Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

Devs personal loot or no ladder is truly reset only you can kill this web site

eeeh… idk about that

We would NOT have D2R right now if it wasn’t for JSP because all of them players that kept the game alive ALL USE JSP.

We been out here for years pushing diablo seasons and now that D2R is a thing you’re going to cry about JSP? F yall

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The good old days :joy:

Back to back to back 17, 20, and 9 day necros.

Yall need to be better.

Says the guy that only plays Single Player.

We all wonder why you post about things that cannot impact Single Player.

Just use the hero editor and be done with all your nonsense posts!

Wrong buddy. Your trolling failed.


bots didnt start on d2jsp they existed before that.

jsp circumvents what’s supposed to be a reset economy and gives an advantage to those who use it over the regular player. It is the very definition of cheating.

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t care about D2jsp one way or another.

Personally I find the idea of paying to get gear ridiculous, like I’m paying to not have to play the game, but at the same time if someone else wants to do that then why should I care? I’m sure it effects the economy but so does 100 other factors outside my control, just adapt.

If someone wants to pay money to get some OP geared character they’ll most likely get bored of playing within a few weeks then all the more power to them!

The true way was trading through the trade channels or games lol

D2JSP does not allow games to have their own in-game trading economies as all the value is decided based on a currency that is in no way part of the games. In-game items have no real value that is why I do not agree with D2JSP. In-game trading should be player A offering an item to Player B to hopefully get the item they are looking for not using a currency (such as Forum Gold) to pay for the item that they are looking for.


ah the age-old d2 javascript parser topic got revived.

my cynical side wants to believe blizzard screwed up the lobby and gamelist even further in d2r because they get a royalty on fg sales :stuck_out_tongue:

rmt is disgusting but i don’t care if you choose to use it, d2jsp has been around for 20 years. i personally just can’t be bothered to use their ancient website when i could create a room in the actual game to trade my item.

stackable runes and a working gamelist/lobby would go a long way for in-game trading, but alas these fall on deaf ears while they’re busy buffing the already overpowered arsenal of characters and rushing to release ladder to squeeze out a few more game sales between now and Diablo IV

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I have one thing to say and that is trading in D2R should not include some stupid website currency (Forum Gold) it should be players trading items/runes they don’t need for items/runes that they do need and both players are hopefully getting something they need not one person getting an item and the other getting the stupid website currency (Forum Gold) that has absolutely nothing at all to do with the game. I do not mind players using a site like d2jsp to set up item/rune for item/rune trades in the game having a currency like Forum Gold determining the value of items in a game is really ridiculous as it is just putting people that have a lot of this currency ahead of everyone else that wants to be able to trade their items/runes for items/runes in the game

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I hope that website gets taken down by blizzard. WTF is fg and how is that the authentic experience of the game, the thing has nothing to do with diablo 2. I don’t even know how you can make this thread with a straight face (shocker, you probably didn’t)

It wont be. They have ZERO legal action against JSP or any other third party trading site.

Its the best form of currency to trade items with at any given moment instead of waiting for another player to have the exact in game item, rune, gem, gear, you want.

Its been a part of diablo 2 longer than you have.

Jsp works because it allows you to trade 10000x of a crappy item and save up for a good item.

In game trading doesnt allow for this

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ur right it’s not like you can collect lower runes and turn then into higher ones that are in more demand to trade…if anyone mentions jsp in my game or values based on jsp i don’t trade with them as they use jsp as a means to lowball you on your items. tbh jsp means nothing to me. if I want items I make in game trades like was intended in the first place


the process of collecting and upgrading to higher runes is ridiculous

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I know that lol but at same time that’s the grind you will find hrs and good items in the process that you can supplement for runes to aid you. i already found 3 shakos a maras arach ohm jah Gul on ladder with a poison necro on players 1 in pits I havnt even killed baal or done chaos runs or baal runs. people don’t understand how to establish wealth they look at people who bot as the norm for how fast they want to be geared and that pushes people to jsp. the ladder hasn’t even been up a week. be patient people we still have a long time left in ladder