Drop rates suck

The only problem I have is finding so many normal level uniques in hell mode, I personally think there should be a minimum level of items that can be dropped in nm and hell, I am tiring of finding low level stuff when I’m in hell.

Thats how the game has worked since the beginning… Common items (normal), uncommon items (exceptional) and rare items (Elite). They’re going to drop accordingly. After the drop is chosen, then it rolls through RNG to decide if unique, set, rare, magical, superior, normal or low quality. Then ethereal and/or socketed.

Hell difficulty gets the loot tables of Normal, Nightmare AND Hell.

I am aware of that, I played the original, loved it, still do, still doesn’t take away from what I said.

I think what you mean is that you don’t like the slow progression of the game when it comes to finding items.

I like the slow progression. It keeps the trading aspect of the game alive. The game isn’t over and boring in a week or two like D3.

To each, their own.

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I want to know why I am getting normal level drops in hell mode? I have received countless Cathans, some level 2 rings, and a crapload of items that are level 20 or lower. I don’t get it. Is that intended?


What annoys me the most is exactly this line 54 full sets of saigon thats what really kills it for me. Sure, you dont get a ber rune everycow run, but hell cows dropping el runes and Artic Furs? F-off. I really wish they would at least scale drops to level so that you find low level crap when you are low level and not all that trash when you are high. When you make a new barb for example you get nothing early on, hop on your level 96 hammerdin, so 10 chaos runs and you get berserker set, awesome. The set thats is good for level 2 and alredy awful at level 10.

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Many things in this game are absurdly rare and you might never find. Many people don’t realize that the only reason they’ve been able to get good gear was because of the sea of dupes and bots that used to plague this game (and perhaps will again in the future).

I find it interesting that people used to hate on D3 when items were rare, now they hate on it for items being too common (and I agree). Meanwhile people love D2 for items being super rare and then proceed to use all the duped/botted gear that someone else found… Hypocrisy at its best.


i agree. make the drop rate harder, its way to easy to get gear…

Did you try putting on magic find items? I heard it helps finding magic items

I think Diablo 2 is in a bit of a bind cause, especially with patch 1.10, blizz realized how powerful a lot of the end game items were making people. So, instead of making the rare items people did thousands of Baal runs for weaker they decided to balance the skills around these super rares.

Now-a-days for a lot of classes you really need very specific items and builds to even hope to run Hell at an even semi-reasonable pace.

If I compare it to something like Grim Dawn it had items that felt very rare like Diablo 2’s but also largely you could gear yourself well enough to at least complete the main game content just with crap you find on the floor. The hardest difficulty of that game was a bit of a stat check but it was definitely possible to gear yourself up with some modest farming (and I’m not talking like thousands or runs).

Personally, I think there’s two sides of the coin. A game that just throws loot at you like crazy devalues it like crazy, as seen in Diablo 3 and most people get bored pretty quick. But a game being too stingy or just dropping crap makes you stop wanting to even try. For a slot machine to be addictive you have to actually win a few times.

If you’ve ever played Wolcen it had this problem. That game had an atrocious loot issue where literally almost every single thing you found was just useless because there were too many variables that could be randomized on each item and pretty much everyone stopped playing it once they went like 30 hours with no item of interest dropping.


Honestly D3 still has a lot of rare items and with how fast ladders go by the drop rates being higher the higher the difficulty is just perfect . The main problem with Diablo 3 is honestly that it’s only 4 players max (imagine if it was 8 players) and that the end game is seriously lacking (especially in campaign / adventure mode).

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No necessarily. You really need to know where to farm and how to do that efficiently. You can do that without dupes or bots. First 5 years of playing D2 I have not found a single HR or even a remotely good item, because I had no idea how to properly farm. And now in D2:R I found Jah, Sur, Sur, Shako, Arach, BK4, Soj and a countless other decent items. It’s still rare but it’s doable.

@OP: I do not believe you did 2000 meph runs and not found a single good item. I think that would be extremely unlucky. Did you count your runs or you just got this number based on ‘feel’? I am betting you just did couple of 100’s of runs and that’s it.


