Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

I have played Diablo II since LoD came out. I have no idea what you’re talking about and whatever it is, it isn’t part of the game for me.

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actually it wont, It would increase d2jsp players. You cant trade for half of a vex. But you sure can trade for half of a vex in fg value.

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It is indirectly. High chance that people that did baalrun for you or rushed you or helped you might have used D2jsp to achieve what they have, so you achived what you have.

Same goes for items they sold to you for some runes. Its more complex than meets the eye. Its like taxes and goverment repairing the street. There is more to it than you think.

Just because someone uses D2jsp doesnt mean they will not trade ingame.

Same goes for your opinion.

Currently D2jsp users are not banned because of d2jsp use is also a fact. They got you with technically legal, i.e. within the rule, or not cheating.

Btw I agree with your opinion that it is not needed but so does playing this game. All we are talking about is things we want. You want it gone, we want it stays until blizzard decided to make a official and better one.

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Would probably use discord or traderie or any other place where I can track the person record, where does FG comes into the picture here?

As what I don’t know about you’re projecting hard here.

And yet there are still communities on earth that use bartering since humans started roaming this earth but that’s beside the point. Your point is moot especially since we do have items ingame used as a currency like HR, PGEMS and SOJ for the longest time, even before FG was even a thing.

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“Wold probably use discord or traderie or any other place where I can track the person record, where does FG comes into the picture here?”

Easily you sell 100hrs into Fg and use FG to buy your item as one transaction that
A) does not need 3 trading of full inventories and entire box of stash
B) happens in one transaction so it is safer versus disconnects or anything else

Maybe I am projecting because I dont see a way to achieve top pvp chars without d2jsp. If you can manage it I am happy for you. Then you are more skilled/patient than me.

The fact that someone might give you bread for spoon or that such cummunities exist by no means defeats the point that currency is needed in most of transactions.
Example of the rule does not break it.

What are you trading for 200 Vex runes? Let me know because from my pov it is a scam.


And yet currency already exist, you just find it cumbersome to use. Again want vs need. Convenience vs fairness.

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For starters 2ass 3LS 3venom 2weapon block GT rare claw with 2 os and fools mod would be that expensive. Even more if eth and self repair mod on it.
Or 2class skill 20fcr str/dex 20@ crafted amu.
Any insanely hard to get perf rolls crafted amu and rare circs/other such items can easily be this expensive because there might only be one such item per realm even after years.

And want vs need.
You dont need to play Diablo 2 you want to. . You dont need to play ladder you want to. Etc. This logic of yours is easily exploitable.

you mean you want it to stay, you are not we. We want it so people are banned for using as the ToS and EULA state. Why do you defending RMTing so much? How much money are you going to lose if you get banned for RMTing on sites liker JSP. I know exactly why people are defending JSP and other sites like, YOU SPENT YOUR MONEY THERE, YOU’RE INVESTED AND DON"T WANT TO SEE A LOSS. Get over it. Read you ToS and EULA next time, maybe read jsp’s ToS, where it say you get caught using their site and services, you’re SOL, and it’s all on you, tough cookie, no passing go, make a new account and hope it doesn’t have the same IP address. I mean with all these words stating it’s ok but not ok, you might want see the red flags, and not the red flags to tell other users how much money you dropped to buy you FG. Get banned.


That argument is what will put you on ignore, it is so far fetched that I can’t even.

And a 2class 20fcr str/dex amu is not worth 200 vex runes, you got scammed, told ya.

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I never spend single cent on D2jsp. Where is real money there ?
I am not responsible for how FG that I received started in the beginning.

You are just projecting me and many other d2jsp users to use money on it.
People that want to spend money on D2 dont do it via D2jsp but via direct cash sites or even ebay.
Get your facts straight. You know very little about D2jsp yet present yourself to know everything.

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Oh no I will be ignored what will I do. Sarcasm off.

You are correct your logic is so far fetched that I can’t even.
2 class 20fcr dex str 20@ and life etc is worth that much this tell me you never had such an item unless you made it yourself and won one on milions lottery. Btw vex is not considered HR so your wrong even there.

you are responsible, for what forum gold comes to you. You are responsible for by proxy saying this is ok. Get banned. You use jsp, you condone RMTing. It’s that simple.

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No I am not.
Are you responsible for where does company that gives you your wage get their money from ? No you are not. Neither am I.

yes you are.

If a company is known for scamming and you still give it business, then you are saying it’s ok for the company to scam. This is called abetting.

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We as in we who want it to stay, not including you guys of course,be a bit smarter than that please.

I did not spend a single dime on d2 except buying the game, lol. I self found and barter to my endgame paladin, what is your point?

Doesn’t affect me one bit say maybe a few thousands fg but I already give away more than that to friends. You just assume people care that much because you do. Get a grip, it is a game. If they were gonna ban d2jsp use, they would have already did it.

Did you check full source chain of every penny that you ever received from your hand till the federal office that printed it for cash ?
If not you are responsible for all that happened with it by your logic. Ludicrous.

Do worry, his ignore worth jack, lol, it only last for an eternity i.e. less than 15 minutes.

I bet this dude is in on the profits from d2jsp. If you buy D2 digital assets online then you have too much money. Children starving to death and this dude focuses on a website that sells loot for a twenty year old game. smdh society is doomed

I never traded with anyone and in fact mostly played single player.