Drop rates suck

2000 meph kills is cap 2-3 min per kill 2000-3000minutes so you have spent over 400 hours killing meph when the game hasnt even been out that long lol. drop rates have always been like this gotta grind

I’m either calling BS, or making drops better isn’t going to help that luck…

Well, Ber Rune, Lo Rune, Vex Rune, 2 Gul Runes, Shako, 2 WT40+, Life Skiller, Gold Find Charms, Death Web… I don’t think droprates suck. I regularly find nice stuff. Maybe you just suck at farming :slight_smile:

This is Diablo 2 ! IF you think drop rates sucks, you should play version 1.9 and see for real what diablo 2 is.

Of course if botting are out of controll then it makes big difference for us grinders and for botters who get stuff with ease.

You found 54 complete Sigons Sets and don’t even know how to spell the set name? :thinking:

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if you have over 400 mf, than i dont think you are that experienced … but i will leave that up to you to figure out why.

Personally, i think all your info and played stats is largely exaggerated, but hey , each to their own.

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What a guy :smiley:
Waste time on the game. Wants to get a refund. Complains about drops. Haha


I think it is a kid playing D2 for the first time :smiley:


Please get out of my game. You are the problem.

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Drop rate feels exactly the same to me as old d2, … and yes that’s a feeling not a statistic. Perhaps at some point over the next year the real stats will show one way or another.
Who knows, perhaps they were off by a few %, but, does it matter? the game has always had super low drop rates. I can only say that perhaps this is not the game for you. (or for any of us currently given the state of the servers)

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Mephisto’s drop rate got nerfed way back in 1.09 and Durance level size was increased as well to discourage farming him so hard like people did back in the old days. You are doing it wrong. If you want to get good gear and runes then I recommend you farm these areas per game session:

Elderitch in Frigid
Council members in Travincal
Pit cave in Tomoe Highlands
Chaos Sanctuary
All the Durance of Hate chests, then Mephisto if you feel like it.
Act 1 Cold Plains super unique monsters (found my SOJ here)
Worldstone area if you can survive the Glooms, then Baal.

Doing these over and over will get you OHM, JAH, and LO runes. I’ve done these plenty of time and always get high runes like these. The Ber rune is the one I have a hard time finding.

Also, the super chests in lower Kurast huts are good for high runes, but you have to snipe a person’s game and the drop pattern is dependent on number of people in the game. Its different for 3 and 8 players.

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The drop rates are exactly the same, it is the same game under the hood. You are frustrated because you been unlucky in a RNG based system.

Realize that you are the guy complaining on forums about being unlucky. Your frustration can be felt through the tone you used right from the start, even while replying to mundane comments.

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Drop rates are fine.

This is how the game is. The items that are good are rare. The items you probably are complaining are unusuable aren’t in fact unusuable - many are good at the start of hardcore seasons.

You’re also mfing mephisto who has a huge drop pool and most of it is FULL of the items that fall off in value/usability after the early-mid game and that’s definitely part of the problem.

This isn’t Diablo 3 where good/legendary items drop every 20 minutes.

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As far as Vex gotta remember you can get lucky, and do 2 Hell Hellforges, and get 2 Gul runes to make the Vex. Or, rush people through Hell for their Hell Hellforges and get Gul’s to make a Vex. Also, the funny thing about MF is that in the 21 years I’ve been playing D2(started in 2001 - LoD) with more MF I may have found a lot of items, but with 0-little MF I have found my best items. I currently rock 179%MF with the 105%FCR breakpoint on my Sorc, and I did 13 Meph runs the other day and he dropped me a Shako. Sometimes less is more my friends! :slight_smile:

upgrade your mf my friend

It has probably been said above but don’t forget D2 is also a trading game.

Go get something you need from all the loot you got, trade your low stuff for gems and runes. Rush people for their forges, you need to build currency. I don’t think anyone has ever built a character with 100% of their own drops.

I think Blizzard has flagged your account with a negative drop modifier. Might as well just stop playing now.

Not sure if I want to since I’ve found Shako from Meph, Tals Ammy from Summoner, Natures Peace from Nihl, a couple of other useful high end items from other bosses/85 areas. I’ve got a good 179%MF sweet spot going on at the moment! :smiley:

0% chance this is not embellished. Stop complaining and go farm or find a new game we don’t care.

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just play…
dont think about drop… and sometimes, you’ll got a little luck

the best things i drop was when i dont expect anything when killing mobs and boss.
i did the countess so much time for crappy Ral, then i just kill a random mob that bother me and it give me a gul rune xD