Have you counted in the fact that you yourself have grown up, moved into adulthood, graduated from whatever it was you studied, hopefully found yourself a meaningful job and possibly have family and kids?

Yea, most people had 8+ hours to play daily when we were kids and got nothing more important to do. Playing the game even without any rewards still felt like good times because you didn’t know anything better. Now I’d rather spend time working or with my loved ones than playing video games 8 hours a day. Time has more value these days.


the magic word here is “trading”.
Did I ever find a Zod rune? nope
But I did find a shako and it was easy to trade for it as an example.

For multiplayer the drop rates are fine because you don’t need to find every item by yourself because others won’t find the item that you found and you can exchange.

for single player I would say patch 1.10 was a terrible addition because runes are so low in drop that you will never find them to actually enjoy all the builds to their fullest in SP ever unless you pump 5000h into 1 char.

But well, I really don’t think D2 single player is a good game. You can play through without any uniques and the end game for SP is basically just farm items which 99% of you cannot even use.

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TBH, D2 rains unique far more than early D3 it’s just that D3 has difficulty scaling that boost drop rate so hard. Don’t believe me? try normal difficulty for 1 hr in D3 and tell me it rains legendary.

Op Is right, i have really never seen so many bosses drop 1 item, its so rare that i couldnt remember it.

So today i played D2Lod to test, and andariel dropped 3-5 items, so did the other bosses too.

Also, i have 200mf in d2r and did the same in d2lod, after a full run i had 0 unique in d2r and i had 5 in d2lod.

Andariel, mephisto,diablo,eldricht,pindle in total 15 items dropped in d2lod, in d2r it dropped a total of…5, in wich 3 where blue…1yellow and 1 unique

No difference? yeah right, do a test and see, you will agree.

Now i dont really care, because i play and farm like never before, but its kinda weird id say.

Yes, i know i have to run many more times to test, but i have ran many full d2r runs and the droprate was the reason id like to try this.
I dont think i have ever seen andy drop 1 blue item only.

Somethinng is fishy here, smells like a fish usually is a fish.

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Unfortunately, the drop rates are what keep the game interesting. Diablo 3 is so saturated with items that it makes it a terrible experience to keep finding 20 legendaries per rift… Having low drop rates is what makes it so rewarding when you do finally find that upgrade or GG item. The OP talks about drop rates and tells us not to say “my drop rates are fine” while he is doing the same thing about his bad drop rates… I’ve ran around 1200 Mephisto runs since the game has been out and have found 3 Sur runes, 2 ist runes, 1 mal rune, 2 gul runes, but have not found the elusive shako yet. Anecdotal as this may be, anyone complaining about drops are doing the same thing but in reverse. Still anecdotal and doesn’t really mean much.

Yh I am also very very unlucky so far lol.

Been farming ALOT, bosses, cows everything, Best thing i’ve found is an ist ><

I get that it’s the point of the game but i’m not sure I have the mental fortitude to farm 6 hours a day for 6 months to get a vex rune lol.


Are you on normal mode? Because how you’re only level 88 after doing that many cow runs on hell mode and killing Meph that many times seems a bit false if you were doing it on Hell, unless you die a lot.

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2 whole DAYS of farming Pindle , Eldrige and Shank … nothing of highlight drops bigest drop i think was Hwanis Armour. Third day i drop a Mara’s and the hell stuff keeps on comming…Drops seem fine. Play with your MF go over 350% and do some runs than do some runs on 250% find the sweet spot.Items will drop.If one zone dosent give any drops try a other one. If runes dont drop at the countess try lower kurast…etc…And one more thing if your high on MF but you do crap dmg than that MF equals to 1/4 of its value. Better do faster and have high dmg runs witl lower MF than slow runs whit high MF.

P.S some items in the game maby youl never find.There are people like
MrLlamaSC , Dbrunski or Xtimus what go 3 months whit out a vex drop.

Some things are very rare and better aquired trough trading