Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

RMT, sure it’s optionally a RMT site… it would be a fool’s errand to dump cash into d2jsp, considering how easily one can amass a small fortune in forum gold 100% freely, but I digress. And yes, even if you haven’t been using d2jsp all these years, it still affected the way the game was played all around you this entire time. It’s part of the experience.

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And how exactly does that affect experience if you’re playing single player offline?


Blizzard allowed D2JSP to keep their trading up a long time ago. Its pretty much approved by Blizzard for over 10 years now.

Why do people even hate on jsp? Having a neutral currency is way better than trading item A for item B. And you can actually quick sell stuff for a fair price. On jsp i can offer a soj and get a cashout within 5minutes in FG which i can spend into high runes or any item i want. If i create a custom game to trade to soj i get 20 people joining my game and try to lowball me and i didnt sold the item for a satisfying price after 2 hours.

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Not hating d2jsp, I find the forum gold system effy at best and I don’t think this is “the true way to play Diablo 2” that’s all.

Having a neutral currency is not “better” than regular trading like it was intended in teh game, if it was better the devs would have put in another currency. It is more ceonvenient for d2jsp users, sure, but that convenience is also borderline RMT since you can “donate” for FG and borderline cheating since you can use past amassed FG in the ladder and get a head start.

And theres other places to make trades than d2jsp, Sanctuary discord is great and Traderie is also not bad.

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it was overlooked because they moved away from d2 , they moved away from it’s development and maintenance. because WOW became in existence. however, that is not the case anymore. it has become relevant and people who can use real money trades to get around having the natural experience need to understand that THEY are the problem. I hope when they fix the chat experience and the trade experience they shut d2jsp down. because it’s bullcrap. if you defend it you obviously have something to do with or something to lose . get over it.

Care to remind me how the USA started? :wink: Should we shut it down? :smiley:

If you saying that whole site is bad because there are some cheaters there, then the same logic applies to D2. There can be no cheaters on d2jsp that are not using game for cheating. Because cheats don’t work on the site… only in game… :smiley: So, shut down D2?

And as for trading in game… It was constant sitting in chat posting and reading offers and watching the games list at the same time…
So how is it better than using forums?
Not to mention that lobby in D2:R is even worse than the original one, almost impossible to find good trades as you can’t change channels etc. The only viable option is watching the games list? Well… maybe that works if you want to trade something as common as Shako or something… But let’s say you’re looking for something rare. Your chances of trading it in game are close to zero…

Stop blaming d2jsp for everything because it’s childish. It’s just nice and effective way for many people to find easy trades they want. If you like spending 10 hours in chat instead of playing the game after posting your needs on forums, well… you do you… I’m too old for that.

BTW. when you want to sell something in real life, you post it online, ebay etc? Or you put your shoes on and go to the street corner, standing there for hours trying to find someone who wants to buy it? Cause u know, thats how it was done “back in the days”…


Before sojs it was Pgems.

Yes i do want the authentic d2 experience as it was intended, NOT what it became because of hackers botters and people who are looking to profit of the game in RL. d2jsp is pay to win its not how the game was intended and i think people should get instantly banned for using it . If it was a site where you simply put in items you want to trade to meet up in the game and make the trade for in game items i would be fine with that but forum gold that can be bought for real money to spend in game to me that’s BS and should not be allowed…


Having a neutral currency is not “better” than regular trading like it was intended in teh game, if it was better the devs would have put in another currency. It is more ceonvenient for d2jsp users, sure, but that convenience is also borderline RMT since you can “donate” for FG and borderline cheating since you can use past amassed FG in the ladder and get a head start.

That would be wrong on so many level. On jsp with the fg you can work towards a goal. A little thing there a little thing there. It does add up over time. And if you really think people are buying their way using real money on JSP. You should check out the price of jsp. The fg is not cheap. Even with the most you can donate you cant even get a ber rune right now.

You go open a trade game, you see people offer all sort of things for ber. cham , vex ,zod. The thing is based on the market price. You see all the noob that want to rip people off, HOz for ber, hoz for jah. A even better one i seen lately shako 4 nigma. Like hell, this is not a new game. The price was already set on day 1. You know which items is going to drop in demand 2/3/4 weeks in and you know which items is going to increase in demand 3/4/5 weeks after release.

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But you do realise, that people can buy items for money without using d2jsp? Also nobody needs to use d2jsp to run bots… So none of your arguments are valid really. You just want to blame everything on someone and it happens to be d2jsp.

yes you can buy items for real money and you dont have to use d2jsp but you will get banned for it if they catch you… so how is d2jsp different because they found a loop hole in the system that’s all…


d2jsp is different because you don’t need to buy anything for real money. Isn’t it obvious?
Nobody bans you if you trade your Enigma for Ist runes and it happens that the other person bought those Ists for real money, right?
So you expect that honest players should be banned because some people are buying fg for cash?

The worst part about D2JSP is how much influence that community has historically had over the game’s design. They have a vested interest in keeping everything as rare and exclusive as possible and they have a vested interest in keeping in-game trade terrible. It slowly pushed out all other players not on the site over time until all that was left were d2jsp traders and bots farming items.

The site is so influential the designers of Diablo 3 thought what players wanted was an RMT auction house since the only fanbase left was on d2jsp but it turned out that, no, the absolute vast portion of the player base didn’t want that.

Using a 3rd party site to be able to play and enjoy the game should not be an expected requirement for D2. If it is, then the game has shortcomings that should be addressed.


If your using jsp, your not even playing D2. ITs not trading, its buying and selling. And thats WAY TOO EASY. This game is about finding items, trading them(if online) and building a character. If you just buy it, then why play at all? Just play the game in your own head? Its the same thing as not earning it!


Bots and Dupes would have existed and proliferated just as well as they did even without d2jsp.

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I have made 100% of my trades on Traderie. Items for Items. No taint of FG. I have 17 confirmed trades and a 5 star rating.

It has a better interface. It doesn’t look like website from 1999 and it is a better experience.


My “Authentic Diablo 2 experience” in 2001-2002 was playing on a LAN with none of this forum gold and cheating nonsense. Unfortunately, they took LAN play out after the alpha, so now I get to wait in a queue. This ain’t progress, y’all.

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I agree that some people will buy the items after purchasing fg with real money. There is quite a lot of them, so you have a point there.

But many other people use it as a trading platform. Literally start out with 0 fg. They farm items in game to sell to make fg and then use the fg to get different items they need. I see that as trading.

D2jsp isn’t without its flaws, but I find the behavior of the community in in-game trading so toxic and vulgar. I accepted that the pros of d2jsp heavily outweigh the cons a looong time ago. I still haven’t seen scam attempts to this day when using d2jsp. Even if they attempted, I can use scam accusation with evidence to punish the scammers on d2jsp.

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This really hit the nail. These new D2 players think that because they dont like something no one should use it.
I pity them so narrow minded refusing to see the bigger picture.

There are no viable alternatives to D2jsp. None. All trading requires universal currency to be at its peak (history proven hence we have money), here its not runes nor Sojs but forum gold. Why ?
Because like in real life we have money gold diamonds etc. but have you ever bought anything from shop via gold ? Guesss why not.

To the rune only selling crowd would like to see you trade perf crafted fcr amulets for over 40 hrs in game or GG rare claws with fools mod in game and other rare stuff. Yeah sure not happening.

Or waiting with 100 ral runes for ist LOL.

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Agreed its really a pain to try and trade without an outside source for now since we have no way of creating our own trade channels atm like the old one for some odd reason. Not saying its not doable I finally did manage to trade up to a Ber recently but now I need a Jah to make an enigma.