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Well, I have made a ticket asking exactly this and the answer is there is and was no official comment ever and I have seen or heard exactly zero player banned because of d2jsp trading.

Some would deliberately interpret it as “currently ignored” but to me it is just simply allowed.

How can anyone close down private servers? It is almost impossible. It is not a crime to set up your own private servers. It will be a civil case, not a criminal case. Which means Blizzard will simply request they close them down voluntarily, else there may be a lawsuit. That is if they even know the owners. The owners will then simply host them in another country and that will be the end of that.

I’d say it is, Blizzard closed a very popular WoW server a while back.

Of course Diablo 2 is different since theres no subscription and monetization, at least not yet since some people keep asking for MTX to be implemented.

Fact is every single mod out there like Project Diablo 2 or Path of Diablo cold receive teh same fate if Blizzard was willing.

This is the mentality that killed the entire original playerbase and made it so the only people left “playing” were jsp users spending 90%+ of their time trading and bots farming items. What was was left with a userbase whose sole reason for existence was keeping all drops as rare as possible and keeping in game trade as crap as possible to preserve their precious FG they spent years of their life hoarding.


That’s just wrong.

-In Game Trading has always been poor. Well before JSP. People try to consistently undercut and offer you some supremely cheap item for a better item that you own.

-Keeping the drops as “rare” as possible? you do realize jsp has no impact on drop dates, right?

You’re grasping at straws here bud.

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Look at any thread here asking Blizz to improve in game trading and how it’s immediately lambasted by users who want to keep it trash. What other reason would they have for doing so?

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Are they the same people? Can you prove it?

No one is condeming Blizz improve it’s in game trading mechanism. What people ARE saying though is that the current method of creating lets say “Shako 4 Vex” game is just poor.

  1. A Vex and Shako are no where near the same value
  2. You’re sitting in a game until someone comes along and offers you what you want exactly, or dealing with a ton of lowballs.

Of course it is possible, they will just send their legal team or simply notice of you doing what you are not supposed to and tell you to close it or they will sue you. I knew a guy who experienced exactly that.

Yes, but as I said above, you then simply move it to another state/country where the state/US courts have no authority. And of course you maintain anonymity. Unless the server is running from your house, or unless they can prove a link with you. For example there exist private WoW servers, and I suppose tons of other servers and services around the world for stuff that would be illegal in some countries or for stuff that infringe on copyright laws. Pirated, but not impossible.

Can you use a discord? Great! Problem solved, you can easily trade without resorting to a black market, I sure have made a lot of deals on Discord and the amount of people using it is immense.

People go through great lenghts to convince themselves that “they’re not part of the cheaters” similar to a criminal talking about non-violent crimes making it okay.

Season in Diablo 2 are all about (fresh) economy … By having D2jsp around you kinda cancel
the whole reason behind seasons … D2jsp has to go, Close that s*** !


You’re still missing the primary point.

-People will try to undercut you in an item for item trade.

JSP provides a medium. You exchange Item for X FG. That X FG can get you X amount of items (depending on their value).

Still not seeing how this equates to trading, by using a medium to conduct trades.

That’s like blaming a gun owner for the manufacturing of a gun. Doesnt make much sense now does it.

If only this was Blizz of old. I can tell you I personally tracked a dozen bots that thrived in WoW classic ONTO TBC in a new area, thats 2 years, without ever being banned. You can literally do a /who and see them in the same area, for years. Nothing.

It’s not going to happen, and trust me I also wish they did.

Nobody is saying jsp doesn’t offer advantages? Why else would people use it. Whatever you use it for isn’t my business nor does anyone cares.

Jsp offers a direct cash to items service, and allows you to leap over the ladder while everybody else start at zero.

You are amongst that crew and directly support botters/farmers whether you like it or not. All the FG is tainted by years of botting and re-sold to pay-piggies gamers. The only person that believes it’s okay is yourself.


Yeah, you’re just making stuff up at this point. There are plenty of people that see zero issues with using JSP. There are plenty of people who have no issues with using FG in trades.

Using FG for Trades as a Medium Currency DOES not equal cheating. There are plenty of Pay Hard Cash for Item websites out there, but yet I see zero posts about shutting those down, so your “direct cash to items” criteria seems to be missing a significant amount of places.

Why is Discord enabled trades immune from botters, farmers, re-sellers etc? How do you know whether an item you are trading was bought off of “a black market” ?

I didn’t claim it was, the discord is the official D2R discord, if botters trade items to re-sell after the fault is on them, dumb reasoning, same could happen in game.

JSP was a strictly bot site are you joking

Dude learn something from JSP history please…

what do you mean by that? What black market?

You say it doesn’t equal cheating then literally proceed to detail why it is cheating. All p2w websites should be shut down, but there’s one difference with JSP:

JSP users somehow conditioned themselves into thinking its not cheating, please, have some pride and put on the cheating hat because you are part of that shady crew.