Drop rates suck

Wow so many mentally challenged people in one thread.

Word of advise. Get help and take a break.

For duriel maybe, not for others. They did it with Andy only because her non bugged drop is super bad.

2 month post necro, nice.

Yep and that’s the main difference from D2 to D3. D3 the game starts AFTER you’ve acquired your gear, but in D2 the game IS about acquiring the gear.

Why a 3rd party site has ruined any chance of a fair or legit ladder reset I do t have these issues in Poe btw! Blizzard not doing anything shows they simply don’t care they need to copy what Poe does or something better but I understand purist don’t want a fair ladder reset or a challenge! “Pvp is end game” rofl fake pvp act bosses full games open chests glitch act boss drops ahhh yes the purist game that is perfect! Rolls eyes

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And still you are crying here instead of playing PoE. You proof time and time again, that you are just a retarded crybaby. Why come here day after day and complain and post the same lines when you are so happy with PoE? You even made a whole post about PoE and still you cry over D2.

Sucks to be you. Always angry and sad.

I agree with OP the distribution is off. The parameters for a dopaminergic reward schedule are more well understood now than back then. The time between salient rewards is far too long, and lacks a mix of continuous and intermittent reward.

It should not take longer than an entire season of ladder to drop a HR for a semi casual player (lets say 7-14 hours a week) running a good strategy like horker barb trav.

D2 is all slot machine reward and needs a linear schedule to accompany it. This is where I’ve argued for dynamics that valuate gold higher by for example, being able to open rifts using 2.5M gold, or being able to gamble runes.

The population cant realistically be sustained by catering to a very niche taxonomy of player.

Dont get me wrong I AM that player. But I also see a crazy lack of engagement and empty servers and its less than 6mo since launch.

Especially since drop mechanics rely heavily on P/ ; theres a major chicken and egg problem here.


I’d drop on average 2 high runes (ohm or higher) within a 3 month period, playing at most a couple of hours a day with a Blizzard Sorc the majority of the time. Over the course of that 3 months, the play time per day diminishes, I’m bored of the game and typically stop playing, waiting for the next ladder to start.

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I dont know…getting 50% more odds to drop what you want is not that big when odds are already 1 in thousands
They said they did it for Andy bc everybody quest bug her

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I have yet to find anything of major note and I’m loving it.

D3 has you covered though. It gives you everything in about 3 days then makes your damage numbers fill the screen so you feel like you’re getting stronger.

Please don’t advocate for ruining a major part of what makes D2 great

New generation spoon fed games are absolutely an abomination.

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I am against it, bosses have already way too good drops.

I agree but there is no need to have two drop tables for each boss
Either make the quest table the only used table or the standard one
Having quest drops only one time is meaningless for the long term grind
Sure you can have one or two lucky players that in all 1.1+ history got a griffon from their first baal kill but those are exceptions

Well thats not exaxtly different drop tables. Basicly only Andariel has different loot table. Her normal drop without gems and quest drop with gems, which happens only once.

Its one time for purpose of reward when you kill the boss for the first time. Purpose of higher chance to drop better stuff is to reward you for completing challenge. Running boss repeatedly is no longer chalange so thats why ther eis normal drop.

Not sure what is your point here? I had plenty of great stuff from bosses on first kills.

Base item type Diadem is pretty rare already. If it would be common, you would see plenty griffons dropping on quest kills. Item types have nothing to do with quest drop.

This is different between normal and quest drop from baal:


The reason why you dont see for example people dropping griffon in quest drop vs normal drop is because their loot table for quest and non quest is same. Only junk and gold doesnt drop. And quest drop has higher chance for Unique, Set and Rare. Not for different armor or weapons or even higher chance to get them.

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Her gem drop is not quest drop despite being only for the first time
Its something hardcoded for her

I know the intend of quest drop table

Challenge is something that goes from person to person, an opinion
The thing is, objectly its the same boss, same stats but different loot tables

Without gold and junk there are more chances to drop a base diadem and more chances for uniques equals to more chances of said diadem being griffs

A loot table is made, imo, of every possible item drop and its odds, not only gear. That said if only gold was missing it would already be a new loot table but Act 1 (H) Junk is missing too…

Again, my problem is with the existence of two different loot tables for the same monster. I think this is a flaw and devs should chose one to be the standard one, quest or normal.

One thing is certain, this is at the bottom on my list of things devs should fix/change…


Its hardcoded part of her quest drop. It always drops at her first quest kill , its part of quest drop.

I dont have really anything about normal and quest drops. Bosses are easy to farm so their drop should not be anyhow increased. Just quest bugging is enough online.

I dont think so…iirc it uses the same servfunc that mephs uses for its soulstone
So its possible to say that her gem drop is more like a quest item drop but instead of a unique quest item it uses the some kind of hardcoded gem drop table

Someone needs to be on the edges of the normal distribution curve. Embrace your lack of luck. This is not a game that rewards you just because you invested x no of hours in the game. Need to be lucky.

Drops are completely fine. HR drops could be easily lowered by 25% and still be ok.

This comes from a player who has invested less than 450h since launch in the game(because job, family other hobbies)…has only 2 over level 90 chars and was able to make my own Enigma, Infinity, Cta, Hoto etc just by trading ingame and on the forum without Jsp and RMT.
Play fast and efficient. If you try to farm for HR in solo play you’re gonna have a bad time unless you are very very lucky. Farm in p5+ games in order to minimize the ‘no drop’ roll of mobs. I cannot stress how important clear speed is.
I started the journey with a blizz sorc until I was able to make enigma, than respeced my Smiter into a Hammerdin until I got Infinity and than respeced my blizz sorc into Lightining. Rocking 39k damage, but with only 273% MF.
Btw Enigma and Infinity were farmed in 15h between Christmas and new years eve by playing in P8 games running Chaos and Pits with the blizz sorc and hammerdin respectively after Eni was done.

omfg your kill speed must be horrid.

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i find 2 ber yesterday , you guy believe so much you need enigma and teleport to farm stuff :rofl: :roll_eyes: , act 3 wp travincal walk 5 sec kill the High Council of Zakarum take 3 min
quite the game start a other game and after you have no more problem i get around 280mf to 320 mf , no need to go for 85 zone the High Council will give you so much currency , you just have to trade the item 85 you need with good roll :+1: happy farming

oh after shout in the body for more drop