End the Greifing and make PVP a mutual agreement

Go make a private game if you don’t want to pvp or be hostiled.

It’s a fun meta, it shouldn’t be removed.

We couldn’t disagree more. They have the schematic to roll out ladder seasons over and over again, with less players there is less to maintain against what is existing. If you think upkeep on existing infrastructure is costly then yeah, you don’t know IT infrastructure very well. There is a myriad of Blizzard games that prove this concept outside of my experience professionally.

I’d also point out that you don’t even know what you are complaining about, while there will be PKs at high levels as well, really you are only going to get griefed for a few days tops. Once you get into nightmare and further into exp farming, you will find a group to progress privately with. I do hope you consider the shortsightedness of what you’re suggesting.

Obviously I don’t want a dead game, but I certainly don’t want this game to be gutted in the process of trying to retain players like you. At no point should you ever be protected unless you can protect yourself in this game. The options I suggested earlier is what you have to work with.

Edit: Adding most of us true sweats play Hardcore, so softies will be able to dodge a lot of the best players anyways.

If I want to play with random players PvE, there is no option unless I have to accept that jerks are going to come in and nuke my toon.

I couldn’t disagree more with you.

There are people that also thoroughly enjoy this type of gameplay. I’ve never played it myself, but Escape from Tarkov is a good example. There are others, DayZ, The Division… probably even more. Now I know those are shooters, but the premise is there. You’d be taking that whole aspect out of the game.

You have no idea how good this game is then. You wouldn’t know bubbles, but bubbles would join games to wait for PKs and clap them as soon as they hit way points. So, YES, anti-pks are a real thing, and yes, people specifically thrive off of that. There is a huge advantage to getting the first attack in. Again, someone who doesn’t know the game because they played it for a few days without enough time to understand the concepts or how all the mechanics actually play out is making suggestions on changing core concepts of the game. Maybe people don’t do this as much in softcore, but I can tell you it was absolutely the case in hardcore. An ear’s and ear.

Making hostility consensual guts the game? One little click of a button?

My, if this thought gives you the vapors, I’m pretty sure you’ll never use the larger/shared stash tabs! Talk about gutting the game!!!

Ya I really hate seeing Pkers joining random Tomb Run just to kill our teammates to steal gold. It really pisses me off! Blizzard should give us an option to decline hostility. If people wants to PvP, Blizzard should just make it optional to leave players alone.

Do you really not understand how gating my ability to kill you behind your permission is game breaking? Read what I said a few times.

The ratio of newbs to hardcore gamers at launch is going to be far more then its ever been at game launch. Even if I believed there was a massive police force of players out there essentially there to protect newbs, there simply wouldn’t be enough hardcore players at launch to make something like that even feasible.

At the very least its going to be a math problem at launch; that’s reality.

Well most hardcore players use a hack that auto logs them out when they die… So like all HC players he would have auto logged out cuase you know HARDCORE.

This sounds like the rant of a sociopath.

I’ve read it. I just don’t buy what you’re selling. I think this design is a bully’s dream, and serves to please a small, anti-social segment of the community.

At the same time, it irritates, then alienates players - suppressing player counts. Those player counts are crucial to maintaining Blizz’ support for patching this game. Incentivize them to find a different game at your own risk…

Completely agree; adding game mechanics to protect newbs against sociopaths like hum4n make sense. If he doesn’t like the change, he can go back to OG Diablo 2.

So I don’t use macros and I have not played this game in many years other than beta. I can tell you that if you are referencing breaking someones chicken, it happens all the time, and will continue to happen with deadly strike and crushing blow. So yeah, what you are referencing is a thing, but has almost zero impact unless you do no damage, which isn’t the case if you are pvp/ anti-pk tuned. On paper what you guys are saying sounds good, but it’s just not a reality as much as you are making it out to be.

Yah it happens. It’s a necessary evil.

I could do without it because I don’t hostile people, but it never caused significant problems in Classic.

IT’S A VIDEO GAME. You said it wasn’t game breaking and I was reminding you that it is. That’s not even close to ranting by the way.

Honestly there is about a 1% chance they even look at changing it in my opinion. I was killed multiple times in HC, it’s how I learned, unfortunately it doesn’t sound like you are interested in the pain involved, but there is always softcore for that. So really the stakes are your gold that you don’t keep in your shared stash and game you are in breaking up. You realize that’s what you are arguing for protecting at this point? If you are a hardcore player, then you know the stakes, and it can get ugly which is the beauty of this game.

This is the funniest part, it’s so simple to just make a tp and go to town and make the PK look foolish. Fortunately very few take this road lol.

Just quoting this because it’s the real issue going on here. Being able to hostile
anyone regardless of if they want to is a core concept of this game. It is part of what makes the world dangerous that you don’t just fear the monsters but also the other players. Asking for consent in getting hostiled goes against 20 years of this game and changes the game completely.

If you aren’t playing HC and no one was this weekend, you really don’t have anything to complain about. Someone kills you and you get everything back…oh poor you. D2 is a hard game with a harsh world. This is one aspect of the game that needs to stay. I say this as a HC player that has been PK’d many times losing a lot of time and items each time I got PK’d.

Trigger is gone, TPPK is gone…the world is far safer than it was when I played regularly. Once you get to know what is happening getting PK’d is on you.

Random is exactly that - random. One of them may pk you, one may keep grabbing all the loot, another can give you a piece of gear you need, or rush you through game.

Lol wait for official launch, then you will see how many sorceresses there is. Teleport is teleport so…

That’s simply an opinion with nothing to justify it. Personally, I think the shared stash and larger stash tabs are much more game-impacting than a simple “accept challenge” button on the Players UI. Especially for hardcore.

For those whose tastes drift towards PK’ing. Odd, though, defenders of the status quo tell me it’s only a small number of players who do this. If it’s such a small number, then why would Blizz want a keep a feature that pleases a small group of the worst type of players, but also irritates and alienates the vast majority of players???

Sorry to jump in:
-PvE and PvP can coexist, and target different players. WoW has had PvE and PvP server, one where you need to ‘activate’ PvP, the other is open world PvP.
-Allowing for PvE game will have only 2 effects:
– People who do not want to be PKed and enjoy PvE content will be able to
– People who want to kill other players NOT interested in PvP won’t be able to anymore. So really, what people against allowing for PvE games are is they want to kill others that do not want to be killed.
-Saying ‘create a password’ is actually telling them to find other people that mutually agree to not kill each other. So basically, prevent PvE oriented gamers an easy way to play together.

Now, I will be playing with friends, or solo. Because that’s how I enjoy the game.

Just stop saying that allowing it wouldn’t change the game. It would.
And stop saying it would break the game, it wouldn’t. It would divide players in two, and remove some of the fun to PvP while adding to the fun of PvE, but if what you guys say is true, and that most players want this free open world pvp, then it would not matter at all, as most people would not check that ‘no hostile’ box.