End-game is EZ trash

Then pvp, play hc, do single player. You say the game is for you, yet you don’t want to do the things that truly make it challenging.

That you think make it challenging*

Purposely gimping myself because of poor game design is not ‘challenging’.

Lets say I’m really good at a card game and I’m bored because I thrash all the challenges, your response would be “get rid of all your good cards”.

Thats retarded.

Or how about in highschool there was a guy who was like 6’7 and dunking was super easy and rebounding. He should have shaved off a few inches so it wasn’t so easy to get all the rebounds.

Thats retarded. What you suggest is stupid. You are stupid.

haha, you are an interesting personality.

Your analogies are terrible. You have not thrashed all the challenges. And the 6’7" guy should go up against other guys his height and see if he is really all that good. PVE in this game is easy once you are geared out and even before that. But if you want a challenge, they exist, you just don’t want to participate.

My analogies are fine, your suggestions are terrible.

Telling someone to purposely play poorly and gimp themselves to make the game challenging is mental gymnastics the most fervent narcissist would be jealous of.

How about I play the best I can and the game not be an easy snooze fest? Thats a pretty simple idea, might take a bit to wrap your head around, but you’ll get it!

when one results to insults you know they have lost the argument. good luck with your next game brother <3


Ive not read the other 160+ replies so pardon me if i just respeat what others hace said…

Yes the Game needs more content… but While we wait You should play offline SSF. It is a different Game . Trading made your gear that quick (3months) , as SSF it would take You significatly longer to gear up (or be extremely lucky)

Also … play a barb or other melee .

Tdlr. Play offline

Lost the argument.

Yes because there was a real argument about whether I should purposely gimp myself to make the game ‘more challenging’ as you say.

There’s no argument. The game needs end-game content, not handicaps.


Thank you for the suggestion! I am going to copy my characters into offline and try them against P8 mobs, see how they all fair and if its any harder.

Have 2/3 of each class, one WW barb one zerker barb, also have a zeal sorc, zeal pally, smiter pally, feral druid, spear-a-zon, and javazon, phoenix strike sin, etc… Lots of melee classes.

A double grief or grief + BOTD dying Barb wrecks, doesn’t matter whether its melee or not.

The game needs end-game content as you said, lets just hope it comes and it doesn’t take forever.

As a player gets stronger, there should be a way to make the demons stronger too.

and you sit there and play diablo2? lol mmm hmm.if it was a good career you would be off vacationing not playing a video game.

Yes, paved the way, so what?
Remember, this year is 2022. Hardly anybody cares about something that paved the ways in the 2000s.
Same for car argument you use, classic cars are not the top choice in mind when thinking about features. Classic cars paved the way, so what?

Just go around interviewing gamers about pvp, and see how many people mention d2? That’s the point. Being ancestor of something is a useless argument.

And d2 is not even the ancestor of moba. Dota 1 and icefrog is. Even in terms of pvp, d2 has nothing to do with paving the way. Pvp traditionally has always been about fighting games and online shooting games like street fighters and counter strike. Basically, the only thing pvp related to d2 is mmorpg pvp mode, which is not even that popular. The most popular pvp titles in these past 10 years are: shooting, moba, battle royale. All 3 of them has nothing to do with d2 whatsoever.

Your world view is small. Not everybody is extroverted people that needs yearly vacation. Introverts just want to be at home, left alone to enjoy their solitude. What kind of racism am I seeing?

Not sure if you’re trying to be funny or sarcastic. HC SSF p8 chars clear normal den of evil quest within the 1st 5min. No extensive preparation needed. Same for den of evil nightmare. Probably only true for hell.

He wants challenge given by the game, not self-inflicted restrictions that pretend to be a challenge. In real life, there are always more difficult challenging me or you if we want more difficult stuffs. Nobody should advise another person to self-inflict restrictions. Bad advice.

Or just for the sake of challenge, challenge rift from d3 is quite a good idea which can be implemented on ladder. Sub 2min CS runs? Sub 2min cow level clear. Leaderboard ranking awaiting you.


No, you didnt put in the time.
You read something on the internet, if you wanna be technical about it.

Yes, most information is on arreat summit ill give you that, but a lot of it isnt and because its 20yrs old, is now common knowledge (alot of reverse engineering over the years). Dont get confused with “taking the time” to “taking someone elses knowledge”.

