Every Streamer Has Alpha

Most of them never played the game before or don’t know what to test. Feels bad man.

Venruki just played a few mins and said “I’m just gunna go play WoW”. Good to know Diablo players aren’t in testing so WoW players can get a view stream hype views in the short term.

Yeah its pretty sad to see people who have no clue what they are doing have it while some hardcore fans will not get into alpha.

Yea, been on D2 since the beginning of time and know everything about the game. I have still played it actively to this day and have all of my stuff. RIP

There is still a second round of alpha testing after this one. Don’t get too discouraged yet. Just one step closer to the games release… :slight_smile:

I know, it’s one of my biggest pet peeves. True fans, who have been playing it since the start will likely not get an invite, but yet the streamers who don’t really care for d2 will get an invite instantly so that there can be more eyes on the product.

It’s a kick in the nards for the true fans for sure.

Omg MRlamaSC is basicly rushing it, cant watch it. Rhykker is much better, taking it slow and switching to old graphics to see details.


It is meant to build buzz and is more of a “nuts and bolts” on the graphic engine and servers test. The base engine is running so the issues of that engine are already well known by everyone.

Not too concerned about who is in or isn’t in because; again, this isn’t a new game where direction could change wildly in an alpha… the game in those terms is much closer to mid-Beta more than likely.

I will not be watching. I’d rather experience it while I’m at the conn.

I wonder if they are going to remove the option to use the original way to launch Diablo II with -w -skiptobnet etc… I play in the small window mode and always have. I think a full screen would annoy me.

It looks like battle.net play is the default mode.

There is a “settings” button in the main menu. The graphics options are likely there and will very likely include a windowed option.

Of course this is subject to change since the game hasn’t been released yet.

Edit: here’s more details about the graphics settings:

Its kinda fun watching new blood. it is annoying watching the movement patterns though yikes. the one streamer stacking dex on his barb was also funny. stat points = vit vit = stat points this is a lesson they will learn. Also life isn’t fair of course streamers got alpha lol

heck, they gave keys to some people who have actively said they didn’t like Diablo 2 in the past… yet skipped over active content creators who were focused on D2 - so I really do question their marketing department (I know at least 3 active creators in the community who were ignored in favor of some of this nonsense)

Yes, that is his gameplay style.

He is a very laid back streamer who is great for newer players and casual players to learn from and watch. Lots of good explanations and commentary.

They want a wide variety of streamer types to appeal to a very wide variety of viewers. As you noted yourself, some styles or play are not interesting for you - and that includes maybe hardcore expert rushing the game.

I actually laughed a bit watching some of the new folks who have never played. Very entertaining seeing what they make of it, and when they discover how certain things work.

As much as Blizz wants to appeal to everyone who has played for 20 years, they want to interest a new generation too. That is a big part of why such a huge variety of streamers were selected so that a very broad group of viewers can see it.

It would be pretty cool to have a nice large vibrant D2R community that includes new folks too.

I watched Bluddshed’s stream for two hours and enjoyed it for one reason:

He is a D2 noob, and doesn’t know much about the game.

So, I got to see all the menu’s and stuff that a full fledged D2 veteran would have sped through.

Bluddshed flipped back and forth from D2R video to regular D2 video.
D2 video was just perfectly like the original game.

I will be so happy to get into the Tech Alpha tomorrow.

My guess there is no HC option either. Hopefully it is there.

I don’t really have a problem with it. They need the game to be successful and want to try to attract new players. We will have our chance tomorrow. We don’t know that they took regular players’ spots.

lets give alpha testing to people how have no idea what to test or how to test and have never played the game before- blizzard 2021


The worst thing an engineer can do to test a new product is to give it to other engineers. They all see the same things.

You give it to idiots that don’t know which end is the pointy end, and then watch them do things with it you would not have thought of. It’s the only way to really test something.

Expert players are going to just run the most efficient routes and builds. They need to see a noob standing in fire and not figuring out where the exit is.

He speed ran a sorc through and is now playing through looking at all the things. Taking it nice and slow.

Damn I wish I had it, I would already have lvl 30 :smiley:

Yes and no, they said they want to know how close the game feels to the original. You don’t get that answer from people who have never played the original.
You get those people in on beta releases after you have gone through the more knowledgeable people for the tech alpha to iron the the wrong “feel” and to pick up on bugs that people who have never played it before wouldn’t even know was a bug.
After you have had feed back from those who know it inside and out, you ask those who have never played it to feed back.