There are more possibilities who the shapshot works
ed dmg
flat dmg
You said, the ed dmg is not shapshoted… right? But maybe the flat dmg of 945-1039 raise? If not the hole grizzly dmg is not shapshoted and we don´t have 2 presummon anymare (worthless).
That is not flat dmg.its already increased dmg after mastery is applied. Raw/flat grizzly damage at level 20 is 300-330. If i understand what do you mean by flat dmg.
He has that as monster if you summon him at level 20 and it doesnt matter if its with your active setup or precasted setup. He should absolutly keep it even if you lose +skills and he was sumoned on higher level.
The other effect of grizzly skill is + enhanced damage mastery for wolves and grizzly and its based on your actual skill level. Precasting is useless to that as when you equip your normal gear you are back to previous bonus.
Lvl 99 grizzy without his mastery wil do ±2600 dmg. With his mastery on same level it will be ±28500.
Thas exactly what i meant… i don´t have the right numbers (300-330 where do you get the this ?).
The grizzly gets the flat dmg for your +skills he is summoned and keep it. Thats why your grizzly do more dmg then a level 1 grizzly.
He loose the the ed or mastery… and only that is huge (factor 10x?).
Conclusion for “me”: i don´t precast with skillers or a +5 pelt + hoto (insteed of beast) anymore … because the damage increase is too small for the effort).
Calculated this myself based on internal d2 files, its taken from skills.txt. There are also other informations like defense, resistances also attack ratting i think for all summoned monsters.
Base grizzly damage is 30-60, then there are in same line these numbers fir min and max damage : 10, 15, 20, 26, 30. These numbers represent additional dmg on every level after level 1. Grizzly at lvl 2 will have 30+10 - 70+10 damage, level 3 will have 40+10 - 80+10 damage…this changes at milestone which is lvl 9 where additional damage jumps to +15 every level. +20 at lvl 17, +26 at level 25, +30 at lvl 33 and then is additional dmg always +30 very higher level.
That is grizzly’s own dmg based on his level. Then +ED is aplied based on active skill level, for lvl 1 its 25%ed +10%ed every level.
Yeah ±
If you didnt max grizzly it might not be usefull for dmg, but keep in mind that higher casted level will increase also his life, ar, def and resistances.
As they are the devs they can do anything, and patch 2.4 showed they are not against significant changes - like throwing barbarian for example, or speaking of - summoner druid being able to call all animals. For druid however it’ll be a bit harder as the core design of the class(spells with borked pathway like tornado, no ways to really support your summons, extremely easy to kill support units like spirit or creepers), but not impossible.
And about bricking older character - they just can add free Token of Absolution for each druid character which have allocated skills being subject to change.
Sure, but my spirit wolfs dies a lot… dire wolfs sometimes and i love to resummon my grizzly in the front of the mobs (save + more/faster dps ).
Maybe for dclonce and uber… but they are 2 easy in d2r in comparison to pod.
I think that too. Its still no mod and we have non ladder.
They can improve many things for summon druids:
-CB, OW, many -res debuff for summons
-summon shapshot bug? solved
-aim targets with summons (like ravens do)
-splash dmg for the grizzly
-spirits are not more dead then alive
-creepers are usefull (and not more dead then alive)
-teleport in wolf/bear form
and so on
Why? Maybe @hardcore… its only more survivability and fair for all because teleport is the only S+ tier spell in the game.
You have still a slower skillspeed (compare to caster)
But that’s the most discussed topic here … not here again. Its your opinion and I accept it
Without cta? I don´t think that they use both because every sorc wants to be fast and don´t switch gear in the cube
Remove that on the beast weap and we are fine ? (… i know it kills the bear sorc )
Thank you for the correction. I understand now. So HoW is indeed just additive to grizzly’s synergy ED. I presume oak sage is the same to dire wolf’s life synergy. This is very interesting.
Do you know if this precast feature is the same for skeletons, Valkyrie and shadows?
I guess i can test it too maybe somehow but it will be hard with valkyria to know if her +%ed bonus work just as bear dmg mastery. Becsuse she also gain dmg from random equip and dex per level. And you cant see weapon she uses.
Skeleton might be ptoblematic too but i will see what i do.