End the Greifing and make PVP a mutual agreement

These are great recommendations…for D4. D2 is an established game with 20 years of history and the game mechanics like this have been established for 20 years. VV should not mess with established game mechanics like this. They are pushing the line in ‘fixing’ some 15 year old exploits that became mechanics because they were left in forever.

Needing full consent to kill someone breaks the PK mechanic entirely. I’m not sure how opinion is factoring into this and saying I have nothing to justify it. This entire thread proves my point, OP wants the ability to OPT out. Maybe we have different takes on what an opinion is. At the end of the day dueling is not the same as PKing. I think some people are confusing the two here.

Because it’s a core mechanic? I don’t know the size of player pool that will be PKing (nor do I care), so don’t attribute that argument to me. The fact of the matter is, this is a core mechanic and I don’t see it going away and I hope it doesn’t. The fact people would suggest removing this mechanic on a few days of beta play is beyond meritless, entitled, and shortsighted.

Yep and zero real information about pk in game , pk info is hidden and here you can see how crap visible it is

I see pk when they be very close me and in hardcore its game killer or all stop trust people and play solo and this is sense this changes ? lol d2 info be 1000% better this crap here

Suggesting/Asking for a feature is not being entitled, or shortsighted, it’s expressing an opinion, a point of view. If it is a core mechanic, then they won’t change it. If it isn’t and is just ONE aspect of the game, and they realize that some people do not want this, they might agree.

Just to be clear, asking this is a feature request. I do not see it as a simple change.

But the only people against it are the one that thrives on killing helpless people, because those that do not care about PKing will continue on those PvP servers. The only way it hurts anyone is by removing the possibility for someone to kill someone that does not want to be killed…
So basically, D2 has 2 type of contents, PvE and PvP. You want the right to play your type of contents, and you consider you are ‘entitled’ to have fun ruining other’s fun doing the other type of content… If someone is acting ‘entitled’ it’s you, because the only people that would opt-out, are the people PKers are ruining the fun for them.

Ruining other’s fun, if this is the core mechanic you are referring too, then just play with people that agree to have their fun ruined.

LMAO that video is epic :smiley: how he made it to WP hahaha.

How can it be a “core mechanic” (whatever the heck that means) if all the right-thinking people in this forum tell me only a small number of players indulge?

BTW, dueling is one-side of the coin. The good side where consenting players enjoy the game in a manner they like.

PK is the toxic other side of the coin. Where antisocial losers have nothing better to do with the precious little time we’re given on this rock than to p***-off players who are trying to enjoy the game in a manner they like.

mmh I do not agree, PK is not all bad. People like open WorldPvP. It cannot be compared with dueling. If you suggest making the only PvP mode duels, than Hell no.

If you don’t understand how playing a 20 year old game for a few days and suggesting changes to the core functionality is shortsighted at the bare minimum then I can’t do anything to convince you. It only takes a few people to ruin what is already working, and that is what these entitled and uninformed players are attempting to do. I’m done here.

I’m not the one telling you that it’s a small portion, so I can’t explain their thinking.

I can explain my thinking as to why it’s a core mechanic. When you enter a public game, you are threatened, period. This means you don’t know who to trust (allowing them to loot your corpse in HC if you die), and ultimately if you will come out alive (all for that sweet extra experience). This heightened sense is from the potential impact players can have on each other. That is about as core as it gets in my opinion.

You aren’t alone! Don’t stop speaking your mind, that’s what they want. Their voice the loudest.

How does a person conflate “player consent” into “sexual consent???”

And you call me insane and toxic? Look in the mirror…

I will let you ask the person who made the comment. You might be able to if you read a bit more.

Agree, the real life comparisons are stupid and childish.

I get what you want to keep in the game, the thrill and the sweat and the REWARDS. What I don’t get though is the hostility towards those who do not want that thrill. I’ve been playing D2 for years, and never liked the PKing, but lived with it. Offer me to do without? Sure I’ll take it, how is that affecting your experience? You would not PK me anyway as I would tp? You would just wait for me to leave or we’d do a starring contest?

There is a 20 year old solution to not getting PK’d in public games. Make friends, join a guild, play in PW’d games. I did that for many years, if I wanted the security of no PK’ing I played the guild game. If I was ok taking the risk, I played in public games.

Honestly, people don’t even want to take the time to figure out how to avoid it, yet they want things changed when they haven’t even tried the things to that exist to avoid it. To remove something without even having a basic understanding of what you can do to avoid it, is in my opinion shortsighted. You yourself in this thread literally point out all people have to do.

Imagine when chat is working and private games can be coordinated and made easier? How much of the issue is that going to solve, I’d like to think a lot of it. People don’t want to work through the learning curve and it’s pretty sickening when they jump to making drastic suggestions. Maybe this thread is the learning process for the OP.

If You Get Pked Its Yer Fault
No One Forced You To Stay In Play
You Could Have Gone To Town At Anytime

If you want to head to Afghanistan and dress suggestively no one is going to be shocked when you get arrested/beaten or…

Its not the same as going to a beach in France and going topless. Know your environment. D2 is not that game where you get all the easy stuff. It’s a different game than that. You can make PW’d games.

lmfao that guy is awesome :slight_smile:

Btw people who don’t like the current rules about pvp. You can store your gold in the shared stash so you don’t drop it when you die and if your scared you can just tp to town or esc save and exit. It’s really easy not to get pk’d even if you do hang it out a bit and see that red cross appear on the mini map.

Wasn’t the beta only softcore as well? If you guys are worried now wait until its hardcore lol. You get a fear rush when your running for your life in hc. Sad thing is most people just tp to town when they get hostile so its can be pretty hard to actually kill people. (unless they are robots)

Bud you are asking to take the spirit of the game out entirely.

Why are you afraid to play the game the way it always was?