Drop rates suck

My guild farmed Black Wing Lair for more than 35 weeks in WoW. And it didnt drop the BiS gear weapon for me. While other guilds disenchanted more than 5x of such item. RNG is RNG.

Getting the rune/gear you want may not drop for the whole season. It could happen. Getting all the gear is not the End Game. Beating the Hardest Bosses/ Hardest Mobs is the End Game. And I have done that already some weeks ago here in D2R. Facerolled Hell: Baal, Nihlathak, Summoner, Tomb Vipers, Stygian Dolls, Blood Lords, Ghosts, Succubus, etc over and over and over. D2R’s End Game is easy to most people.

Guys… he’s gotten ZERO usable items! ZERO… he’s had to trade for the 3 open socketed helm and the 4 open socketed armor he’s using. Plus he’s had to trade for the chancies/ goldwrap/ etc… because he’s found ZERO uable items… according to him…

A matter is limited.
HR shouldn’t produce man like me who doesn’t drop for 2 months.

Nope, Not enough with facts. You are one of the greatest Trolls of all time…another fact.

Compare droprates of items and not tradevalue and you will see that you get as many drops, but are just unlucky with the trade value.

Also people who find stuff get better geared and will be more efficient farming. → Rich people are getting richer.

I ran about 100 CS runs p1 → 1x valueable item 5/-5 light lvlup
and about 110 CS runs p8 → 1x valueable item Lo

109 games p8 cs and highest rune was a sol. Not even a Ko Lum or anything. Itemwise nothing of value but 3 times low rolled gerke’s and 3 gface and such.

Without the enigma it wouldn’t have taken only 3 days and I wouldn’t have made p8 CS runs. So I would have spent a lot more time to do runs and might have gotten “nothing” like you describe.

I don’t think that accounts are flagged or characters are flagged with “drop” or no “drop”. Or have different droptables. It’s just the natural flow of better gear gets you better gear if you do the right runs.

Three ladders ago in the original game, I found two IK armors in back-to-back games, in roughly the same spot, which was the River of Flame in the last mazy section before Chaos.

Also, that same ladder, I found Zod and Ber a day apart, then another Ber almost two weeks later.

I play maybe 1-2 hours a night.

It’s luck.

Seems like a lot of blanket statements from the same names who I see always defending the bologna in this game in other thread topics.

Makes me wonder who these 3-5 people are who so avidly post in the forum, who strangely enough are not aware of or noticing at all, the major problems that everyone else who plays this game is noticing.

Quite curious.

I think your tinfoil hat might be a bit on the thick side, maybe one too many foil spires on it.

I was able to struggle my way through hell with two characters in the past 5 months… and in both cases the Hellforge gave me Hel and Lum… and that too with a sorc. god only knows how insanely difficult it is going to be for classes that cannot teleport.

Maybe you should stop doing Normal Meph runs?
I mean, if you got 54 full sets of Sigon’s… I’d say that you’re probably running Normal Meph. lol

It’s very easy with physical damage characters.

Better to wear a tinfoil hat than to be caught asleep in your sheep fleece.

I mean, a lot of you just don’t know how to play the game…I’ve gotten ber, vexs, ists, puls, ums, and some of the rarest uniques in the game including deaths web just in the last week.

Kill stuff fast solo in 8 player games…don’t just do bosses over and over again

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Most players want to do nothing but baal runs for exp, and once again RNG is “RNG” after all, back in the day it was quite ‘normal’ for people to run pindle 5000+ times or ATs for weeks and weeks on end without ever seeing a decent drop or a grailer item. The loot in this game seems quite off to me, as I’ve stated in a previous post I’ve definitely seen trends in drops, that is a red flag and I’ve seen youtubers post videos on their runs and even those have had similar instances of multiple drops like x2 tals armor then another run with another tal armor drop, or a bunch of Ists dropping, that happened earlier in the week when I got two Sur drops in back to back CS runs and since then, nothing else of note with my around 500%MF sorc, my secondary 300% MF OW sorc has found tons of IK drops, so much so that I’ve vendored practically the entire set multiple times now, along with Trang Armor and Gloves, none of the other peices just those /shrug

I’d say something is up with the loot tables for sure, perhaps run too many times and your MF starts to get penalized and the drop rate gets worse the more times per day you run a particular area.

Mine seems to be working great. Maybe rng actually is rng?

If you’re playing on Bnet with /players 1 (solo games), you’re getting terrible loot odds. Not the way to play the game. Unfortunately when you join a public game, people leach and steal your !$#^. We need the /players command on bnet (if nobody is in the game).

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The tinfoil hat is strong with this thread. I wish they taught statistics in high school… it would go a LONG way to debunking the b.s. that people come up with, for those that actually can understand it.

saigon armor is great, you can defeat us army with it :smiley:

If it wasn’t for those trading platforms, my sorc would get her double-item tal set (armor, belt) by level 91. Haven’t seen tal amu yet (93 atm). It would never get Vipermagi, it’d only see one Ist and 2 puls drop entire game (nothing higher), it’d never see Occu or any other wands.

50 hours of 400+mf pindle resulted in a single shako and an um rune, these 2 were most expensive items I’ve seen in those 50 hours.

Hell,aside from Shako (which was super expensive at the time), I made FAR more on selling GOLD I got from selling trash rares from pindle run than from anything worth selling.

As for baal/chaos runs/andi/meph runs, I’ve made far more on selling tokens/essences than on anything else.

So yes, for some of us drops aren’t “horrible” - they are non-existant.


got Jah, Ohm, Shako from few hours of PTR play. I guess my all luck is gone for ladder 1 :frowning:

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