Drop rates suck

going to chime in here. AT 400+ MF, i found NOTHING, But lowered to 350? I have started finding all sorts of items. And less sigons and isenharts.

Not sure if was war of attrition or if somehing with MF is wonkey.

I had 400+ mf for about a week, got nothing of real value, maybe a string of ears and a dwarf star.

Dropped to 350, I found skullders, 3 duriel shell armors, Guilluams Face, 3 string of ears, 3 chance gloves, 2 gold wraps, occy and a few other descent NM uniques. in the last 3 days.

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Serious question OP…what will you do when you have everything you want and there is nothing left to loot?

There is always better versions of BIS items to farm. The grind for perfect items never ends

Yikes, but okay. That seems kinda sad to be honest. How boring.

Appreciate the honest response though.

I mean there really is no endgame to D2 other than farming for better rolled BIS items. At some point you can basically 1 shot everything in the game so your clear speed isn’t going to increase. It’s basically just a cheap timesink.

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I am still missing the guards for my last piece for my alt set. Any chance I could get one of the 54 from you?

I have joined so many ‘Free stuff’ games and dumped excess gear almost exclusively sigons some aldur’s, some trangs, I’ll keep your name in the memory bank

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Thanks man, I already hit the char limit with my alts. Some reason I can’t get the guard item for Saigon’s to complete the set.

So you are like all or nothing. It seems that you dont even read past the title

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Unfortunately, I found out from these last few months on here that some won’t even entertain the idea of a compromise so both parties are happy.

What, like increase the drops “a little bit”? If it works this time and Blizzard does increase the drop rates, then there will be more who keep saying that the drop rates suck, then they’ll increase them a little bit more, and a little bit more etc until we have uberfast progression and everything in the game in two weeks or less just like Diablo 3.

Give an inch, people will take a mile.

Sorry, I stand firmly in keeping the drop rates as is.

Like having something similar to the /players x command like the original game.

Yeah, the bots would love that feature. Instead of tying up 8 accounts to run one game, they can run 8 separate games.

Game is fine, RNG is RNG. Less forum posting and more farming will get you more items

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Go use a trainer and give yourself the items offline. See how much longer you keep playing…

The low drop rates are what give the items value.


And so would I so I can finally get my last piece of Saigon’s for my alt. :slightly_smiling_face:

I mean this game never had amazing drop rates, which is why people loved it. Nothing like hunting for a Windforce and when it drops jumping out of your seat with excitement. I hope to god they don’t update drop rates leave it how it is. I like things having value.


There is nothing wrong with wanting the /player x command like the original. It would increase the difficulty of this game when soloing. So D2R now has a higher difficulty lvl.

Yep. Last time I dropped a Zod rune, I picked up two things… The Zod, and my jaw from the floor. :slight_smile: