Druids still need some love

The mail man is the biggest drug dealer and does not even know it.

Some idea:
Hurricane area should be wider, maybe like Paladin aura.
And spirit, worm should get the synergy from the others, not just single effect. Like oak sage can increase ATK and get thorn effect. Worn can regenerate both mana and HP.
Shape shifter also can get synergy from the other form: bear for DF, HP: woft for ATK speed, run/walk speed


Volcano bigger radius based on synergies

Armageddon bigger

Arcticblast wider

Shockwave circular

Grizly using small shockwave on attack

Spirit of barbs reflects 5% the attacked unit’s life

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As a regular Druid player I have to agree. Just walked a Fire Druid from act 1 to act 5 Hell and it took 3 days of about 5-6 hours playtime a day to do it. I didnt have crazy items but decent stuff. Its just SO SLOW to walk a druid through all acts.

If teleport is going to be in the game it needs to be allowed for Druids in Were forms as well, as all the other classes can use it.


I think it’d be cool if Maul could cleave additional enemies in a small arc near the main target. I posted a topic in the PTR Feedback section here that expands on this idea (and maybe Fireclaw too):


it really should. most all melee should splash cleave.

i mean some abilities should stay single target with higher damage, and some splash aoe with a bit lower damage.

maybe add a runeword or item that adds splash damage at 50%.

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My idea is to release a wide arc shockwave with each swing with maul.
And for FC use fastest attack speed of new vs old calculations.
With this you get both the slow and powerful WB but also the fantasy of the fast swinging FC WB which LoD created in the first place. The nerf to that build was not cool.
Written more on the druid (mainly WB in other topics).

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I dunno, the fusion fire druid is pretty awesome, it even took out DClone super fast when I was playing it. If shapeshifting is not working out for you, why not try elemental?

It annoys me that the spirits instantly die.


My list again:


Single target is fine if it deals a huge amount of damage

Splash mechanic should be limited to skills where it makes sense

And it’s obtainability should be optional and with a drawback


It a mechanic create for melee but that disadvantage melee lol

But giving Knockback a Splash effet makes it desirable yet optional

And it’s also super logic since monsters you push around collide into others

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a big bear melee swipe is certainly likely to cleave several real life zombies in one swipe. same with an 8ft tall werewolf.

too many impotent single target abilities that still do far less single target damage than many aoe abilities.

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I agree there are too many

But splash is a lazy and suboptimal solution

For example:

Conversion can remain a single target but generate Reanimated fanatics on kill, creating a coverage effect

Vengeance can remain single target but hitting with it triggers additional holy aura pulses

Power strike can remain single target but hitting with it can generate a lightning beam Between you and your Valkery

Bash can remain single target but Knockback can damage monsters on its path

More aoe for spells hurray
Meanwhile melee builds :skull_and_crossbones:

Please stop. Damage buffs okay but stop increasing skill effect noise on screen and don’t turn it into PoE. Fire druid already bombards almost entire screen.

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Agree! Armegeddon should only hit areas where there is at least 1 enemy instead of raining down from the sky.

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That would be excellent if they used the current Shockwave damage. I love this idea.

The game doesn’t functionally work this way. Anything that has aoe will function as a spell and be based on skill level and fcr much like shockwave.

At best they could widen the arc of shockwave or add more waves to it.

What you could do is make a weapon that has % chance of shockwave on hit.

Shockwave is a spell? I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to “100%” release a Shockwave of current skill level at widest cone towards the target enemy when WB uses Maul. You have all the possibilites of casting other spells on hit (though this would be on attack I guess?), so I don’t see how this wouldn’t work.
Surely you can have the skill proc another skill / both at the same time without the need for an item. Worst case scenario - they added AoE damage to leap attack, so it can’t be much of a stretch to add AoE of SW and use the current SW skill for damage. Shame with odd animation until you get lvl 1 SW in that case though, etc.

Perfectly fine with shifters teleporting.

2 handed weapons and weapons beyond grief should be viable. Though isn’t eth ribcrackers still the BiS weapon on druid? Regardless the melee classes should not be funneled into grief.

Druids don’t need more res. If you need more of a shield you have zoo + elemental dmg. I’m not really against it, but druids can get to max res if they opt for extra 2H dmg, then they accept that slot won’t be used for resistance items.

Druids abilities of all types need to just function better, same with sin, same with necro. If a build is trash in PvP, it certainly shouldn’t be trash in PvM. Sure maybe a windy isn’t the best PvM, but a fire druid should certainly be better than what it is. Melee druids aren’t something I’ve messed with, but they should fuction better regardless.

Stop focusing only on hdin’s in your comparison it is a weak leftover argument from the PTR where they put in TZ. There are plenty of classes that dominate druids and all druid builds should be viable in some aspect of the game. Sure hdins do a lot, java + light sorc were always better than hdin though.