Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

nobody is talking about bots

Just talking about converting items to a currency that we can use to save up and buy other items

when people bot to accumulate a ton of stuff to sell for forum gold to then put on clean account because they laundered it then buy items with forum gold is the problem with jsps. it encourages hackers/cheaters as a way to get around bans jsp is a cancer that only grew because players don’t want to play the game as intended.

you don’t know what you’re talking about

really? can you do that with runes? kind of an objective statement dont you think? you still have to wait even if you offer forum gold dude. its a FORUM!

i bought the game when it first came out. WRONG!

EDIT: also, it’s not a part of diablo 2 at all. most people have never heard of jsp, its a community within diablo 2 and a cancerous one at that introducing RMT into the game.

that’s not true, you can trade a bunch of crappy items for low mid runes like puls and trade those for ists, then trade the ists for high runes or the rare/magic items you want.

No… read what I said, with runes you have to wait for a player that has the exact runes you need. Instead, trade instantly with FG, then buy your runes or whatever you want, from someone else.
In game items are not a currency.

Everyone has FG though, on average, you are waiting ALOT less for a trade, than with item for item. Cant deny that.

You dont act like it then… I have my jewel case still with original cd keys above my desk, wheres yours?

Again, you dont act like you have been around, unless you have been only on bnet with your head under a rock, you should know JSP. Its been the primary trading forum, off bnet, for longer than any.

Actually its more cancerous for bot development early on, majority dont RMT forum, gold, they trade found items for it and use that bank over time.

This is the most boring and inefficient way to trade. If you enjoy it, power to you, majority do not, we want to trade fast and get back to playing instead of item for item and hope someone will take 20 Lem for an Ist or something…

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All good points you make (except for not acting like I have played D2 since it came out, not a real argument). However, I don’t think that FG is an authentic part of D2 by the very definition because of the fact that it’s a third party platform. I trade on a website called and I have made hundreds of trades there and I can say it enhanced my D2R experience, but I don’t claim that it’s an authentic part of the game. I have played D2 off and on since I was in middle school without hearing about jsp until I heard it mentioned on D2R. I checked it out, and saw that it supports RMT for a pretty useless currency that somehow caught on for making forum hangouts and clans (educate me on this if you would be so inclined). Besides that, all of the FG that you mention is originally purchased with IRL currency so the entire market is based on a foundation of RMT even if as you state, most people don’t deal with RMT directly.

One more point is that having a currency is an advantage over other players when the new ladder starts. The economy is supposed to be reset so why does one community of players have access to this currency that they can use to trade items with eachother and acquire wealth faster than others that don’t? I say it’s cheating, and I don’t think you have an answer to that, so you resort to “fg is the authentic part of diablo 2”.

Ill address this point first… I agree, to a point. Fact is everyone has access to it, so not using a resource, is on them.
Yes you have an advantage when ladder starts, so this is subjective on how to reset it fairly each ladder, something a Blizzard FG trade forum could do to ensure everyone starts with the same amount each season.
It is what it is honestly, its a private forum and its their rules. Your choice to join in or not.
I can trade a GG item for max FG early on if I get lucky, I cannot go on D2io and get the same value because, no one has it yet, so I am forced to sit on said item until someone has a bunch of high runes, and by that point, maybe its value is 1/4 less than it was when I found it?
Item for Item, is great, I love trading, but its not the best form. Blizz has failed hard on the opportunity to have a legit trading house for D2.

I trade there as well, more so early on D2R, but it was slow, and just not my style. I made a few trades, got some runes for items that I wanted, but got tired of waiting for hours for a reply to a BIN or offer on my post that I wanted. Like I said, you like it, all power to you. Its a resource and its everyones choice to use it, jsp, discord, ect if they want.

Yep, and people pay the creator cash for funny gold basically, but thats their choice, he isnt going to their homes and forcing them. They want to buy FG, for D2 or other games they have forums for. Just like others go on ebay or item sale sites and pay that way.

Actually no, it was gifted if you make a thread, post counts ,ect if my memory serves correct, I wasnt on there in its initial launch so I cant give first hand testimony on that.
Anyone with stars next to their name, purchased FG at some point, majority I see, dont have stars, they just traded items from 0 and kept it going.


I remember my original cd key from 20 years ago to this day


If we want an official Blizzard trading forum it would never be a site like d2jsp it would actually be a site that is cratted by Blizzard and directly linked to their games and does not have a website currency as it would players to trade each other using only items and currencies that are legitimately part the games and by the way there aer duped items being sold on d2jsp already

Correct, that is what many of us have been asking for, for many years now…

Items in the game are not a currency. A Blizzard D2R trade “platform” will be the term here, it needs a currency. Trade items for the currency, use currency to buy any item, at any time, as well as trade item for item if you happen to find a deal in the moment and dont have any currency.

So what? They are being sold in many other locations as well. Hell if Blizz had a legit trading platform, duped items would be for sale on there as well until they get a true handle on cheating.

What we really wanted is Diablo 3 the good edition.

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You do realize that alot of people using forum gold to get items never spent a $, but actually accumulated it by selling items?

They need to make an ingame trading platform

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Not easy, unless you have landed really cool items that the “old timers” would pay for. Typically, if you are not a professional botter / jsp trader, you will have 0 forum gold and will want to buy something. And of course if you pay real money you will most likely be an idiot as all the money goes directly in the pocket of d2jsp’s owner.

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This is the problem with D2JSP, it is against Blizzards TOU to gather anything in game to sell for any type of currency online.

Yeah its so against the TOS that no one, ever, has been banned for using other sites off bnet to make trades.
They cant and wont enforce it, because they know their TOS is inadequate, the items never leave their infrastructure, merely promises of “something” happens, then they are exchanged on bnet.

You are wrong. If say a person farming torches for profit gets caught by Blizzard , they can get banned. This has happened before.

Haha funny guy, I am not wrong, you are. Caught how? Caught playing the game? Caught transferring their 50th torch? I dont remember seeing a limit on farming items in the TOS, please show me where you read or “interpreted” this?

No it hasnt, feel free to post up some proof. Ive been around a long time and not once has an account been closed for trading.

Its easy to understand once you accept the fact that they are childish. They don’t want you to have the same items they do. They want you to play the slot machine a million times. They know most won’t, so they can rub their “authentic” enigma or whatever in your face and feel like they have a big tool.

The same thing happen(s) in WoW. Ever heard the term welfare epics? I think it was Wrath that I started actively seeing the salt from the “hardcore” raiders that “filthy casuals” were getting geared.

Its human psychology. They feel like they put in the work that others didn’t, and so they’re all butt hurt about it.

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Trading items is not cheating.

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Lol you dont know what you’re talking about, at the beginning of ladder “some people” made a killing selling trash items aldur boots, tomb reavers, peasant hats etc etc for 100’s of fg