Drop rates suck

I’d rather Blizzard focus the last little bit of money they will spend on this game on getting it running properly. If they can / will even do that. I have my doubts at this time.

1 month in… Crashes everywhere still reported. And update / patch? This company is revolting. Not even a follow up comment from one person at Blizz. Disgusting.

Also, the game doesn’t NEED any other ‘currency’.

go play d3 then.
the max mf you can reach is roughly 1k, im sitting at 430 and quite happy about it for now. so its a you problem not game related

drop rate is too high imo , 1.09 was the best !


not sure what any of this nonsense has to do with what i said… oh well thanks for the random post i suppose.

You, seem to have a comprehension issue, and than you resort to the ole tried and true cop out "non sense’. Its clear as day, if you read above a third grade level.

YOU are advocating for the company to expend resources on “catering to your desires”. All the while, completely ignoring that the game is a classic. YOU do NOT mess with real world antiques… but yet you want this one changed. Better? Custom currencies… just for you? I bet theres others too.

No thanks.

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There is no problem at all - your simply unlucky; deal with it. Gg Bb. ^^

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for someone with such strong words about people having a comprehension issue you didn’t seem to comprehend the point of my post.

i didn’t advocate for anything i simply explained something to someone and suggested a way to improve the situation.

i didn’t ask blizzard to do anything nor did i tell them to put it on the top of their list.

you just seem like you like to get angry at people who express any kind of opinion about how the game could be changed to make it better and need to rant about it.

Do i seem angry. Strange, im good mate. Your post straight up states

I guess its a fine time to point out , that this is what happens with social media and text. People are losing touch with actual interaction, and the body language / emotions that are present in real world conversations.

Good imagination though. Cheers

Clearly you haven’t read enough of my content. I don’t get angry. :stuck_out_tongue: Well, ok, i guess i am peeved, @Blizzard themselves. Not any of you. Good day.

11 shakos, 7 arachs, countless other stuff, Ohm , SUR X3, LO

Solo meph runs , not sure how fast ur doing meph runs but i got it down to about 1 minute a run

i don’t usually shout nearly as much as you are when i am just having a nice calm day but maybe your “normal” is just shouting a lot.

I didnt realize one could shout in text, on a forum…

News to me. I guess i live in the real world , where in fact i havent spoken one word, so in fact, i couldnt be shouting.

I am texting though. Good day.

PS: im also not replying over and over with no content other than a trivial vein attempt at riling up the situation. So i will now take leave of you. Enjoy yourself, im sure you do.

you should probably look up what capital words mean in text format then it might solve some of the mystery behind why you think people misinterpret you.

Nah, as i said, i would rather just take my leave of you. You have proven everything i just said. Good day.

Can I have a shako and arachnid since you have so many?

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all gone but 1 arach shako , traded the rest to achieve my enigma, hoto xD

Just git gud then you get drops

Drat. If you find more, think of me :slight_smile:

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I feel you on this, this new remastered game had some weird RNGs…I’ve just did 3 hours of key run on countess with no keys but Ist and a Mal; did torch 3 times in a row with all of them necros of same attributes of 11; MF last week with 5 lysanders aim in 2 days straight; found two elite 3 socket armor with same DEF as 466 in same day…These odds are something I have never experienced when I was playing the LOD for the past decades. Many would argue that this was just pure coincidence but too many of this “coincidence” are hard to explain now.

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You’re talking VERY small sample sizes here. This same argument has been made for years when people either go on a cold streak or hot streak in D2 classic. Until you run a statistically large enough set of runs (one day, one week even won’t even come close) based on the items you’re farming / drop chances of the drops you’re looking for, you can not in any way draw any meaningful conclusions that the game is “bugged” or “off”.

The game is running the old code under the hood and has the most recent (1.11 I think if memory serves) drop tables for all items. The drop chances for things would be identical to the original D2 classic given this.

If you ran Andy in NM 100 times and didn’t get a Stone of Jordan, would you say the system is off? No because that’s not even CLOSE to the number of times you’d have to run him before you’d hit the % chance an SOJ could drop. Google D2 drop calculator and start putting in some items you want and see what the chance of you getting them are from any boss. Then go run that boss that many times (good luck) and you’ll start to get a feel for the math.


I agree drop rates are bad I have played everyday min 3-4 hours and I have next to nothing to make it all worth it, enough is enough. It slowly chips away at you. To pretend that this means I expect loot to be everywhere, I don’t. But 1 decent not great but decent item once a month is to much to ask here. It’s pathetic people play it at all. You have to be a masochist to enjoy this torture.