Drop rates suck

again, wrong, you experience is anecdotal. I don’t run bots, I haven’t played an unreasonable amount of hours, and I’ve found plenty of tradeable and useable items on my Necro.

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I have a different experience, farming andy and meph yesterday netted me a shako and oculus, then i found a gul rune in a coffin on top of that on the same day, it was glorious!

I was playing back then. And it was before rune drops were raised.

How many High runes have you found we’re not talking about Items,
How many High runes?

they raised the drop rates again this year? because that was the going rate in december of 2020

Stay awhile and reread my post, what I was repliying to, and the hypotetical situation we were talking about, dear Anxious mate.

you literally quoted my post about shako costs at the start of a season… not sure if you are paying attention to what you are doing but i think you need to get some sleep if you are that out of it.

anyway pointless to try to have a conversation about how d2 worked with someone who thinks coh is worth wasting a ber rune on, you clearly haven’t played the game long enough. I am going to go do something else, have a good day.

I think your missing the point bro, No one wants to be stuck in a Vipermagi for several months because they can’t Human bot the game.

I’m not speaking for myself I play the game everyday. it’s 5 am and I’m still trying to play the game.

I speaking for all those Guys that are my friends/family that work all the time and can’t find any High runes because the drop rates are tailored for Bots.
Even Playing the game as Much as I do I have only found 1 ist 3 gul 1 vex and Ohm eludes me. Items aren’t a problem those Drop the problem is RUNES >.< adding more rune words Into a New ladder While Increasing the rune drop rates will give players plenty to do.,

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Again, reread what you’re repliying to, I have made several posts in this thread and you’re mixing the replies.

And hating whomever disagrees with you is a very immature behavior.

I’m stuck in a Vipermagi and can’t human bot the game, and I’m fine with it, so your statement is not completely true.

I belong to a generation where you weren’t granted to get all you wanted, and game makers weren’t obligated to grant that everyone should be able to complete the game.

It’s not about playing it compulsively right after release, the thing is what will happen in 3 months.

Why would those guys need those Highrunes anyway? There are plenty of PvP games, that dont force you to farm gear. And you can do everything in the game without HRs.

So tell me, a working family father, why would I need HRs 2 weeks after Launch/Ladderreset? Is it because I have time to race to 99? Can’t be, else I would be able to farm enough runes with my CS/Baals. So whom are you speaking for? only for yourself, because you want instant HRs.

Kiddo, you need to be more patient. Also bots will soon flood the market, as prices are dropping rapidly.

Your argument while I understand it is Mute, They Blizzard have already stated they intend to shorten the ladder seasons. they’ve also expressed compensation for that.
so like it or not it’s coming even if you refute the logic.

I’m not a Kid nore am I your Kid.
the Prices have remained pretty consistent actually at 300$ a Ber/Jah rune.

I Like Others want to Be rewarded for my time Investment and if you don’t understand how rune drop rates are tailored for Bots, then I got nothing else to say to either of you go do some reading on the mechanics of the game.
the whole point of moving to the Bnet was to combat botting on live.
if they cut down the bots the rune drop rates should be adjusted.

That attitude of “I’ll get what I want, PERIOD” is what I was talking about.

Cry more, You guys don’t like the Direction the developers are bringing the game go back to D2lod.

Im sorry to say but your doing A. something wrong or B. your 2k meph kills or 100+ hours cows are made up numbers. I get something nice like mal+ rune or arach/shako/tal amu/chest/verdu/dracs etc etc on daily basis with just couple hours of playing. On best days i play more (12 hours or so) im usually getting about Jah worth of stuff minimum.

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I still prefer very very rare drops compared to diablo 3 abundance of good drops. You get bored within a week on d3.

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The only one who is crying here is you pal. It’s not the direction of the developers, as they haven’t changed any droprates. It’s you crying for more loot, in a game that is all about loot gathering.
You are just lying about the needs of others, while you are only talking about your own wishes. Be straight and say, that you want increased HR drops for yourself.

Your whole attitude in this topic points me to the thought that you are still in school and not working.

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Looks like I’m not the only one thinking you’re behaving like a kid.

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alot more has been done than you think. google stuff and look through certain forums. you will see