go buy from jsp.

The problem you have is. The dude on traderie is offering apple for 2 banana. An apple is 1.5 fg and a banana is 1 fg.


They can’t answer the banana exercise, they just pretend they don’t understand it then go back to but but but the RMT!