Drop rates suck

It has everything to do with forum gold… He who has the most forum gold or spends the most money wins the game… The credit card has 10 billion magic find… I cannot compete at this extremely low drop rate level… At this rate it will take about 15 years to make enigma… And that is totally unacceptable for me and probably about 90% of the population of this game that dont even log in anymore…


I can get on that boat but I wouldn’t want runes and RW to be more common than they already are. Rare, Set and Unique items has to be a bigger part of the game’s endgame itemization. Crafting can die, I don’t care about such mechanic.

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Me never ever used forum gold and yet i have 2 enigmas and the runes to build 3 more enigmas.
I also have a life with job, relationship, family.
Just play efficient and git gud
Btw i didnt get the stuff in few days or weeks, im playing constantly since launch

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There usefull stuff for some PGs, something about IST every month, but none of that gets one closer to an CoH Dream or Infinity.

Right. I quit.

This game lasted so long because nobody pulled the plug. Sure glad Diablo don’t belong to EA lol. And if you MF for years for certain stuff, well that’s for sure not healthy anymore.

lying troll …
Why even bother trying to troll about something as serious as the low drop rate in this game. Congratulations to you if you won the lottery. Most of us havent gotten past Gul rune yet and have probably 3 to 4 times as much play time as you since you got the job family and all that… Good job.


Add my tag and i prove you ingame

Yeah and you wait for ladder, how does that make any sense? You want to get closer to infi, coh… But you will start again from 0 in ladder on purpose?

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Please just stop lol. You dont need item selling sites or jsp to get rich at all. I had enigma and other good stuff after like 8 days of playing. If you know what to do and have game knowledge you can get rich fast.

Are we now talking about drop rates or sane purpose of ladder? Yes i am gonna come back for 2.4 changes, and if i already start a new char why not ladder? And why is any of these relevant for drop rates?

Because if you want to get close to infi and coh and has issue with not finding anything, stay non ladder is better option for you because you can continue with what you have.

Ladder is for People who have enough time to play, not for casuals.

I think we found your issue. It is indeed relevant for drop rates since you will find FAR less stuff with no or bad equipment. But you will get good suff over time once you manage to fly through hell cows or hell chaos sanctuary. More kill speed == far better efficiency == more better uniques and runes

I agree. Low drop rates are needed to keep the RMT going.


Thats right…

RMT= Real Money Trades.

I agree too but i think its Bullchit

Come earn loot in Poe we don’t have forum gold and end game content allows you to earn gear this game is dead and doesn’t deserve life after purist crushed it

As i said im not using Forum Gold and havnt spent any real money. Only thing im actually using is traderie website, which is a simple replacement of the ingame lobby trades.
But i cannot prove this of course…

I just recommend getting a good low budget blizzard sorc for the start. You can build her wirh pretty much nothing and be quite efficient tho. Do Cow runs or ancient tunnel, ideally in splitfarm games for better drop rates
This is what i did at start. I farmed crazy until i had first enigma, them switched to hammerdin and at that point farming became easy

My progress for HR runewords is zero anyways, and if casuals would not play ladder leaderboard would be quite empty, so please stop telling me what gamemode i have to play ffs.

I don’t have this issue in Poe and don’t have worry about people like you scared and terrified of a ladder reset you use forum gold ban this account and all others

LMAO complaining about JSP and then complaining about not finding items to sell them for FG. This is too much ::grin:

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I wasnt trying to tell you what you should play. But non ladder is ideal for casual players while season for those who have enough time to play.

It’s powerful and also Poe doesn’t have this issue