Its like being a plumber. Sure, you can read a book or buy the actual code book, but unless youve actually done it yourself, your not going to be to code in 3 months and you certainly didnt learn the knowledge yourself. Or university… sure, you can be book smart… but reading a book doesnt make you a decent welder… get what im saying?

Its a game though, enjoy it however you see fit, you bought it after all.

Download a mod, ProjectD2 if your that badly looking to continue the experience above and beyond what is currently available. Or “boss mod” etc…

Im assuming your on PC, so use it. I preordered this on both PC and Nintendo Switch. Havent even played it on my PC yet. I remember back in like 2009 when i hacked my psp 1000 and used a VNC-esc connection to remote D2 so it was portable, the switch does that just fine.

Its plausible to have gotten that in 3 months online, yes… but i personally dont care if you did it yourself, traded or bought it online…

Again, weve given you plenty of information.
Hell, mod it yourself if your so much better than the advice were giving you. Again, 20 years old. Anything and everything anyone is going to ask from gameplay to QoL has already been asked…

And personally, playtime means nothing, real gamers know the difference. This is an ARPG, not an MMO or mechanically like D3 (rifts etc…) there is a solid END POINT to the game. Im not disregarding another expansion, etc… but i have also given more than plenty of ways (likewise others) to do what your looking for.

And for the sake of proving a point… lets go back to dark souls. Playing thru the game, knowing it inside and outz once again… you can do it at level 1. Its called challenging yourself. The fact that you say people are stupid for “gimping” themselves by giving you, litterly GIVING you the answer, not you doing the work YOURSELF, by trying to expand your mind from the cookie cutter builds is atrocious on your part. Why not enjoy it if thats what your trying to defend. Someome mentioned eth fools mod on a CB or Zerker… its in there for a reason too.

You knew it was a 20 year old game with a new paint job when you were buying it, not sure what you’re crying about expecting this to be D4. Are you trying to argue that an old game old because it’s feature are outdated and that’s why it’s sucks, what did you expect when you bought this game? It’s like dropping a rock in your own foot and complaining it hurts.

Because the game D2 is finished, but the game D2R is still in development and ready for upcoming changes. Much obvious? Dev can add a greater rift to D2R if they want and you can do nothing about it.


umm none cause you apparently have an IQ of 40.Very odd assumption on your part lol.It doesnt even make any sense lol.How is saying someone with a good career takes vacations and not plays video games even slightly considered racist in any sense of the word?


Don’t need to boast your own IQ value and think everyone has the same IQ as yours. Thanks.

Not everyone likes to go on vacation. No need to thank me for teaching you that. You are not the world. Your obsession with taking a vacation doesn’t mean everyone else is the same.

you are full of assumptions aren’t you? No wondering everyone is commenting against you here :rofl:

Same for you. Full of assumptions that everybody likes taking a vacation. Why can’t they enjoy gaming or movie session day after day like OP? Bet you are too full of yourself to be aware that introvert people exists. Calling you a racist is not wrong. You are racist to a part of the world that is introvert.

And I don’t care about the majority getting at me. The truth always lies within the minority anyway, while the majority are sheep. Pick your camp wisely. My life doesn’t depend on others’ opinion. Such kind of people caring about how others think about yourself is pathetic.

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Umm, yeah okay.Im just going to leave this with this last comment cause you apparently have some kind of mental issue,borderline disillusional,which in this case you seem to think you know what everyone here is thinking and letting yourself believe its actually true.Have fun.

They never promised greater rifts. The only thing they promised was to deliver a game that was true to the original, that’s what most people expected when they bought the game, anything else is extra. What you’re doing is wishful thinking a projection of your wants and has nothing to do with what they actually said. I’m not against greater rifts if they added it but they never said anything about it and here you are counting your chickens before they hatch.

The point of my original post was D2 is a dated game, it’s was good for it’s time but there are many games now that have gone beyond it. If you find the game outdated why don’t you go play the 1000s of modern games out there instead of complaining here about why they should remake d2 into a modern game. If they do update d2 then great, if not just move on to another game like a normal person.

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Agree. Great if they improve. Also OK if they don’t. 1 year left until D4.