Every Streamer Has Alpha

I’m pretty sure there’s a abundance of D2 Purists here on these forums, myself included as a 15 yr D2 player who are just waiting their time to play. Alpha closes in 2 days anyway so chances for most people who actually took the time to OPT-IN because they have “passion” for the Diablo series and want to make it “better” through feedback aren’t probably getting in but Timmy with 1 viewer who’s been playing D2 for maybe 5 min of their life gets to play the Alpha. Most of their “feedback” will come from raw in-game data and majority of “hardcore” D2 streamers out there. It’s upsetting to see people on the Twitch platform get “special privilege’s” because they stream “Blizzard” games and part of the “good ol’ boy club”. Not the fact they have ZERO experience with D2, no can’t be that. I was watching a particular “WoW” streamer play D2 Alpha and he had Z E R O knowledge about the game. Chat had to spoon feed him how to play D2, yet, this is the “feedback” Blizzard wants. Few other “WoW” streamers whom I’m not going to mention who also received “special privilege’s” that played the Alpha for a solid 30-45 min, then called it quits to play WoW again because they had NO IDEA HOW TO PLAY. And some people here wonder why some of us “Veterans” are upset we’re not actually involved despite the “lottery” to see who’s getting access or not.

Streamers get ‘special privileges’’ because they have a viewer base. It’s called ‘working hard’ and ‘job perks’.

People who get upset that streamers get advance keys are like the Karens I used to get at my job; they’d get upset if they saw an employee, in uniform, getting free food for their lunch break. Because THEY deserve free food, too!
They did the job, be it fast food or entertaining a viewer base, and get something for it.

why are you wasting time firing comebacks at people instead of playing?

Agreed. Hate it however much you like but giving access to streamers makes so much sense. Days of quality video content (because they know what they are doing) and the VODs don’t forget bugs before submitting them.

I watched Asmongold clip through cows and archers in the encampment while walking and not even noticing it. But it’s in the VOD for developers to see.

Second this. Means we help put it on the map the first time.

It’s been like that since there’s such a thing as streaming…


Announcement: Instant pre-order
A month goes by

Wed: OMG! D2R Alpha streams starting tomorrow I can’t wait!
Thur: OMG IT LOOKS SO GOOD YES tomorrow I get to play!!! can’t wait!
Fri: Hmmm yesterday was fun but where’s my invite? I’m sure they didn’t forget me. I made sure to refresh my email about 500 times and check the spam folder, I begged on Twitter and watched about 30 hours of streams. It’s right around the corner, just one more refresh…
Sat: Oh they $&@#ed me again. Well played, Blizzard. Next time I’m not pre-ordering.

Next Blizzard game announcement: repeat same loop.

I am sorry to hear you missed the information.

Blizzard does not usually use pre-orders to grant Alpha or Beta access. They were very very clear about that. It says on the Alpha sign up page that a pre-purchase does not grant access. That note is right by the sign up button.

They also have the info in the Support Article for Alpha.

At least now you know how Blizz handles access - and that a pre - purchase does not help.

20 letter Wooooooosh

This doesn’t bother…what does is there isn’t a consistent amount of pre-order folks getting access. I honestly don’t mind if all streamers get a key…I just would hope that a very high percentage of those who pre-ordered had also got access.

The most painful thing is that even though thousands of people who signed up for the Alpha didn’t get in, Blizzard goes on Twitter and encourages people to beg for access. :man_facepalming:

I just find it a bad marketing thing as a policy. If they want to use Alpha as advertising as they clearly are doing here they need to be very confident of the lack of bugs, especially in the Alpha phase. Beta is different, definitely go ahead and steam Beta and send out invites to the potential audience. Alpha…that’s the point of testing that is usually to specific to use as a marketing device.

I would have held the streaming till Beta and kept Alpha more to people who had already purchased/known testers…Hopefully this means they will blow through Alpha and be done by June.

Except the preorder explicitly says ‘Buying this does not give you access’.
So why would a ‘very high percentage’ of preorderers get access if preordering does not give you access?

Good business practice: In Alpha you will be exposed to potentially a lot of bugs and non-smooth game running. If I’m going to be exposing any part of a potential player base I would rather expose those who have already pony’ed up the money for the game. Generally those people will be more forgiving and understanding about an Alpha phase. Worst these people can do is ask for a refund.

By exposing people who have not already paid you can potentially alienate a player base. Also streaming it and having too many bugs can really hurt potential sales as all those streamers are critiquing it.

I am hoping this means this round was more like a Beta rather than typical Alpha.

I also believe it is quite unfortunate to see so many die hard fans being unable to play and so willing. I have a good friend of mine and he has everything Blizzard has ever released in Collector Edition and he could not even get in.

Sad stuff.

Yes but imagine if they DID do it by some sort of ‘fan’ metric.

People who STILL did not get in would be screaming that they are ‘true fans’ (You’re seeing that even now)
Those people would also complain that Blizzard was selling the beta access.
Or that they were hand-picking people, and so it was unfair to those not picked.

Unfortunately doubt they’ll ever open an avenue like that - heck, I even know a few of my viewers and even a few of my friends in the streamer/youtube space - have tried namedropping me in a few of the “competitions” for keys on twitter/instagram (mainly because they tagged me).

Am I salty I didn’t get one? Absolutely, I’d be suspect of anyone who wasn’t, at least a little bit, after investing years into the community. But nothing any of us can do about it - not me, not DJWaters, not any of the “smaller” creators in the space, nor our “quieter” audiences. Name of the event aside, this was a Marketing stunt, not an actual QA test, and has been even well before streaming (or even youtube) was a thing, yes, even the original D2 beta (which funnily enough I was lucky enough to get into). Highly doubt any amount of viewer interaction would change that unless it was at such a volume it couldn’t be ignored.

Me and my 2-10 viewers are totally salty I did not get into the Alpha!

(Not really. My viewers would probably give me a reality check if I felt that entitled!)

Yes, I understand.

I am a huge fan myself and I am absolutely alright with the fact I did not get it.

They did it the correct way but we are all so hyped up to play it. I understand the disappointement of the majority.