Drop rates suck

Drop rates are horrible. Pindleskin runs are mind numbing, endgame is nonexistent.

What a great future for this game.


I came to see if they changed rune drops in ptr or item drops. Seems like zero changes to what people really want.

People just dont have the time these days to farm 24/7 like D2 was designed for. Blizzard need to make d2jsp redundant. Currently D2 evolves around this crud site.

I still have not found a Shako in months of farming.

Stopped playing around new years as ive just had enough of the crap loot drops. I dont mind investing some time but this game is absurd for loot drops.


Its players like you that are the issue in D2 Really. Whats it matter if things are increased? People have fun, find there own items, dont need to go to d2jsp…

Selfish players populate D2, usually its the dumb traders from d2jsp.

Dropping rune drops by 25% lol…stupidest thing ive read all month.

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Basic random number generator functions in coding have tendency to be stuck in sort of loops - repeating same numbers sequences, are not good for many applications. I suspect this is the cause of problems with loot that people observe in d2. Blizzard would have to implement proper modern rng functions in d2.

Pretty much nearly impossible to play as much as him and only be level 88.

D2 seed is based off your internal computer clock you want a fresh seed everytime you boot up dont leave your computer on and remove your cmos battery and randomize your boot time.

if so blizzard should fix this to more proper rng implementation

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As I said…I don’t use jsp or any other third party site other than the forum here.
Did I say d2r has a good loot system? It’s not…it’s primitive…but it is fair and solely luck based. It’s coming from a different era of gaming, and in order to preserve this relic we should not touch it’s core, which is the loot system.

It’s clearly you didn’t play D2 before 1.13c when the rune drops where massively increased. If you were able to make an Enigma before investing at least 1000hours in the game you could consider yourself astronomically lucky.
I just wanted to underline that there is simply no place to improve them more without breaking the economy. As I mentioned, endgame runewords like Enigma and Infinity are already to easy to make with a bit of luck, and increasing the hr drop rates even more, would just make it a trivial matter.

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Agreed with op. But is Anyone else getting same loot issues?

I disagree. The game needs to reward players if you expect to have a large and healthy player community. As it stands, this will never happen with D2R. There’s a small minority - you - that thinks everything is fine. Then there’s another small minority that doesn’t think things are fine, but play anyway. Then there’s the vast majority of the players that bought the game that quit and won’t come back because drops are not completely fine.


The low I.Q. post where the fool automatically assumes people who complain about drop rates and not buying gear off of 3rd party websites should just go play D3…

Sad little man you are. Grow up and quit being so one dimensional. You’re pathetic.


go play d3 where they spoon-feed gear to your mouth.

Have fun

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I sincerely doubt it. Mostly just RMT sellers wanting more profits.

Keep in mind these people who claim the game “is perfect the way it is” are not currently playing it… but here typing about it… so take anything they say with a grain of salt. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The Drop rate is to high, if anything they should lower it…

Thanks for the laugh in the morning. Did you really not come up with something better than this after 6 days?

Must really suck to be you if you can’t get gear without money. Keep on crying, it will get you those HRs I’m sure.

Drop rates should stay the same… it shouldnt be like “another unique spiderweb sash, oh only 115% ed, trash, again”.

Raising drop rates will only put much more focus on the rolls and turns everything not perfect into Charsi trash.

But this game is not ‘designed’ to reward the time invested in it. That’s the whole point! It’s a game from a different era of gaming. Does this make sense in this time and age? Maybe not, but this is one of the core elements of D2…the slot machine effect, the unforgiving and frustrating randomness solely based on luck that can only be ‘forced’ slightly in your favor by clearing speed.

Some of us value things not based on what can be traded to other players, but rather based on how useful and powerful an item is when used for gameplay purposes.

I know there are plenty of pvpers who like to maximize everything, but I would feel guilty for charging more (what… more than one ber rune???) for something because it has an 3% extra whatever-it-has.

Oh good you realised why people complain.

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There’s nothing wrong with people complaining. They’re just wrong. This IS the D2 experience and if you don’t like it, you can play something else. There’s PLENTY of information on the game, it’s drop rates, it’s brutally random drop system, everything. If people did not bother to learn about the game before they bought, well then they made a poor purchase choice for them.

IF the devs intended to do a REMAKE of D2, then everything is open to change and we’d be having a very different conversation. They did not REMAKE the game – they remastered it in 3D and kept the core of the game the same, including the at times brutally unrewarding aspects of the game’s drop system. I didn’t buy a REMAKE, I bought the Re-Master of the game, KNOWING exactly what I was getting, and I’m ok with that. Clearly there are those that aren’t OK with it thus the complaining. To those people I say tough beans. Do a bit more research before you buy something next time so you are properly informed.