Drop rates suck

Also- if you have 400MF, you clearly have found drops because you don’t get that with 0 gear.
Also - if you really did this many runs you would be over lvl 88 - source - i have done this many runs and i am over 90 - i have done 0 group play, including 0 baal runs.

you probably just don’t know what’s tradeable and what isnt. it’s basically impossible not to get something tradeable in 2k hell mephiso runs. . . you have a 1/615 on vipermagi alone . . and that’s only one of the items hell mephy can drop (assuming 250 mf, which you can get with ptopaz’s/ryme and some other basic gear).

In all likelihood you didn’t actually math it out, did a couple hundred and say it’s 2k. . . and 100+ hours of hell cows if farming with something at the pace of a javazon will get some solid bases. . it can take a lot more than that for a good rune. but a white monarch? in 100 hours of cows? ya that’ll drop in that time many times over. . it’s . . well . … basically impossible for it not to. … You’d need to be on the sub 1% of the bell curve for that to occur, if it’s even possible. . but if farming with a slower build like a barb? . well you’d probably still get something.

nah, you probably just don’t actually know what’s worth what. . cows isn’t run purely for runes it’s bases as well. which are frequent there esp at lower mf levels. and mephisto drops that are good, isn’t limited to shako class items. . skullders/peasant crown/tals pieces/occy/etc. . . I’m assuming you look purely at “late game builds” and “optimal” and completely kick asside items that MF builds use, or runeword bases, and so on.

this game is not for new kids on the block who are still in their mid 20’s from the 21st century. . too focused on instant gratification or getting all their main stuff in a week or less. . and not taking the full 3-6 months of a ladder to fully gear a pvp toon to the teeth. with sometimes a month just to get the enigma alone. (depending on time spent ofc)

he’s got rose tinted glasses. when your younger you don’t mind spending hours a day grinding and it feels like a short while. when you’re an adult with responsibilities. that same amount of time is felt quite clearly. . . and nostalgia will only get you so far until you realize how it actually was. . . no the game isn’t any different, but the personalities/perspectives of people these days are.

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it’s called chances.

lets take for example, Ber rune is 1 in 1475 chances… So in your case, you will need the cows to drop 1475 Sol runes, for the next one to drop a Ber rune. I don’t think 100+ hours are enough to do that.

However, it’s pretty impressive that you did (and actually counts) 2,000 meph runs… while completing 54 complete “sigon” sets… And you have farmed 100+ hours on hell cows. Where, the game just released around 17~18 days.

No possible way you have had time to do all this and obtain the gear you would of needed to progress that fast. I call BS BS BS! Its about the hunt, it’s not D3 where you can play for 2 days and be decked out then bored out of your mind. You can literally play this game for years and still not get the perfect itemization. Game has been out a couple weeks, and in that time it has been down a TON!

one week after release and people want to be full end game stuff with the stash full of hr :joy:

in the previous diablo2, it took me 3 years… 3 ladders , just to drop a Jah :kissing_heart:

i got all my sutff with trading, trade is the best way to get your stuff.

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ok bro

drop rates are fine as they are

The only thing I would like to see more common are runes especially the high level ones. The reason legendaries and sets that are good aren’t as common is because the game will give you the crappy version of items rather then the hell version of those armors more commonly.

I think you’re farming too slow. How much mf do you have? I assume you’re using a Sorceress. Does she have a 105%fcr breakpoint? Teleport to your location and then swap into extra mf gear for the kill. If you did as many Meph runs as you said you should have plenty of gear. Also if you’re not farming Hell you need to.

I feel like you didn’t play the original game.

It’s the same drop rates.

Its your magic find… If its too low you wont find much often, if its TOO high same thing occurs… Diminishing returns after around 300…Reach for between 200-250mf/ that the sweet spot… Ive found 4x Vipermagis, 2x Skullders, occy, shako, IK Armor, 2x Andys helms, Arachnid mesh, highlords ammy and Ist, Pul runes… My mf is a constant 250 and I run Pindle, Diablo ( Seal bosses only ), Meph and Andy as a blizzard sorc.

100% false numbers. This guy clearly is lying. You can run that many runs with 0 mf and you would be guaranteed to find at least a handful of tradeable items and runes above sol. Ignore and move on, he just wants to complain after playing for 10 hours without a good drop.

I heard rune drop is not affected by magic find so its same % for everyone to drop.

With 0 mf? I dont think you understand the significance of mf… For example, Hell Andariel has a 1/1900 chance of dropping a Shako with 0 MF… at 250 mf its 1/800. Thats just 1 example. Runes are not effected by MF.

Source - h t t p s : / / dropcalc.silospen. com / item.php

No one is going to accept this, but I find it helps to take off your mf gear and put it back on. I had forgot all about that until yesturday. I found nothing for about a week doing MP pit/chaos/baal/meph/A3chests etc…then I took my gear off and put it back on…found Jah, Death Fathom(my first ever), Eschutas and more today.

I was having almost no set or unique drop. The difference was night and day right away. It wont cost you anything to try.

drop rates good for me :slight_smile:

I agree. I sometimes drop from 250 down to 150 for a few games and then back up to 250 and its night and day again. Idk why but maybe theres something to it.

Fact: You have not done 2000 meph runs.

Fact: it is impossible to find zero usable items in 2000 runs.

Fact: complaint post because you have had bad luck for a couple days or something

I wonder what the actual odds of that are…Especially since quest kills are supposed to have better loot tables.

Now you need to give me one set of Saigon for free, DM me