Drop rates suck

Shako is worth a vex early on because everyone wants one. It’s one of if not the best head slot items for every class.

The value will plummet as more enter the game and most players that want one has one, while vex will remain valuable because so many great runewords require it and it is significantly rarer.

That’s how economies work.


People are not overvalueing. It is because the item is useful as is, you just wear it. Runes are not useful. You can probably build some good runeword, but you need more and exact runes, or you might not even want those runewords.

Also, both items and runewords are not that much good for them being so rare. They don’t make you godlike, it can be that you wear all of the top items and will still die on hell mode. So, people want their profit right here and now, espesially with such low drops so if you found something you can’t really hope to find more good stuff.

I picked up a vex in one of the hell cow runs I joined in on last week. It was a nice find for sure :grin::grin:

Drop rates are fine. I found 1 ist in cow level Nightmare and another one in cow level Hell. Last Ist in Hell Travincal. 3 ists in less than a week! I have also found quite nice gear like Alibaba. I have 273MF, and you need more MF to get faster geared.

Statistically you should’ve found something usefull with 2000 mephi runs, but you could have really bad RNG, thats how RNG works.
Then again the vietnamese version of Sigon’s set should be word something and you have 54 full sets so you could be trading those.
Ridiculous high amount of Sigon drops btw, not sure what your mf is but I think all your other drops were replaced by Saigon drops.

HR’s are supposed to be rare, they already increased their droprate in te past.

And this gameplay experience might not be fun…FOR YOU, I like it, think drops might be to high personally tbh, problem is more imo that you think about needing to have certain things (like D3 you NEEDED a set) instead seeing what you can get and what you can make with that, in D2 you should enjoy the road, in D3 you enjoy the destination…give it a try.

Just going through the three difficulties I have mostly had to rely on rune words because everything that drops is so far below my act requirements. Even in NM act 3 I’m getting the loot pool of early Normal. I don’t remember the original being like that. I have been wondering if something isn’t wrong, and the original was too long ago for me to recall accurately.

Nope, its quite normal, in Hell there will be more Normal items dropping then other items as well.
Droprates have become higher since the D2 launch overtime, not lower, not sure if this goes for every single item though, but many did (runes are a good example, their droprate has been “improved”)

PS: I think everything was less rushed in that time, games have gotten a lot faster and people get everything they want faster, so what felt normal back then, feels slow now.

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you are contradicting your self. if you really have a lot of experience in diablo 2 you wouldnt be complaining about diablo 2 drop rates


This, 100 percent. The reason I like Diablo 2 and think 3 is trash is a lot to do with how the loot system works.

If you want worthless loot showers go play that game.

If theres one aspect of this game I definately don’t want them to fool with its the loot system.


since game launched i dropped 5 shakos and one ethernal all from meffisto they should nerf item drop rate i got ormus 15% 3 bliz for vex and nightwing 15% also

Drop rates are fine, people dont seem to get the fact, that certain items hardly never dropping, is what keep people playing D2 and farming and coming back. There is really delicate balance in D2/R, if you start increasing drop rates, that will result in a very boring game and very fast.

If you take away the “the chase” from D2R, there’s literally nothing left in this game.

While bots and dupes provided surplus on hrs/items in D2, thats not how the game was meant to be, some stuff is supposed to be extremely rare, and also you need to rely on trading to get some items/items faster.

D2 is not “solo selfound game” just lol. You can do that, but then you are in a disadvantage and have to accept that. Ok, there are certain streamers who dont sleep and have already farmed enigma solo etc. but i meant majority of people.

Also i call BS with the 2k mephi runs, only running mephi is prolly the worst way to mf in the long run, he cant even drop half of the stuff in the game. Start maybe clearing some lvl 85 zones, diablo/baal etc.

Only thing im worried about is shorter ladder season. If season is going to last 3 months, only people who are ever going to afford to buy hrs, are the ones with thousands of forum gold. Majority of people can forget ever making high end runewords during ladder season. This could be good, but also very bad, it would also mean that 90% people will only ever play sorc, and other classes stay medicore at best, and many wont bother with them because there are no access to runewords.

In standard, people will eventually have everything they want, this time it will just take a bit longer, maybe how its supposed to be :wink:

Anyway, this feels just another QQ/Troll thread.

Same as above, Drop rates are fine. For one, if your “just” farming Meph, your doing it wrong in the first place. I get it that meph is prob one of the “easier” areas to farm due to the ease of getting to him. But drop rates are fine. IF you want to see more usable gear quicker, your playing the wrong game.

Please help! This game doesnt have an insta-win button. Cannot play.


actually meph is one of the best places to farm - until shako occu arach etc. lose value.

right now it is the best place to farm those really valuable uniques.

yes, stuff like griffons, NWs etc. cannot drop but you can easy trade for them with what you got at the moment from mephisto.

also if you kill the council alongside meph, there is a good chance for more uniques and quite some high runes.
Ancient tunnels and other 85 areas can drop everything but the drop rates are generally much lower and without mega gear, you cannot just zip around an kill elite packs without dying by a wrong teleport

You got 400% MF and you claim to have not found anything? The items that are giving you the 400% MF are certainly valuable loot you have found. You did find it right?..

I agree that mephi can be good farming spot currently. Still in my experience, you can only find crap from him, no matter how much you do it. This is pure speculation, but i believe there is some kind of hidden “diminishing return” system in D2. Back in the day i could do hundred mephi run and got nothing from it, when i took break or switched character, i find something good. Also one thing ive noticed when i played ALOT of D2 back in the day, you can farm all day if you want, but you pretty much never find more than 1-2 good/decent drops per day. So basically if you find good drop from mephi run number one, you can pretty much call it a day with him. Dunno, you can call it a pattern, or just pure RNG.


it is just pure rng.

the first days i found 4 echutas which are basically crap.

then i found an ohm rune and a vex.
then arach and tal amu
and today shaco + occu

arach shaco and tal amu i traded as quickly for high runes as i can because those items will lose so much value in the coming weeks that you should keep them actually =)

instead i made cta and hoto out of those items with 2 vex and Lo in my storage for better days :smiley:

just remember, 1:1000 for a good drop means you have to kill him actually ALOT. shaco arach and occu average in those drops with occu higherand arach less.
Most other uniques are unfortunately nowadays basically worthless and it is all about runes.

some basic crap like aldurs boots you find on the way but are worthless to trade

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Drop rates suck

Working as intended.

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You are mf:ing with Sorc i assume? I have farmed mostly random areas with my necro, Pindle/Echuta/Shank/Pits/Cows/Travincal, included some LW runs, killed bosses only here and there and mostly baal, cleared whole keep on the way, ive only found 2 Mal runes, and rest are basic crap. This is just another proof that if you are farming with something else than Sorc before you have Enigma, you are doing it wrong, also its so important to kill the bosses, alot.

sounds like you need diablo 3