End the Greifing and make PVP a mutual agreement

We haven’t even been in the Beta for more than what 4 days total? and the PVP Greifing is out of control. People join the games with a PVP build and come in and kill the entire party who is trying to PVE. You need to allow people to decline hostility. Not everyone wants to PVP. If people want to PVP then they can do so but you need to make this optional it was a plague in the original and it is continuing in this resurrection.


I think there are a few things from “the good old days” that many have forgotten about how some of the things that go on in public multiplayer lead to quite negative experiences.

Yep, get rid of it, it’s outdated.

Need handshake PvP.

I think even those who are hostile don’t want pvp, they are doing this because they are just cowards and it is “mechanic” that needs to stay in game cause idk it is resurrected not a remake? I bet these people won’t do real fair pvp. Just like a bunch of loots stealers against the private loot.

As for myself I would be glad if they removed multiplayer button, because I am not going to press it even once until these many issues are not addressed, and all those outdated mechanics are not removed or placed to a special type of multiplayer game.

Welcome to D2R. Love it or leave it :smiley:


Remove open world PvP from D2? Absolutely not!

But don’t worry, there is something you can do to avoid getting ganked. You can make a private game.

I rarely had issues with ganking in D2. Sometimes a player would join and hostile us when trying to do public baal runs; but if we didn’t want to deal with them, it wasn’t a big deal to just leave and quickly make a new game to resume the grind.

Please respect that PvP is a big part of D2, but you’re still free to enjoy the game however you like, thank you.

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D2 invented what’s known as ‘souls-like’ mechanics. Going hostile (invading) and losing your corpse (dropping your souls). It’s interesting how the Souls franchise was able to ‘claim’ this, even though we had it here first.

If you can’t handle the heat go back to Animal Crossing, or play in private/offline games.

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Here it comes, now just waiting for “Increase drop rates pls”

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No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Im totally against this. Players should Suffer. It Motivates to beat the pkers next time. Games nowadays always give positive Feedback, even though you do bad. Not here.

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Gives the game tension.

or it causes players to teleport back to town for safety’s sake or quit the game…

Getting ganked is part of the fun, and if you piss someone off he is going to mess you up, so either kill him or leave the game, what good reason is there to remove this feature?

plus this is the beta, there isn’t much else for these people to do once they reached “end game” beta, it’s not AS common in the base game, and when it happens you remember it and it’s part of the experience

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Yes, tension.

Create a new game if you can’t handle it, private game.

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gamers nowadays are so sissy, so spoiled by these shtty games :joy:

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I dislike griefers, they are just doing in game what they would never have the courage to do in real life, BUT, that being said, this is D2, it’s a gritty game, so I accept it as part of the game.

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I was waiting for this topic to come up again.


The only way I’ll accept this is if there a PVP queue for 1v1 and 2v2

Just tp to town and wait if you don’t wanna fight :slight_smile:

Easy to avoid pvp if you don’t want it. I did see a guy appear with his sorc and murder all the nubs :slight_smile: he didn’t get me though until I taunted him at the wp a bit too much lol

Getting scared is part of the fun, particularly in hardcore.

If you’re complaining about hostile in softcore, you’re pathetic: plain and simple.

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