Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

Do you have a point or you just wanted to show good you are with a calculator? Vex is supposed to be something hard to get, not somthing you trade for 100 Sigon pieces.

And of course I said Sol and Fal and you took Sol as an example because it is the lowest one, typical.

My original point was you can still work your way up without forum gold by trading sought after pieces, this is nothing new, people have done that for 21 years without the help of d2jsp.

Do you have a point or you just wanted to show good you are with a calculator? Vex is supposed to be something hard to get, not somthing you trade for 100 Sigon pieces.

My point is Fg is a stable currency that is held by many in the gaming community. You can use it to buy everything. PL, rush ,B-rush. Items.

And of course I said Sol and Fal and you took Sol as an example because it is the lowest one, typical.

Actually no. Thul is the lowest without gem requirement. Anything ort and below = low. Thul to hel = mid low. io to lem = mid. pul to mal = mid high and anything above that is hr. Not all HR are worth the same. ZOD and CHAM are effectively worthless in the open market.

If you want run fail it still need 96 fal. So a stash tab full of fal runes. another tab full of gems to upgrade.

My original point was you can still work your way up without forum gold by trading sought after pieces, this is nothing new, people have done that for 21 years without the help of d2jsp.

You can if you wish to overpay or things or under sell for things.

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Someone pointed out to me earlier I traded the exact jsp value in FG for a Tals Armor in game. Never once looked at the prices on jsp but somehow got bulleyes.

Do you actually believe you will have more bang for your bucks in an auction system? Do you realize how auction houses make their money?

And my point is FG is a made-up currency that manipulates teh market, can be used in ladder, can be aearned in other games and can be paid for with cash.

OK so? As I said before this is how the game is intended, trrading Sigon and other very common for FG that you can, in time, trade for the very best items in the game is not.

Thatā€™s why people are crying nerf over things like Enigma, because thanks to d2jsp market manipulation it has became accessible to the masses while it was reserved to either very lucky people or people farming a lot before.

The only reason prices go down is because some people are sitting on mountains of FG since they accumulated it for years and years. As such they do control the market and influence prices.

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I donā€™t like d2jspā€¦I sorta wish it were taken down if that was even possible, but there arenā€™t any good alternatives, unfortunately. It can be used as a RMT, it was originally associated with botting, and the owner apparently ripped off other peopleā€™s work and took all the profit for himself. I read quite a long story from a guy that was involved with him. It sorta taints the competitive nature of ladder, and a lot of users accumulated their wealth botting. The whole thing stinks, but at the same time I can see why people use it.

d2jsp was founded in 2002 as strictly just a bot site. It wasnā€™t until later in itā€™s life after that the hacker that you all pay and defend started ruining the game in a new way besides just botting and started offering rmt.


Thereā€™s a discord you can literally post WTS / WTB, an official and many more discord.

Can someone please explain to me how going through that joke of a website, having multiple transactions to accumulate FG, constitute an easier and more convenient option then typing on a discord?

There is only one reason jsp is superior, and itā€™s because you carry your wealth over the next ladder.

And my point is FG is a made-up currency that manipulates teh market, can be used in ladder, can be aearned in other games and can be paid for with cash.

If you want to buy items. Jsp is the last place you should look. The price is extortion and so fing high its 10x cheaper just to buy from one of the bots online.

Actully it was. Its just different use of currency. Was soj back then, and then HR before it become fg.

Thatā€™s why people are crying nerf over things like Enigma, because thanks to d2jsp market manipulation it has became accessible to the masses while it was reserved to either very lucky people or people farming a lot before.

And this game started with a FRESH 0 hr. For every enigma out there someone will have to found the hr and sell it to jsp. I myself is hoarding a few hrs as well. Dont need it, dont need to sell it yet.

The only reason prices go down is because some people are sitting on mountains of FG since they accumulated it for years and years. As such they do control the market and influence prices,

The price went down as the play time and market change. Its a fluid market. Occy is worth f all now. Why? Because people can farm hell. Because each day the number of occy increase on the market. Hr price ( IE Lo) fluctuate greatly. Why? because people hosting anni events and Lo is used in smiter gears. Same as Vex / Ohm / ist if you do have a good euff base for it. As the economy matures, the demand changes.

if only their was another website that facilitated trading

where you didnā€™t use real money because it was items for items within the game

and it had a gui that made it simple and easier than reading through text on a forum post because you could actually search a database and see the items as icons like in game.

not sure i am making my point clear but yeah thatā€™s just 1 of a few websites i know of but it has the most features so yeah no d2jsp isnā€™t the only good one itā€™s just the only one that makes people who use real money or want to transfer wealth between seasons to cheat feel like they arenā€™t doing anything wrong.


What a pile of garbage, honestly.

ā€œCheating has been a part of the game since it started, you might as well endorse it at this point!ā€

Hell no.


Does D2jsp point towards a need in Diablo 2? Yes it does.
Does D2jsp fill that need? Yes it does, and side-effect is it gives an advantage of carrying currency between ladders/games.
What is that need? A centralized trading ground.
Is Blizzard going to do something to bring a centralized in-game trading platform to D2:R? Doubt it.

D2jsp is needed by Diablo 2 because there is no other viable alternative for universal currency centralized trading platform.
In this case advantages far far outweight the disadvantages. And before you claim we dont need universal currency for trading 3000+ years of human evolution proves you wrong hence we have money.

Repeating teh exact same thing in different topics does not make them true.

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Facts dont care about your feelings. If something is true it is true.
Your emotions cloud your judgement.

A lot of people think their opinions are facts, these people are always wrong.

People have traded in D2 and other games without the need of forum gold for ages. This is a fact.


People have traded in D2 and other games without the need of forum gold for ages. This is a fact.

Yes it is but what of it ? People have played self found and beat the game. So what is your point now ?
Your statement in no way contradicts why D2jsp is good. It has the same value as saying background of this forum is red. That is true but hold no meaning to the argument.

Tell you what, give me more than 20 character slots and you can keep jsp.

Until then we arenā€™t even talking about an authentic experience to begin with.

My point is dorum gold is not needed, sue me already.

It is not needed for YOU.
It is needed for all those that use D2jsp and want to achieve top pvp characters in reasonable time.
I understand you are against it and that is fine. You should as well understand why me and others like me need it. I am not trying to limit your trading habits dont try to do the same to me. That is all. Live and let live.

Not needed for ANYONE.

This is want vs need, you want to achieve pvp characters in a reasonable amount of time, you donā€™t need to.

I canā€™t prevent you from using d2jsp can I? Will no stop me to point at it and say it is not needed and cheating in ladders and was born from RMT to begin with. Not forcing my opinion on you, just laying it ou ther on the forums.

That said when you start to say that FG is factually needed I will call you out because itā€™s a lie.

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Right how will you trade safely ingame 100hrs for top crafted amu then ?
Or other stuff that you probably dont even know about.
Really curios.

Universal currency is needed if it wasnt we would not have money IRL and we still trade items for items aka barter trade. How can you argue with 3000+ years of IRL evidence is baffling to me.