Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

D2jsp wont shutdown PERIOD.

You basically have 2 choices.

  1. Shutdown Diablo 2, Diablo 2 ressurected and then shutdown d2jsp ( still wont shutdown d2jsp cos it has other games)
  2. PLAYER COMMUNITY must come up with a way to bring real money from players to Blizzard via D2. If there is no such thing, they wont run game of their own money. They need profit. Nothing is free in this world. So either make up a big community agreement that you want to pay money via monthly subscription or enjoy as is. PERIOD>

Never advocated for the closing of d2jsp and US was built on a genocide but let’s not get there shall we?

Ingame you drop runes, they add-up oever time and one day you get a high rune, very neat thing.

If you want to avoid scams trade with reputable groups like Sanctuary D2R discord and traderie for example, d2jsp is not the only place where you can trade stuff.

Stopped reading here. I don’t ever recall D2JSP in my game? Anyone else? Did i miss some secret overlay?


OMG… Seriously?
If I trade on d2jsp I’m not even playing the game? :smiley: What am I selling then? A “shako” that I draw on a piece of paper with pencil? You think where do I get the items that I can trade there?
If you’re really so “it’s to easy” I tell u this: Don’t trade at all. Cause if you didn’t “drop it” yourself, you’re not even playing the game… You have 10 Ist runes, but need Ber for Enigma? Don’t trade! Just drop the Ber yourself cause only then you’re “playing the game”! “Earn it”!

And FYI selling and buying IS trading. Or maybe we should all get back in time those few thousand years and stop using money, only trade “something for something”? :smiley: Cause u know… Buying things with money is WAY TO EASY. It’s not earning it…
You want some potatoes? Go gather some berries, bring them into a shop and ask if they are willing to trade… :smiley:

Seriously man… I understand some people have their own views and refuse to understand that it’s just their opinion. But don’t force your own opinions on everyone because that’s quite narrow minded.

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Just because you weren’t using d2jsp doesn’t mean your friends weren’t, for example. They prolly didn’t wanna tell you in fear of being judged by you for enjoying the game the way they wanted to enjoy it.

And the players around you, random strangers… wonder how many of them used d2jsp? You think just because d2jsp didn’t have an in-game hotkey or an overlay, it didn’t exist in your games? Reality check. It was always there.

Nah, pretty sure it’s not ‘in’ my game. Pretty sure i would have to use an explorer / browser. But hey. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah I get your semantics-based joke.

No, you clearly don’t. There is no joke. Carry on.

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There is a joke but you are the gist of it.

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Oh if you weren’t joking then you were just attempting to argue semantics? I’m comfortable with how I’ve attempted to illustrate d2jsps existence in your games to you, regardless of your acceptance of its existence or not. If you want to cling to your belief that "I never used it so it didn’t exist or affect my games’, go right ahead. But the only way that would be even remotely true is if you never played on Battle.Net, which I seriously doubt.

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Doesn’t a remaster “address” technical issues and I would argue BOTS are a technical issue. :wink:

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D2jsp is a trade platform, it’s not a bot.

Or perhaps you are, by continuously pretending something is ‘in’ the game, which is not, Talk to yourself, rally your troops, throw insults. It is what it is. I’m done here. Carry on.


d2jsp and bots were not part of the game mechanics. They were not designed by Blizzard themselves. They were not intended to be in the game. I’m not sure how you fail to realize this. That is not ‘‘authentic D2’’. How about I boil some pasta, add a can of Hunts tomato sauce and call it authentic Italian food? Let’s use some logical thinking here.


I was directly responding to the bot comment…I sense some density here…

I’m not rallying any troops against you, if you want to tell yourself d2jsp wasn’t part of the diablo 2 experience all along because you weren’t using it, you go right ahead. As I said already. Have a nice day in Delusionville.

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Obvious on first contact.

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I like your food scenario, let’s try another hypothetical scenario:

What if a new pasta dish were invented by an authentic Italian chef, and it became wildly popular to eat his dish with ketchup added to it. For 20 years, everyone either ate his dish with ketchup, or had a side of ketchup they didn’t use on it because they didn’t want to.

Then suddenly, 20 years later, the pasta dish starts getting noticed again by, I don’t know, social media or something, and it’s in the limelight again. But this time, people are saying “Hey, you can’t put ketchup on that Italian dish! Ban it from being served with this dish ever again!” Some people are even saying “Shut down the ketchup companies, they’re just capitalizing on Italian foods!” And there’s this big uproar over some ketchup, being served on the side as an option since the dish’s existence.

Yeah, that’s more accurate.

Real D2 glory days was basically 2000-2002, so I would say it actually was partly responsible for ruining d2.


Forum gold/JSP wasn’t created by Blizzard North, so no, it isn’t authentic. D2JSP and forum gold were created by a group that originally started the Diablo 2 JavaScript Parser bot. There is nothing that can justify D2JSP or their forum gold as legitimate.

Does it point towards a need in Diablo 2? Yes it does. Does it fill that need? Yes it does, and unfortunately it gives them an advantage of carrying currency between ladders. What is that need? A centralized trading ground. Is Blizzard going to do something to bring a centralized in-game trading platform to D2:R? Doubt it.