Drop rates suck

Jsp can burn in hell. We dont need it.

How can people support guy who plagued D2 with bots is beyond me.

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LMAO you think its funny that im forced to use these trade platforms to facilitate trading because the group that has taken over this game is to incompetent to implement a higher drop rate to completely eliminate the monetary value of all items in this game so i can play multiple characters however i want to play and gear them up by simply using trade games to get the items that i want… Your a sad piece. All items and runes should be raining from the sky so i can build up a nice account and enjoy playing diablo 2 in the new graphics. And you credit card warriors are ruining it for all of us.

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You should try out D3, this is your game

You should keep your jay wilson tendencies to yourself… IM asking for higher drops your advocating i go for higher numbers LOL

Im advocating to keep the current rates because else trading becomes meaningless and there is no goal in the endgame.
If you get everything for every char in few days/weeks, whats the purpose of playing any longer then

No, your telling me to go to D3, The reality is, that d3 was at first being designed for you credit card warriors… Thats what the auction house was supposed to be for. I belong here in D2 were the Items should be dropping from the sky so we can play the game and enjoy it. Its already 20 years old and credit card warriors should not be owning the game like this…Game is designed to be digital dungeons and dragons. Thats why the original game came with the D&D Book … Diablo characters supposed to be rolled and not bought with cash or forum gold… You do not buy D&D characters with cash or forum gold either… Well, Well how ironic. Sounds like the integrity of the game is being dictated by cash shops.


Only thing that would become meaningless with sane droprates would be botting.

  1. You are not forced to trade with players. Its your decision and not required one. I know people who have a lot of stuff already and they dont trade with anyone as they have it as rule.

  2. If you want to trade, yes you have to engage other players somehow lol, thats logical. You can use game, D2R trade forum, discord servers focused on trading, traderie, diablo2. IO and yes even jsp. I dont like it but its still option.

I am glad that people like you are not in dev team as you completely lack understanding of items economy and your suggestion would destroy D2.

Not sure what you are talking about. I never bought or sold anything for real money or even for imaginatory currency. Some guy even offered me 100 dollars for item and i refused and demanded runes in game instead.

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and now you feel you need to defend yourself like you did something wrong. Maybe blizzard will flag your account too so that you might be lucky enough to find 2 Io runes a day per 12 hours of farming. And a happy new year to you too sir,

Happy new year to you too sir, dont forget to keep wearing tinfoil hat.

Good trolling tho, for a moment i thought you were serious in this topic.

I think junk drop rates are too high
Reducing its chance to roll is not a bad idea for me

Another think i dont like is how act bosses have 2 loot tables, quest or first kill and a standart one, with the first being better than the second
Doing with all act bosses what they did with Andy, removing the standart table leaving only the quest one, is not a bad idea either imo


I had a suggestion, Allow uniaues to be converted to runes using cube

Just examples
normal uniques-> Sheal
Exceptional uniques-> Lem
Elite Uniques-> Um

Now that’s an great idea to kill of 90% of trading and favor addicts and bots even more…

If you want faster rare / uniq items, you need more MF.

First most rants about drop rates include runes and those are not affected by MF.

Second what makes some uniques so rare is their tiny chance of droping the base item, and again that’s not affected by MF.

Third MF has dimishing returns above 250%, and i think it’s realistic to assume most people achieved that…

Killing off 90% of trade is a bad thing? Most uniques have little trade value.

Some are still useful, and casuals profit alot from beeing able to trade them for some PGs / medium runes. Why would anyone take the effort of looking for trade partners if one can have an instant rune?

For Uniques worth more than the rune you get from cube formula, obviously.

Good uniques → save for trade/use
Bad uniques ->Cube for runes. With enough hard work, you can get high runes for your use in time.

My ideal way for loot in ARPG is.

  1. Luck should be a factor. The very idea that any time, you can get lucky for a GG drop is exciting. If you are lucky, good for you.

However, there should be a path for bad lucker, & a consitency that reward hard work (like irL) that if you keep farming, even without luck, you can accumuate enough to get the uniques & runes you wanted by labor.

I disagree. For most people the “luck” as you call it, for dropping a high rune or GG unique, already is the achievment for all the hard work that they had put in before where they didnt have any luck at all. The luck moment is your personal unique reward for the game.
And i put “luck” into quotes because i claim one thing: Over long period of time we will all have the same luck and thus its just a matter of farming and putting time into the game in order to achieve your goals.
Im farming now for 1-2 weeks like crazy and havent found anything usefull. So what? I dont care. I know i will find my next Ber rune at some point in the future and then i will know that all those weeks before where i had no luck, were the hard work for this particular moment.
If i get all that stuff in no time i will quit the game as there is no more incentive to farm

Lol! There are still people who think this game’s loot is “fine”? What are you smokin’, I want some. This release is a new coat of paint on an old classic, its still getting 12 miles to the gallon, and needs hours of maintenance after every drive. If anyone can play the game for 1000 hours and not have one character equipped with “BiS” that is a problem.

People just quit, but I guess the people defending this garbage like their community small and tiny.