Drop rates suck

Bots were made for a reason…

Everyone that played D2 when my brother was in high school ran a bot over night and every day was like Christmas morning… I never ran one because I wasn’t 1337 enough to figure it out but his friends would toss me spare Wind forces and what not when I asked for doubles…

Sometimes it would take weeks to finally get an item I needed but yeah… that kind of speaks for itself really.

Zero effort, maximum results… it’s just a fact that D2 was always a lottery simulator and you had to exploit the odds to get what you wanted to enjoy your build.

That being said, the game needs to be fixed to be more enjoyable by people who don’t have 5000 hours to keep monotonously farming the same spot… I mean there’s a line and this game crosses the hell out of it when it comes to the rate at which HR’s drop.

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Same guys crying over their inability to get items in a necro topic

Same guy commenting on some guys crying about not swiping their moms credit card to beat a 20 year old game in a necro topic.

Ah the credit card post. Seems you still don’t know how to trade. Must suck to be you, as you still cry here while you could already be flooded in shinies in d3

Droprates are just frustrating for every normal person, designed for addicts and bots.

What also amazes me is “wah wah wah stop playing” … “why lobby empty?”


If you killed Meph 2000 times I surely hope you did it with 400-500 MF

Then I hope you killed the Council and opened EVERY Chest in the room as well.

I don’t believe you didn’t find anything or maybe you lied about 2000 runs because I been playing since day 1 and I don’t think I even hit 2000 meph kills yet but I found so many valuable things.

I call BS on your post.

Yep, i havent found anything in a long long long time… My whole account is basically worthless… Been playing for about 3 months now… Its honestly been just a complete waste of time. All the while the people spending money and forum gold on their characters are having a blast in pvp and end game events. THis is just really pathetic that items are not dropping at all. The only positive thing that is coming out of this issue of items not dropping is, I can just delete the character and walk away from this game and not look back. The only monetary thing i will lose is the purchase price of the game. Ill never buy another product labeled diablo every again. So ill be out like 40 dollars… The cost of this game alone is worth 10x more than the character i have been able to build since playing it… What is that? I think about 3 or 4 months COMPLETELY DOWN THE DRAIN? WTF is with this trash drop rates…

Oh and im also unable to progress further into the game past level 93 with current trash items that i have earned playing this game… Its just absolutely stupid pathetic whats going on here.

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OP is calling other people dishonest and then he proceeds to say that d2 classic / lod were more rewarding, which is obviously not the case.

100 hours of cow farming… How fast were you clearing cows? 3 cows per minute? Seriously, if you have a good cow farmer like a lightning sorc, javazon or even a well geared fire sorc and you farm on players 5+, you get one hr every couple of hours. You’re obviously bad at the game and you need to get good.

And holy jesus for everyone complaining about drops saying they’re made for bots, I got my infinity, my enigma and enough hr to get 2 more enigmas in a couple of weeks. The secret is to trade everything you get and farm efficiently in mf parties, with builds suitable for the content you’re farming.

Farming mephisto more than 3 weeks into a new season is a horrible idea because uniques drop in price fast. Instead of complaining how bad drop rates are, you people should check out a few guides because you’re bad.

You farmed pindle for 400 hours and you are complaining about bad drops? Good lord, pindle hasn’t been a good farm since 1.09 or something, get over yourself and read some guides.

If you don’t like the game, you don’t have to play it. Making the game simpler would be degrading, making it challenging is where the champions are.

Statistically a BER drops about every 2k full runs. Really like to see how you pull that of in couple of hours. Also really like to see how you set player count to 5+ on bnet…

And where to you think those HR’s you are trading are coming from? Thin air?

You know ber isn’t the only high rune. Anything ist+ is considered a high rune. That’s just the terminology everyone agreed upon, don’t blame me.

It’s easy, you play in magic find parties with other people, everyone picks one spot to farm and voila, you farm your stuff on players 5-7.

What is this even supposed to mean? That nobody should get a lucky drop because they’re rare? Work your way up by trading miscellaneous stuff like skillers, gems, mediocre uniques and you’ll have enough to buy a high rune eventually.

Did you see the video of that guy who farmed for 24 hours and managed to get an enigma by trading? He didn’t even use d2jsp.

Don’t waste your time. You can explain 1000 times how to get HRs by either farming for them or trading for them and the whiners will still complain because they have a instant gratification and participation trophy mindset. They don’t want a solution, they just want to complain until they get freebies.

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Drops are currently perfectly fine. Low drop chance is what keeps this game alive.


Drops are pathetic in this game. The only people benefiting from the low drop rate is the people using forum gold or spending cash in a online item shop. They get to hoard items like 10000 un id anni’s and name their price. youll pay 50 dollars for a 10\10 anni because of this. Game and economy is a joke right now. They need to increase the drop rate dramatically of all unique items and high runes and let the players decide what they want to use on their characters. I havent found a item worth over 5 fg in about 3 months… This is way to extreme to treat people that cannot afford to purchase forum gold or use an online store to get the items that they want to play with to level up their character. All the fun has been removed from the game.


It has nothing to do with forum gold.

Game is benefiting from low drop rate. I mean only some items have very low drop rate. You can do few boss runes and you will be showered with uniques and sets.

Dramatic increase of drop rate would destroy diablo 2 and its longevity.

If you define alive as “some active addicts and bots”… I am inactive right now due frustration, and if you look at the “empty lobby” topics seems like i’m not the only one.

Sure i will return for ladder (and likely many others), but i doubt it will last long.


If you have all items game will get boring. This game has only pvp if you are done with item finding phase.

Said it so often already, but okay one more time: theres quite some room for a balanced solution between 10 hours for “all the items” and 10.000 hours…

Running 10 hours with basically no progress is as dull as beeing finished after 10 hours.


Maybe you are not playing effectively or just dont understand what has value. No way you dont find some usefull stuff in 10 hours.

Or just enjoy game dude, you dont need to mf to death. Play hardcore and you will appretiate every small upgrade.

This game lasted so long because some people didnt find certain stuff in years. So you still have reason to keep playing as there is always something to find which you didnt before.