Drop rates suck


Drops rates are not broken.

Sorry but your made up numbers are hilarious.

2000 meph kills without a drop? Really?

I mean statistically you should have found atleast 4 shakos

You probably havent run even 100 meph runs js.

100+hrs of hell cows… oh you do hell cows for runes? You prolly run P1 cows… and FYI… Runes you get in Lower Kurast with 4+ players or run arcane sanc or chaos… the mana leech mobs drop runes a ta 4x higher rate.

level 88 and not a single drop? Damn… I am gonna go out on a limb here and say most your XP came from pub games.

oh and its called Sigons set… saigons? da eff … fake d2 players man… gotta “love” em.

I think you are mixing different things here. A) end-game drops (including HRs) B) farm something that can generate steady “income”. For one simply farming Andi-Meph-Diablo-Baal will generate for you reset tokens which converts nicely to the UM (that is going price now). Second line of farming is key Countess-Summoner-Nilathak - 4x3 if my memory serve me well trades for Ist or Gul (if you get lucky). About “end-game” drops well its totally random although I do suspect that MF have certain “break points”. Best I got was Sur rune and lol it was from Mephisto. CS - best drop was Gul,

I’ll be honest, I’m suspecting some possible issues with loot because I’ve seen almost patterns with loot drops with certain items almost trending in drop rates that make me go hmm didn’t that just drop a few games ago? Case and point, Tal Rasha set items dropping frequently then stopping altogether and then noticing Trang set dropping more frequently or a bunch of Ist runes dropping.

Also, the issue with loot drops is massive dry spells can happen too, in fact I’m in a huge dry spell right now with nothing really decent dropping in nearly a week, even with 600%+MF you are unfortunately not guareenteed anything, you very well could run 1000 meph runs and find subpar loot, then do one single Chaos run and get HC and HoZ drop in the same run, and then go back to having a dry spell…the issue is, how long will the average player go without getting a decent drop to keep them playing and that is one of the reasons why the playerbase has decreased dramatically in the past few months.

Plus D2R has a huge problem with D2jsp right now that is pretty much directly controlling the value of loot, that does not help at all either.

d2 legacy lasted 20 years + and its still going so I dont know what the hell you are talking about.

The drop rate does suck in this game, and that is what makes it fun. Its not like they sold it to you and tell you its that diablo 3 drop rate.

Yes it lasted, with an absolute bare bones player population of holdouts too stubborn to let the old mule pass away, and thats why D3 took an abnormally long time in coming*.

*probably, cannot confirm or deny :stuck_out_tongue:

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Most 20 years old games are not even touching D2 population. Don’t like D2? Fine, just don’t play it. A lot of people still enjoy it and play it.

Lost Ark will probably be more your jam.

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if you look at the d3 players its what? 5% of the population for the first week/ two of season. And then like what? .5% for the reset of the season? The game is more dead than d2.

Did about 150 meph runs the other night (Estimate 25-30runs/hr, 7-8 hrs with some short breaks). Got both Shako and Ormus’ within 5 runs somewhere in the middle of my grind, rest was trash. Then I made ONE Baal run for fun and got me 44% War Travelers ^^. RNG’s a b-yatch.

This is an interesting phenomenon that I like to call “Cluster RNG”. It has happened to me in another game (Namely Black Desert Online) when I do RNG-related stuff. Sometimes it’s as if a lot of the very same thing happens more frequently. Perhaps it has to do with the RNG (Random Number Generator) itself and the inputs it gets. Perhaps these inputs aren’t “Random” enough sometimes. Perhaps it’s just a MAD coincidence. Who knows?

This is the cutest thread ever.
12 days after launch, tries to impress upon everyone that he no-life’d so hard that he was doing 20 hours/day and still got nothing. Precious-as-hell. I dunno how I never saw this thread.

2000 runs anything, including 100 hours of cows, is literally not possible in 12 days unless you run a bot - UNLESS:
1: You somehow manage to telepathically order your food without being conscious of the idea - because let’s face it, you’re not gonna eat the same thing every day. (or in the case of just eating food out of your kitchen, you need to be able to have your food gravitate in your direction without moving from your chair and still somehow figure out what it is you want to eat) (including cooking food if you want prepped food!)
2: You’re able to magically vanish your faculties waste so you don’t need to move from your seat.
3: You decided to become the biggest slob ever and never wash your hands or face, or shower.
4: You totally alienate yourself from the rest of the world, INCLUDING chat in-game or otherwise.

There’s more I can go on about but I’ll stop because this thread’s basically dead in the water regarding this fella.

Still… holy hell this was cute. Including his retorts to everyone’s responses calling him out, lol.

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Reminds me of the Southpark episode about World of Warcraft. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol, yes, I agree now that you mention it.

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D2 drop rates are fine, but nodrop chance is terrible. ProjectDIablo2 mod did it well when implemented ppl5 nodrop chance for a solo game.

He got lucky for some trades, it took me 120 hours± (month after release) after I got myself hoto/spirit m/shako/torch. Then I got enigma.
Its not as hard as you say it is, when many people succesfully do it.

Find a guide what to farm where to be optimal.

No, JessiBear is right. Something is wrong with d2r.

At this point it is definitely looking like some accounts have been tagged for whatever reason, to have unusually astronomically low abysmal drop rates.

