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The ONLY reason D2 stayed alive is because of D2jsp. Anyone who says otherwise needs to stop talking.

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ROFLMAO the delusion is strong in this one …

Mods and speedrunners are what kept this game alive all this time, not d2jsp.

jsp actually killed d2 little by little rather than something else. as they were the ones that brought most bots and dupes in the first place while also killing the aspect of “true reset” of ladder and some parts of HC aswell.
it’s a plague more than anything.

it only helped those that couldn’t be bothered to actually farm for themselves (farming in a farming game ? perish the thought ! ) as self loot or to find items of equal value to trade.
while also allowing credit card warriors.
i don’t consider fg users as D2 players.

and considering D2 had millions of players and JSP hadn’t that much users…no sorry it didn’t made it “live” even by that simple fact.


If there wasn’t JSP people would wallet warrior anyway. the site d2anya is literally still selling runes right now. JSP isn’t the only place that people leveraged money for d2 stuff. hell people would buy whole accounts off ebay even.

Post proof of this Troll!

You don’t know what you are talking about.

Any trading is allowed in D2 and D2R.

Nothing different about D2JSP.

Imagine all you did was trade gear and then there was some gear you wanted and all you had was a jah and zod rune for this nice gear.
But the seller said he already had 4 of each runes you offered and what he wants is 2 perfect 15%ed bases.

So you are out of luck.

Along comes jsp with option to buy with FG or forum gold.
So anyone with enough FG can buy.

but you can’t buy that gg gear because you don’t have what the seller wants.

This is the reason D2jsp is here and is legal.

Blizzard pushed even more people to JSP when they released d2r without trade channels.

There is virtually no effective way to trade in game in d2r.

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True to an extent, it made traderie and discord great places to trade too.

Sanctuary discord has approximately teh same amount of players trading then d2jsp at all times.

This argument makes absolutly no sense lol. Imagine JSP in this case. Result will be exactly same. Guy who want 15% ED base wont get it. He will get FG instead. Well not the same as with FG you have nothing real in hand,it is fake made up currency but you i think you understand that.

And you can get easily scammed over there also. And nobody will give you FG back as I have some frinds who lost FG there by being scammed. Every time when you do some trade and you wont get anything real in game back, you are risking a lot.

I dont understand how can be someone so delusional and blinded to reality. You will have to go and trade FG, me in game I can trade for runes.

I am doing trades over discord all the time and its much faster than JSP, I post my offer, several people answer and i pick the best and we make trade when i am online. And I will have want i wanted. Directly in game. JSP is relic of past, majority of people there just didnt realized yet that they dont need it anymore.

But botters and owner want to keep it going because its their bussiness so they are most likely using paid shills on this forum to propagate how good trading place it is. To keep their bussiness going of course.

Not true, go read the ToS, buying items for real money or using sites like JSP and trade for currency they use is against ToS. Just because blizzard dint punish people using it in past doesnt mean its legal.

Reason why is JSP here is the fact that it provided service in times where player base was very low and there wasnt really any good trading place. Thats no longer case tho so people are trading on many different places.

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It is allowed because there is nothing official against it according to CS.

Greetings (me),

There are no official comments from the developers regarding this question at this moment. We, in customer support, do not speculate on things that were not officially disclosed by the developers and/or company leaders.

Best regards, Ptorneyev. Blizzard Entertainment EU Customer Support Team

At this moment it is just your subjective feeling.

No-one is starting on an equal footing. People have organized teams. Streamers have fans who will funnel items and currency to them. You will never have an equal footing in a game like this. You’re absolutely delusional if you think it is ever “fair”. Using JSP is no worse than streamers getting funneled items from their fan-base that they established over years, which no new player can compete with.

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Ladder resets, can’t trade bc you jsp
20 chars

Its hilarious that they tell you that they will not give you info regarding that and you translate it as “it is allowed”. It obviously isnt, thats why they wont directly tell you that it is allowed. Message clearly shows that its grey area and they could ban people for it in future if they decide to. That is why they wont tell you dude.

They didn’t ban people for it, for years. They are not banning people for it. They don’t say it is bannable offence. Of course it means it is allowed as of right now, until they explicitly says otherwise.

If they decided to ban people in the futures equals they decided not to ban people now which means allowing you to do so now.

It is not illegal, it is not against TOS because technically it is not and officially there is nothing against it. You “feel” like it should be, I get it but it isn’t “now”.

And honestly, base on my own experience in the Asia region and blizzard open tolerance to all the RMT there, it will never explicitly say no to d2jsp ever. Google 8591 and see it for yourself.

They are not saying its not either so its better to stay out of it just in case.

It is against ToS, it was already explained many times how. Just because they dont pu ish it doesnt make it legal. Private D2 servers are illegal and they are not closing them down either.

You are confusing “allowed” with “currently ignored” .

Even if we completely ignore legal part, it is still site which started as bot central and Stands for massive botting problem. Also most rich people there made their fortune with botting and they transfered their botted fortune to d2r. Site basicly scam people for real money also in sneaky way. You dont have to buy FG for real money of course, but many people is because that how humans works and site and its owner abuses it.

As a matter of fact,

  1. No official comment, ever. According to CS
  2. Never actually ban anyone for d2jsp trading for years

It is just technically and practically allowed.

and if you are around people who have had personal dealings with the owner Paul, and his closer mods you would also be aware of how scummy they are.
The stories Senpai from PD2 have to tell about him are messed up. Site is run by some very unchill people who to this day are shady.


All I read are excuses to defend a system that renders any semblance of fresh start moot. What next? FG is ok because RMT and botting exists? How far will you move the goalpost?

I am not asking for you to change my mind here, not even trying to change yours, I am just stating a fact, that everyone in good faith can see clear as day: FG is making economy reset useless in D2, D2R and PoE.

How could anyone do this, let alone Blizzard? Maybe invoke violation of copyright / trademark laws, but they could simply host the servers in another country. There is no way to stop free expression, takes a lot of effort and agreements between countries.

Do what? Its their game and since you dont need original bought game for playing on private realms its clearly something they dont like to see.

Has anyone actually been banned or has Blizzard ever made an official statement? If no, then they’re passively allowing it.