Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

Yes exactly. Diablo 2 NEEDS d2jsp, just as d2jsp needs Diablo 2. I couldn’t agree more.

ROFL that level of reach… Reed Richards would almost envy you.

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IF and ONLY IF D2JSP had two separate forum golds, ladder/non ladder, and the ladder gold went non ladder at the end, I wouldn’t have as much of a problem with it. The fact that they can use their gold to influence their ladder gain is the biggest issue I have with JSP forum gold. Is that going to happen? HAHAHA doubt it.


If you really need d2jsp to buy your items, then fine. Whatever floats your boat I suppose if you want an easy game. I’m assuming you used the cheat codes for every game you could back in the days of PS1 and N64 and others.

Oh shut up. Just because it’s been around for 19 years doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a source of irritation and fun-sucking snobbery for 19 years.


Druggies need drug dealers, just as drug dealers need druggies. Stupid logic.

A simple in-game filter of games would squash d2jsp users in half just out of convenience. Your usual gamer doesn’t want to go through all this joke of a website to trade items, only sweat players would remain IF blizz was to update the lobbies, which I had expected in a 2021 remaster.


This was my perspective on JSP before the release of D2R:

1.13 and beyond had a decreasing population making it much harder to find items being traded in the economy. This made the use of a forum a much more efficient way of trading. FG was an added bonus to it.

I had expected Blizzard to release a fully functional lobby system/game list along with the og Trade channels. So I really thought D2JSP wouldn’t be as useful anymore because the main population would return to how trading was at its peak.

But too bad Blizzard had to make a complete mockery of Battle net 1.0. So yes I can agree D2 “needs” JSP in this current state.

Because in my opinion, this current state is just as bad as 1.14 with a dying population. We have no in game trade channels. We don’t have an in game link to the D2 Trade Forums. We don’t have anything to work with. So of course people are going to default to JSP.

But the problem with JSP comes with this new “rank” focused ladder. I’m expecting them to add new incentives for placing in the ladder, and if they do, I’m going to be “forced” to use JSP if I want to place and earn any possible rewards. Maybe they won’t add any reward incentives, and if so, I’m not going to waste my time grinding for a rank, unless they add it to your character info in the lobby when someone hovers your name.

JSP for NL, I don’t think anyone minds? JSP for ladder, that’s a problem. Especially when one dude bought 20 SoJ with FG within 2 weeks of D2R’s release. Imagine what one could do within 2 weeks of ladder.

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The problem with d2jsp is the efficiency

it removes bartering from the game which was an integral part of it before.

Because there is this efficient path with a consistent currency it removes a lot of the gray area of what an items value is

Also because most of the community is using jsp (because of its efficiency), even if I did want to barter with players, that pool of players is much smaller since they are all off in hyper efficient d2jsp land.

if d2jsp did not exist the community would be forced into a non efficient item bartering system. Now to assume this would automatically be bad is wrong. higher efficiency does not mean more interesting. Bartering items can be more dynamic and incorporates the players own valuing of that item due to how inefficient it may be to continue looking for it elsewhere. It opens the door for much more dynamic trade opportunities, given the fact the whole community is trading for items in this way.

The hyper robotic efficiency of some generic currency is just not as interesting as a bartering system. You are just addicted to the efficiency you have gotten used to from using d2jsp.


Your summary of why d2jsp is important is completely brainless and one sided. Arguing paying to win, botting and the use of a third party site is the true Diablo experience exposes you as the degenerate that represents the whole d2jsp community. If I were a blizzard employee I would suspend your account for promoting practices that are explicitly shown as against terms of service. While d2jsp hides under anonymity your transparent promotion “Widget” to support real money transactions is absolutely brain dead. Your only lucky that they don’t care enough about these forums to read or enforce their rules stated in the TOS agreement.

The fact that you try to argue that in game trading is about ripping people off shows you have no idea how free markets work with supply and demand. Just because your group of degenerate rejects set hilarious non sensical fractional prices like .15 for an ist rune or 200 degenerate gold shows that you simply are a follower to a third party service that’s getting some anonymous individual rich after breaking blizzards TOS by finding a loop hole.

We don’t care how you choose to play the game but don’t try lecturing honest players about the “true d2 experience.”


I didnt use it years ago when I first played, and I do not use it now.
I am able to trade just fine without it. Its strange you are attempting to push an opinion as a fact.
Your experience is not everyone else’s experience. I hope you understand this at some point.

It frustrates me so many players are practically at each other throats over topics like this. And Blizz sits back as the true culprit that needs to be called out, for not supporting such a large part of their game.

EDIT: typlo


I think I remember trading a windforce for sojs back in the day and all of them poofing. That’s the last time I trade for a large amount of sojs. My legit windforce for a bunch of items that simply vanished, fun times.

I’d say sojs were a good currency but I’d be lying since they randomly disappeared.

all cheaters need to get a ban

Cheaters have existed since way before 2002. Just because one cheating site popped up then is meaningless.

Sure aint the true experience for me since i use legit trading site, and i dont trust any forum golds that just seemingly multiplies from nothing and is managed by unknown entities.

JSP will continue to exist. Know why?

They will be too busy trying to:
Rectify the Database Issues
Stabilize the Server to Database Connection
Remove the Queue
Implement Ladder (and new ladder Runewords)

So you have two choices left:
Use it
Don’t use it

Ingame you drop runes, they add-up oever time and one day you get a high rune, very neat thing.

LOL do you know how many el’s you need for a hr? Couple hundred thousand. How about rals? That’s another couple thousand. Unless you got 40 account with the stash space you cant work toward anything

If you want to avoid scams trade with reputable groups like Sanctuary D2R discord and traderie for example, d2jsp is not the only place where you can trade stuff.

And what makes you think I havent check them out? They all low ball like crazy. Or want you to over pay for every single thing like every trade game. The dude keep telling me and another person saying. HOZ is worth a vex. In realty its worth 1/2 of that at the most.

Yesss, thank you! I remember those days and it turned kinda crappy after a while…

I much rather have runes for currency, and actually trading items for items. JMHO


okay then cherry coke is the authentic coke experience.

ppl make little sense nowadays. it’s entertaining.

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Because El is the only rune you’re dropping? Stop playing normal act 1 man, I personally drop Sol, Fal and other mid-tier runes very regularly.

Never talked about you personallyt did I? You’re free to keep using your FG as much as you want and I am free to think this is a crappy system.

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Because El is the only rune you’re dropping? Stop playing normal act 1 man, I personally drop Sol, Fal and other mid-tier runes very regularly.

So lets do some math here. lets say you make a lowest hr ( so a VEX) and you use Sols.) You need 209952 sol runes. That is just the runes alone not to mention the gems, Each account only have 3100 storage space ( excluding the cube) So no. You cant work towards a goal just with collecting runes. Those mid tier runes doesnt get you closer to a hr as it doesnt rain down on you. They do drop and you can probably shave off a couple thousand sols but that is no more than 5-10% of that 209952 sols you need.