Drop rates suck

dramatically better loot tables. . . to such a degree, some people have 2 accounts. one to create a game in hell. the other to join and mf that game for quest drops.

The drops rates are mostly perfectly fine. I went a few days only getting sub lv40 uniques and set items, but then i got some Tals, and IK & Nat and some cool uniques.

Not mostly what im after but still good to see and its something to be excited for.

I will say though, i kinda feel like theres “smart loot” akin to d3 lol. Only because i got 4 Tals weapons, 5 Tals helm and a few belts, along with other caster uniques all within a day or so. Just seemed fishy to me haha.

I hate to say this but if you played since start of game where there was no expansion, to where we are now and are complaining about loot then play World of Warcraft or something. I like the fact that loot doesn’t come easy and I just started my mfing in this game about a week now. I don’t want stuff just given to me, in any game for that matter. Just stick it out and it will come.

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They didn’t change the base game engine. What he said is entirely valid and is in fact how the game works.

Did somebody say charm? WHERE

Right, so the fact that they got 4 TP scrolls in a game with multiple people in it for the quest drop is just astounding.

I Agree with alot of what you’re saying BUT I think thee Item drops shouldn’t be buffed very Much the rune drops are what should be Buffed OR Added+ too increase drop of Higher runes with player MF%'s …
That or Make Ploot so players want to play together.
Right now Ppl don’t really want to play together because the competition over loot. that way more ppl would get drops and loot in 8 player games naturally.
Playing solo self found can be very grueling and unrewarding.

Shako is a specific item. Vex is currency. Shako is only needed by the ones who have a build that needs Shako (yes, most people) and still don’t have it. Vex is needed by everyone, even by the ones who also miss a Shako, in order to buy other stuff for their build.

We’re talking about a market, so offer and demand can’t be ignored.

Buffing rune drops would only mean that people would charge a Ber instead of Vex for Shako.

Printing more money doesn’t solve poverty.

I found like 3 occies, 4 vipermagis, 1 arachnid, 3shakos, 1Jah rune, 1HoZ, 1Maras, 3andy visages and many other useful uniques all in approximately 3k-4k Mephisto runs. My advice would be to continue pounding hell mephisto.

Actually it would solve a lot of the Problem Drops are balanced for Botting. and you Can’t have a 3-4 month ladder season with the current rune drop rates it’s unreasonable.
P.s. One of My Ideal fixes on this would Make MF apply toward Rune drops and quality

uhhhhh have you ever played Diablo 2, drop rates are fine… Makes the game last…

the fact shako has been an ist maybe gul at the start of ladders for years even when runes were duped into oblivion and um after a week or 2 would suggest that’s not the fair market price

not saying they should up drop rates but if this were true why are items more expensive rune-wise now than when runes were duped for 18 years?

there has to be an outside factor inflating the market and i think everyone knows what it is. RMT is never going to make things better and jsp needs to go with it’s currency that lets people convert wealth from outside of the current game/season into items in it.


Just because the servers are offline and you cant loot anything, doesnt mean the droprates suck!

Yup 100% correct. D2 was made before the “I want everything handed to me” crowd was old enough to be online. 2000 meph runs is nothing, lvl 88 is nothing. Talk to me when you have 10 lvl 99’s about your drop rates, that is what this game is.

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killed hell countess over 675 times and got 3 terror keys and no runes over hel. ive played ladder resets quite a few times over the last 10 years in real d2 and ive never had such sht drops as i do on here, not even close.

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You’re not saying you want items raining down on you but you want a drop rate increase… A lot of what makes D2 fun is the occasional ultra rare item drops. I’ve been playing D2 since 08 and literally just found my first Jah rune.

Wrong, Diablo is balanced for Bot farming.
It’s Not about making the game easier, (common Purists statement)
It’s about Having reasonable drop rates that aren’t tailored to a 24/7 bot.
when I ran bots I found High runes daily. but the bot could also Pick it everything faster then a human 9/10 times. which they basically Gave Controller players on Pc Pickit auto aim. So your Argument is really void.
They will add Ploot because Nobody wants to play together except exp runs. or Mf in Public games which players just leave the game because they don’t wanna see you find an item LOL.

That would only turn D2 into D3 making stuff less exciting, apart from devaluating or rendering a lot of gear into useless. What’s the point of a Viper if you can easily get a Chains of Honor (incase of Sorc)?

And still missing what’s your point about botting.

yeah get ready for increased drop rates or Personal Loot maybe even both Because that’s what’s gonna happen when it’s balanced for thee player and not the bot.

why would anyone waste a ber rune on coh? have you even played d2?