Drop rates suck

been saying this in other similarly themed threads.

People need to stop pigeonholing themselves doing only meta runs driving themselves crazy and switch it up hunting in random areas. Ive found better crap in places like Jail, Bazzar, Plains, Glacial than I have off any boss.<

mate you are probably overvalueing your runewords and undervalueing what you pick up.

You can definitely work your way up without ‘stealths’ and alike runewords, you just have to be picky with what affixes are actually worth and why.

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Then stop playing D2 drop rates are fine

I’m gonna keep playing

If the original D2 still has players this one will do just fine.


You can install single player mods to increase drop rates and enjoy there. BYE.

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yes. any char that is not sorc as first char (unless you have a uber group) is waste of time.

teleport is op and so is blizzard.
I still farm meph in crap gear within 2mins. I sold all the nice drops immediately for runes. I can wait a while to trade those runes later for gg items.
Rather trade a shako for a vex than finding a vex.
The odds of finding a shako is so much higher than finding a vex.

also luckily traded a vex for an ohm. Traded a shako for cham+ist and traded the cham back for a shako, then to a vex.

thats how you make money :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a blatent lie.

There’s no way you did 2000 runs and got nothing. But keep lying to try and change the game.

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This game hasn’t even been out for two weeks and people are already upset that they don’t have good stuff.

This isn’t a game that you can power game your way through. Leveling to a Hell farming level is the easy part. Getting epic gear is what takes actual time and effort… and time.

I agree that drop rates are probably a little too low, but that has always been the game.

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This does not compute.

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like bro why didn’t I get a mang song’s lesson from my first kill in the den drop rates suck ded gaem Blizzard suxs I’m uninstalling give me free or I sue Bobby kotick


Drop rates are fine. And to be honest, 2000 Meph Kills without any good drop cant be nothing more than a lie.


or no mf and bad luck.

also “good” is subjective. some ppl will ignore good stuff just casue its not “good” to them.

and Rune drop is irrelevant. they are entirely rng not even MF helps.

Even without mf, we are talking about 2000! runs.

i mean it could happen.

not expected but possible as every run is singularly mathed out not collective.

i could flip 500 coins and chance of no tails is astronomically low, but it does still exist as a chance.

RNG can be cruel at times

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op is bs. no point on taking him seriously or try to explain how rngesus works.

I hardly think that you have made 2000 runs.

And even if it were only 200, it would be a LIE if you wrote that NOTHING valuable had fallen.

Always exaggerate…you can do that.
apparently everyone does when something doesn’t work the way he wants it to

You do not like the droprate? Tough luck. Is not a new game and as it is it is great.


You’re lying. There’s no way you could complete 54 sets of sig armor without seeing something decent. There’s no way you could complete 54 sets of sig anyways. I smell extreme embellishment.

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This guy really wants to complain about the one thing that makes Diablo 2 fun because he’s having bad luck. Smh… Acting like an entitled bratty kid


I am not one to normally call out some bull when I see it but, I also (much like most of the player base) have been doing H-Meph runs since I have been able to (around level 70, currently 88 same as OP) and there is no way I am anywhere near 2k runs complete, maybe 200 realistically, maybe a bit more (and all i have been doing is MF runs, no public xp games literally every level gained from grinding out the same 2-3 areas lol)

I can relate to the “nothing useable dropping” however, because it isn’t useable for your doesnt mean it isnt for someone else, pick it up, trade it, progress, and having over 400% MF means you must’ve found SOMETHING useable. Myself with perf chance guards, goldwrap, shako and various others I am barely pushing 400% (no skulders or anything still 4 pgem topaz armor)

I myself have had awful luck as well, but it has been ‘raining’ the last couple days, I only JUST found shako after my 200th-ish kill on meph.
And at least you got an IST from cows, highest I have got so far is Shael.

eh, you win some you lose some.

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In reality it’s probably more like 20 runs. The people that complain like this don’t have the fortitude to grind out 2000 runs.


The reality is they are the type of person who will never be happy. They clearly have found many usable items due to their MF, as well as their supposed 50 monarchs. Those are alllll usable items.

This person just isn’t feeling satisfied with the game, and will never be happy no matter what drops. If a Jah drops he’ll say “i only got 1 jah!!” and complain.

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