It’s written all over this forum. Don’t overlook the obvious. You have people like yourself that say “Drop rates are fine” and that is because YOU are finding gear. But there is a very large subsample of players who are reporting things just like JessiBear here, where they do 100s and 100s of runs, and are not finding anything beyond like sigons & sols. ← To have luck THIS BAD in an RNG, is in itself like winning the lottery. Something is wrong with this, that so many people would be hitting anomaly bad streaks like this.

I’ve played Diablo 2 for over 20 years and I have never heard of such bad streaks in the original game, nor have I heard of so many people reporting “Oh ya bro I found multiple HRs in a single game”. Something is wrong with D2r’s drop rates when 2 months in, there are SO MANY players claiming that “Ah yeah so far I’ve found 2x Bers, a Jah, couple Ists, 3x Mals, and a Lo.” Don’t overlook the obvious. The players who find HRs are the same players who just keep finding them. Don’t overlook the obvious. Something is wrong with this when you have two players who run virtually the same setup, who invest the same amount of time MFing per day, who run virtually the same path, but only one of them ever finds HRs and he always finds a lot of them, whereas the other just doesn’t find any at all.

It looks like there are two control groups going on. I don’t know why they would do this with accounts, but it definitely looks like some accounts are straight up being enabled to have much higher drop rates than others. It also looks like some accounts are straight rigged to not able to find anything at all.

I’ve leveled an Amazon to 93 at this point, and a Sorc & Necro to 90. I can’t find anything, even when MFing with the 400% Sorc. This is unprecedented garbage and isn’t RNG. If I had played a ladder reset this much in the original D2, I would be sitting on a lot of viable trade resources, but for some reason in D2r, I don’t find anything at all. But then on the other hand, my friends in our Discord are constantly linking screenshots to each other of “what they found next” during their MFing. I’ll keep seeing these posts all night every night, of things like +1 lightning GC with 11 life, with some comment attached that says: “eh it’s ok” and then a plethora of posts like “another Ist rune” “ah got my 2nd Ber”

I repeat again, the same people who find things are the people who are finding everything and keep finding everything. The people who don’t find anything are the people who just never find anything and keep not finding things. Something is wrong with it. This looks a lot less like an RNG and a lot more like control groups have been placed.

So unless everyone is using some kind of a magic find hack that I am not aware of, something is wrong with D2r drop rates. In the first month it was like: “Eeeeeeh what is going on here? Is it just me? I guess it’s just RNG” but going into 3rd month here and seeing these same patterns happening to the same people, it is quite clear at this point that something is up behind the scenes with D2r drop rates.

Whatever it is that this company has decided to toy with, I don’t appreciate the consumer discrimination. Some accounts being enabled for great drops whereas others are disabled and made to find nothing regardless of how hard they grind, is bogus and not right.

I’ve also noticed this.

It’s like I’ll log in and the server decides the drop of the day for me is going to be Spirit Shroud, only Spirit Shroud, and more Spirit Shroud. I’ll find something like Spirit Shroud and only the Spirit Shroud all day while playing, and then suddenly the trend stops and a new one begins.

This kind of thing never happened in D2original. To find like 4 or 5 Spirit Shroud in a row is in itself astronomical luck to ever happen in a true RNG, but yet I am seeing these kinds of trends happening not only frequently, but reliably in D2r.

The drop rates are definitely altered and tweaked in D2r.

Why is my sorc still running around with spirit sword and wealth armor? You don’t see me making QQ threads about drop rates.

The drop rates are on par with the original game. You get lucky a few times, most of the time you don’t.

For me, the game has been dropping decent items for a Druid… The games RNG wants me to play Druid. BUT I REFUSE! :stuck_out_tongue:

I concur. I have played since original D2 launch and my luck was horrible. Since D2:R has come out my luck has been incredible. I found 3 tals armors within 20 minutes. Ber dropped in tristram. Most of my gear is self found on my characters because stuff just keeps dropping. I have all of the runes for infinity and I’m super casual, haven’t even played in 2 weeks really.

I don’t know what to tell you bud. People who have been playing this game for 20+ years are saying things like this:

So you explain to me, why so many people are making claims like this. They can’t all be getting win the lottery lucky.

This guy came in here and posted this statement, confirming exactly what we just discussed: 1) some people having unprecedented luck. He said he found Ber and even has the runes for Infinity, regardless of super casual play and he hasn’t even played in 2 weeks. 2) Even mentions the strange drop trends “find 3 tal armor in 20 minutes”.

That isn’t right. Some people do 100s and 100s of runs, don’t find anything, then an admitted casual player who hasn’t even played in 2 weeks has runes for Infinity + Ber? Finds 3, three, THREE, “that’s 3” Tal armors in 20 minutes?

That isn’t just a bit of luck my dude, that’s like unprecedented cosmic anomaly “when all the planets in the galaxy align” kind of luck, considering if the drop rates were still true RNG.

Enough with the “Oh it’s just RNG” statements. There is definitely something going on with some accounts being flagged for great drops and others being flagged to find nothing at all. If things were working like old D2 we wouldn’t be seeing so many claims where people are achieving super cosmic alignment luck, either by finding so much or finding nothing at all. There is too much of this going on to rationally or logically look at this and actually believe everything was still a true RNG.

I mean at some point, when you see a dude at a casino roll 1 on a six sided die every time he throws, only rolls 1s, never rolls anything else, this goes on for hours, you’ve got logically examine the very strong possibility that just maybe that die is loaded.