Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

Forum gold is like Bitcoin… Only worth what people think it’s worth… But, there’s this “game” that doesn’t follow the “rules”… Because of that “drop rate”. Then there’s that “reset” every so often that has a sawtooth effect on the value.


What? Why was Bitcoin so successful? Why is it STILL the most valuable coin? Because people valued it based on the hardware/power investments they put into it? How cRaZy is that?


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Trading in a game should not be based on a 3rd-party currency that is able to be purchaced with real money as that is basically real-world item trading

Real-world Item trading: trading in-game items either for real world currency or any type of 3rd-party currency that can be purchaced with real money and is not in any way part of the actual game

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Well, keep on Blizzard to open their own Trade House with a Blizzcoin currency to replace jsp.

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as long as the currency is able to be earned in-game somehow and it is a blizzard created site meaning no real world currency is required even though you can have this currency able to be purchaced via microsoft store (on xbox) for example. this currency would have to be able to be traded in the game not on the website as the website would be used mainly to set up the trades and everything else would be done in the game


Which is currently opening a trade game to have a little " insert *** ******* *********** ************ ******** ****** insults" jsp user joining your game, just to tell you that “jsp said the item you want to trade for Vex is worth a Gul acshuhallly :nerd_face: not a Vex and I am a dumb :clown_face: btw”.

Ill take “things that never happened” for 1000 Alex (RIP)


Cut the elitism.
I was playing on release day for D2, and LOD. I self-built everything, traded for a few things.

And maybe, just maybe, by trading with another player for a third medium currency that doesn’t require storage space (runes/sojs) isn’t a terrible thing when you consider that there’s really no difference between the two.

One player trades for HR. The other trades for Forum Gold. One player trades HR for what they need. The other uses forum gold.

What’s the difference? Seriously? What IS the difference? There IS no difference. The advantage of forum gold is obvious. It can be used across multiple games that use that platform, can be transferred in. You can’t trade D2 Runes for items in another game, but you can trade forum gold.

But I guess only people that laboriously hold on to massive numbers of runes are the only legitimate players now huh.

I’m completely against Blizzard making their own currency, because they’ll monetize it and do stupid crap with it like they did with Diablo Immortal (P2W). D2JSP’s forum gold is a neutral currency that has zero effect on Blizzard’s monetary line. The moment Blizzard decides to move that direction, they’ll go after D2JSP, and then they’ll lose, since D2JSP has been around for decades now.

ffs, the number of people on jsp far outweighs the elitists here.

The main reason I “hate” d2jsp is the fact that you can carry over forum gold from season to season. IF, each season of d2 ladder had its “own” currency that was then transferred to a “non-ladder” currency once the season ended - I’d be totally fine with it.

Its people’s ability to completely avoid the early ladder experience by buying an enigma/fully geared character on day 1 that I think is more or less “cheating”.


How about blizzard creates their own trading forum that uses a forum currency that unlike forum gold is directly associated with their games and also earned by playing games like WoW, D2 LoD, and D2R and can be used for trading only in Blizzard games which have a trading system in them. This forum currency would be traded in the game not on the forum so this means that the forum i mainly being used to set up trades however the forum would show how much of the currency the player has even though the currency (example BlizzCoin) would be traded in the game just like the item is

I mentioned WoW however I am not sure if WoW has an in gme trading system so I only mentioned it because it is a Blizzard game

in terms of ladder your currency earned would be transfered to non-ladder at the end of a ladder season just like your characters are

Unlike forum gold the BlizzCoin would only be earnable via gameplay in Blizzard games that have a trading system not purchased using real world currency

Blizzard has already turned that corner. They would absolutely allow people to spend real money on items through their shops via a trade medium such as Blizzcoin. They do it now with WoW Gold. While they bind the most desirable items, players use the medium for services like raids and mythics to get access to those items all spawned from RMT. It is naive to think it wouldn’t work the same way in any game they offered currency from here on out.

I’d prefer it just be done on a 3rd party site that’s already worked out the kinks.

And as we’ve seen, while D2jsp might set back players a few hundred dollars to get some really special items, Blizzard would set it so it would be in the thousands or tens of thousands to fully gear out a player. They just tasted steak for the first time. They aren’t going back to chicken.

Then you don’t remember. Trading back in the day was crazy. Spam all the time. Duped SOJs and Runes. Hacked weapons making it onto without consequences (ith weapons). It was an absolute mess.

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The difference between forum gold and a currency that blizzard sells specifically for D2R is that FG is a 3rd parties currency and a currency created by Blizzard to be sold exclusively for D2R is that Blizzard is making a profit from all sales of the currency where as they make nothing from the sale of forum gold as D2jsp is not in any way associated with Blizzard. If it was a Blizzard created currency then Blizzard would have control of its cost

Very true. I think Blizzard would ultimately create a more expensive economy as well. The RMAH of D3 proved that. I know some people that made a nice chunk of change there.

although a Blizzard creared currency can also be made earnable in small amounts through actual gameplay

I do remember, you talk what was even before that. But I dont know why you mention duped stuff or ith weapons. I talked about trading so you should stick to that.

But since you mentioned that stuff, the time I talked about had duped runes and duped sojs stayed on nonladder. Hacked items werent a thing at that time anymore as majority was deleted by blizzard.

But trading was great, you made a game and many people came, trades were quite fast.

Trading was amazing back then and I believe it was my favourite D2 activity. Mostly because SoJ as a currency made trading fast and simple which is also why people prefer collecting FG.

I think JSP is proof no one likes trading with runes, or at least a large portion of players don’t.

I don’t like trading with runes, it’s not fun. Trading with SoJ was fun and efficient. It’s why the trading channel was able to work. Some guy is selling a shaftstop? I know the price, 3 SoJ! Make a game, sold.

On paper runes are better, but in reality SoJ trading worked well, it was fun and addicting.

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The bigger problem that jsp existed to solve is that there are items that cost more than an entire trade screen worth of 1x1 slot currency.

Just as an example, a godly rare eth rep 2os cruel fools quickness sin claw with 2 sin skills and good automods is worth more than any single currency you can fit into a trade window due to rarity. Breaking up trades into multiple trade window instances is risky and foolish, so jsp relies on a system of community checks and balances (scam support, trade moderators, reputation in general) to ensure that everything is copacetic.

Sure, if your highest value item you need to trade is some mid stuff like a griffs or a shako, you can probably get away with non fg-like currency sites, or in game.

If you want the actual rare godlies in the game, you’re going to be using jsp in some capacity to make that happen because blizzard does not provide a reliable and user friendly way to do these kinds of transactions.

Way she goes bubs.

Edit: I should also mention the ability to maintain wealth across ladder vs nonladder, hc vs sc, and just taking a break from the game without refreshing characters every 90 days (in the old times). There was never any cross compatible store of wealth - no account bound d2 currency bank - so your only choice was to sell your items and bank your fg for next ladder season.


That’s a good point and also why JSP deserves credit where it’s due, because it allows D2 be played on higher levels when it comes to these items and dueling gear. If the site ever went down then it would end up dealing a blow to the community (in my opinion).

The dueling community uses it for a reason.

The problem is people think items are worth that much, when in reality its for a paper doll that smashes monsters, and more than on occasion other players. Personally I don’t think anything should be worth more than what can fit in the trade screen.

Some people have a huge issue with this. I have learned to live with it, although I wish it wasn’t this way, because jsp isn’t going anywhere.

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