Drop rates suck

I’ve been running 70mf since level 35 or so in normal and currently 44 in Nightmare.

Drop rate amount did not improve over all.
Quest boss drops improved in quality. (more yellows/sets vs blues)
Item roll quality improved.
Socketed/Superior items replace trash more frequently.
Skulls/Gems/Runes replace potions/keys more frequently.

I’ve had 1 day where the game went bonkers and Trsitram/Countess/Baroness farm was 7+ unique/set items. Otherwise it’s the same grind with more keepers.

That’s not affected by magic find.

The way item drops work is it first rolls the treasure class and base item type that drops. That’s when it will determine if you get gems, runes, or an armor/weapon/amulet/ring/charm/jewel. Magic find is not used at all at that point.

Then, if it chose to drop an armor/weapon, it’ll roll for whether it’s unique/set/rare/magic. That’s where magic find is factored in.

Whether a gem or rune drops is decided before magic find is ever factored in to the drop calculation. More magic find has no effect on gems/runes (you can check this in drop calculators, increasing magic find has no effect on rune drops).

Magic find affects whether, IF an armor or weapon base is chosen to drop, how likely it will be that you get a unique/set item of that base type vs. something of lesser quality. The base item type has already been chosen by the time magic find factors in.

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i only do group games in baal runs to level up, people have auto picker. so i mf in private games.

Finally after playing 8-10 hours everyday solo, I get a Ber rune…

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drop rates are great you just gotta actually kill stuff and kill a lot of it.

hell chaos runs have been very nice to me. more HRs in 2 weeks than ive seen in my whole “original” d2 career :wink:

*in solo play too. cant imagine what p8 feels like - must be raining loot.

lmao… the saigon sets cracked me up… so many saigon belts and gloves

I haven’t had the time to really try to grind stuff out repeatedly but my group had a good laugh when our first Duriel kill in nightmare dropped only 4 town portal scrolls.

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And here I just found a Tals belt on NM act 4 trash mobs…

Yeah man, when I put on wealth my magic find actually went down. I started finding way less unique from meph, I figured I was just getting unlucky, but now that you mention it, there might be something really wrong with the magic find code.

You think you want all those bis items but as soon as you get them you will stop playing that character forever or stop playing the game. Dopamine is pumped out during the pursuit of a goal, not the completion of it. That said the goal has to be attainable for us to bother trying in the first place, and for many of us the law of numbers makes it feel like it is. I know probably won’t get the items I want, but if I can roll the dice thousands of times a day by killing swarms of mobs I’m likely to get something valuable which I can trade. The drop rates suck but the loot tables are large and each mob is a lotto ticket.


yea yea yea, most people playing this played it years ago and dont have the time or have RL means, the AVG player 1-6 hours a day will never see their char reach a high potential - ever -

u say people quit their character after getting BiS?

It means i can group with all my friends who can keep up the dmg while grouping and suriviability. everyone solos and gets nothing with tons of hours invested.

Changes will be made or this game will become another ancient ruin like d2 original. You can only be so determined before you just say F this shizz

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And you base this on old knowledge - yet no one has yet deciphered the new coding to handle how loot works.

so invalid statements

I don’t know who would be interested in playing with whiny entitled players that embellish the truth regarding their experiences with the game and then complain as a result of their entitlement.

Poor game developers have been teaching you that your time invested should be equivalent to what you get out of it. You do not deserve good luck, or anything for that matter, that’s not how luck works.

Good riddance.

yeah ok, guess when mods are allowed BNET will be ghost town, especially when PD2 Drops lmao

Since yesterday mephisto is my big bro!! Because he drop me a harlequin crest… After one week of farming :slight_smile:

lol 2000 Meph kills in Hell?
With 150+ MF?

I do not believe you at all. Video proof or did not happen. Btw the drop rates are perfect. This is no arcade D3. D2 still lives because of them.

If you are used to D3 drop rates or if you’ve once used bots in d2lod you most certainly will complain because you have to grind/work for the good or even perfect gear.

Personally I can’t complain.
I’m playing/farming on most days up to 6hrs. I don’t farm one particular boss but multiple areas/bosses with my blizzard sorc and found plenty of useful gear for her and for my other chars. Even rune drops are not what I was used to in D2LOD (played until 2006, early 2007ish).
Found since the beginning until today 2x Lo, 1x Jah, 1x Sur, 3x Mal and a crap-load of other mid-tier runes and that without trading anything - just selffound.

No idea if they buffed rune drops in D2R or if that still is the rune drop buff from patch 1.14 or something or whenever they’ve buffed it, but I like it!!

You ran mephi 2k times, what a noob. No wonder y ou have no loot hahah

Could it be that when you played the original D2 and D2 LoD you were younger, had more time and patience, and now when you are older the time is more precious, so now you get a feeling you waste your time? I think that is a normal case and has more to do with you and the rest of us growing up, but the games RNG and not having that instant-gratification thing like all modern games has, is what makes D2, D2.

I feel with you, but i think you are just older…

Sounds like someone got too used to D3…2k meph kills @ 400 mf, and not one useable or tradable item, seems like a drama queen talking. There’s a lot of stuff in terms of uniques that can pop, at any time. But lets say any one of them only has a 1% change to drop…you only increased that chance by 4%…