Forum Gold is the authentic Diablo 2 experience

JSP is a black market by definition. Goods acquired in the mainstream economy are taken out and sold to a closed group, whom will NEVER reinvest in the mainstream.

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This is the same as if it never dropped does not need to concern you.

Btw how is this insanity still going on LOL. One would hope you all will see that ur beating 15+yr dead horse by this topic. Let it be.

Clearly you don’t understand economics if you say this. A short or over abundance of goods drives the prices away from its true value. The most valuable items are sold on JSP and a legit player will suffer the consequences for the price he has to pay, or sell.

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Because the difference is, you can use JSP and never spend a dime. You can earn FG without spending money. Which means you aren’t cheating by your definition.

Yes the legit aka innefective players dont need a thing from D2jsp to beat game on hell and pvm only.
If you want to be anything else aka pvp or D2gm etc. be effective use what is needed or waste crapton of time or type on forum and achieve nothing, your choice.

Btw nothing is taken out of economics, item moves from player A to player B.
It is not like item is out of game roflmao.
It is the same as if that one guy beat you to trade . Such logical fallacies all over.

That’s what it really comes down to, most JSP users are just like you, snobs. Basically you’re taking pride in p2w for a 20yo game, which is as you said already easy.

Seems all very pathetic to me.

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But someone had to spend a dime to put this FG in circulation. The fact that you can purchase FG to begin with should be a clear warning sign that’s something shady is going on.

Of course, jsp is not the only website to offer RMT and of course closing down jsp would not solve the RMT or botting problem but wold you rather be part of the problem of the solution?

I personally chose teh latter and use Dicord and Traderie, if prices are too high I haggle a bit and I never had a problem.

Can you carry FG to a new ladder? Cheating.
You can absolutely never, ever have to do any MF runs or acquire MF to trade or find the best gear? Cheating.
And the FG you transit with is a product of Cheating.

And on that note, you’ve obviously rehearsed that many times, keep on cheating my friend I’m done here.


Wrong. Someone didnt have to spend a diem to put FG in circulation. You’ve glossed over multiple times how one was able to earn FG for free just by posting. Am I saying that EVERY piece of FG was earned that way? No.

But I also am not going to ignore that fact either. I havent spent money on JSP. Ive earned the FG I do have from trading, or providing services (like rushes). There are more people that do that, versus your insinuation people “cheating”.

Rehearsed that many times? You’re literally making assumptions and being intentionally inflammatory to fit your narrative only.

So you’re saying FG is coming out of nowhere? It just appear because you posted? Well that’s even worse that mean you have a currency that has no base value?

That said you still can “donate” for FG, it is how FG started and that’s RMT plain and simple.

Entire game is solved everything is pretty much known. There is fast path and there is slow path.
I choose effectivity and others like me do too.
You chose slow way, now accept the consequences.

Like in IRL the one who adapts thrives, not really hard concept to grasp is it ?

And the ladder reset argument, why should I care if some guy has full HDIN day 2/3.
Good let him he can buy stuff that I will mf and give me A3 wps etc.

Anyway I dont personally see the point in ladder now that runewords work in non ladder.
Only those that play it 24/7 have any chance of being in ladder atleast softcore. Where is the appeal ?

Also streamers get free loot aka can get full eq without ever mfing are they cheating aswell ?

I will give all of you a piece of advice. Create discord or w/e group of like minded people and play together trade only within that group and you will not be affected by anything and have your desired D2 ladder experience.

That’s not how FG started.

FG started by posting on the forums, which you earned for free. You’re mixing up your history there.

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Obviously there are many who do not use the site, but I can see how it fills a need for a lot of gamers.

I think an in-game (like D3) or developer supported trading house (like PoE’s trading site) would certainly fill a need and centralize trading in game. Anything to make it easier to for in game transfers of item to occur would be great.

If I’m needing a Jah rune for example - it would be great to just plug in what I want and see all the players currently online that are willing to trade theirs and their in game item price.

Instead… we’re given a forum not designed for trading and d2jsp (which i would argue is not a good interface for trading either lol).

D2JSP was never a “good” trading interface but it’s the best available, which says a lot about the alternatives. PoE’s model, even though it sucks a55, is 10,000x better than JSP (because of search granularity and accuracy), which itself is millions of times more efficient than the garbage that is Discord/Traderie, which are gajillions of times better than the dumpster fire that is ingame trade.

It’s basically a ranking of crappy trade systems with PoE at about 5/10 and D2 ingame trade at -5 trillion.

I wouldn’t say 0 sense. Firstly, most players have never even heard of d2jsp and don’t know about fg. Go into a public game and refer to fg test this.

Secondly, why should the d2jsp owners be profiting off of blizzards IP with this currency? What part of d2jsp is integral to the D2 experience? d2jsp being old is an answer that makes 0 sense to me.

People are still crying over d2jsp?

Ahhhhh, I forgot…free market has always been hated by a group of individuals.

Nevermind, carry on.

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I would be fine with FG accept you cannot earn it in the actual game therefore I will not use it as I would rather be able to trade 1 in game item for another in game item than trade my item for some FG that is in no way part of the game but almost no one on D2JSP trades item for item they only trade FG for item or item for FG

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Haha, well done OP, lol.

Honestly I think players discovered using d2jsp should be banned. It’s poisons the well for ladder, period.