Drop Rates need to adapt for 4-monthed seasons

Absolutely, /thread.

A person is saying most dropped items are useless therefor itemization sucks and drop rates for good items is very bad.
Purists: Therefor, we should increase drop rates so you get more useless items and good items are even more rare!
Purist logic!

What do you expect people who do not even play the game themselves but resort to exploits or trading with exploiters? I am sure 90% of them never even just reached Hell by their own, let alone in Hardcore. :roll_eyes:

Not even close. Not only do I call BS that you’ve quit, but you also likely have not asked anyone who has quit for their reasons. I have, its overwhelming. They all say they’re just not willing to put in hundreds of hours into playing what amounts to pulling the lever on a slot machine.


One option the developers could look into is having Magic Find work in a party. This could incentivize people playing together hunting for that elusive item and promotes the social aspect of gameplay. Just a thought.


…said in a botted economy…

30 hours into this ladder I’ve yet to find Ist, Gul, Vex, Sur, Lo, Ber, Jah, Cham or Zod.
Yet to find one single good item;
Death’s Fathom, Death’s Web, Griphon’s Eye, Tal Armor et cetera.

How many hours is reasonable to spend gearing a single character…?
If you trade – you’re engaging with the bot economy, and are getting an easy time gearing up.

If you play self-found, you’re going to spend over 100 hours getting Enigma.
100 hours.
If your time is worth 40$ per hour, you’re spending 4000$ on enigma – if you farm for 100 hours to make it, with the sole purpose of farming to make one.

One thing is playing quests in an MMO or ARPG trying to snipe a possible reward or boss drop.
Just replaying random content for completely random drops for hundreds of hours is just insane.


No that’s called Diablo 2, didn’t you know that when buying the game?
It’s never been different, well the thruth is it was harder before now, even without bots/dupes the drops are more common then before as it has become a lot easier and there are TZ which feel almost like a pinata in comparison with the D2-LoD drops.

I’m still playing SSF atm, no super high runewords or Tal’s Griffon etc either, have fun playing the game though, once the items start raining the fun will last only shortly.

And the drop rates don’t need to be adapted for a 4 month Ladder, you will find more in a 4 month Ladder now then a 6 month in LoD, so it was already adapted.


They just need to change P1 Nodrop chance from 62% to 1% like it is with 8 players, after that I think drops would be alot better and fair.

I’ve been farming hell cows for days and I’m just finding junk, noway this is fun, if I won’t find anything soon I’ll just quit, why should I waste my time

Maybe you shouldn’t play a gear grinding game then.

Then pls go and work and get the 4000$ and just buy one for 40$. Simple fix for your drop rates and some poor guy that lives off his botting income may provide some food for his family.

You’re not likely to get any of that in 30 hours. Nor should you. If that were the case everyone would be loaded with these items and there would be no purpose for trade, and no reason for many players to even play. The free trade system and difficulty of loot is what draws many players to this game. When you find something special, it feels special. Not some participation prize for showing up.

You would be very lucky to have a self found enigma in that time.

Most items at this level are meant to be a ladder goal. It’s expected to take months.

This isn’t a job. This is play. If it feels like a job to you, then this isn’t the game for you. The game is not the problem, your attitude is the problem.

The economy this ladder is absolutely abhorrent, due to these sunder charms. Everything is completely devalued, and moving further in this direction will further deteriorate reason for trade and kill the player base entirely.


Yes i agree drop rate should adapt to the new shorter ladder.


Yes, thank you for stating reality.
If anything this reduces the prices for items via surplus and allows easier access.

Try not to cut your own argument out from under yourself. If you can’t get it to drop, then trade for it.

Do you imagine you’re competing in ladder for real world currency? If so, you’re breaking ToS.

Also, I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this but your example is lacking scope. Your time isn’t worth $40 dollars an hour, even if you could earn that by turning off D2R. Since eventually everyone dies, your time is actually invaluable. So your example realistically holds no merit.

That’s not how this works.

Most people don’t grind.
Most people leave the game relatively unimpressed, unsatisfied.
Some people see it’s potential, and play it for it’s quality – despite it’s glaring flaws.

And truth is – the game was not supposed to be this grindy.
There’s extremely much evidence for the fact it’s not ment to be a mining simulator, but actually a roguelike action roleplaying game – where the mining simulation is created by bad math.

The thrown pots…?
It’s a hint towards the game they actually made – but which was too short, even for a roguelike.
They top out at 72 damage for poison, and 26-64 fire/physical.
…why are they in the game?
Because they’re left over from what the game was supposed to be.
They never got exceptional or elite versions.

It is a problem that players can’t play the game like a roguelike, or even cooperative, and actually use the content in the game during the actual game.

…the farming starts after the game is over – when there should still be actual story-content left to explore and clear after building enigma and getting Griphon’s Eye.

What action roleplaying games exist where you don’t have a chance in hell to get a complete set during the actual story…?

Most ARPGs have fixed drops.
Some have some grindy RNG, like Castlevania games. But you can target drops for Soma’s souls, Alucard’s weapons, Maria’s books, and Shanona’s tattoo.

Even though it was a small arcade game –

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair was pretty dang groundbreaking for it’s completely assymetrical yet balanced leveling, equipment and progress systems.
Much like that of Dungeons and Dragons.

Ironically, Diablo 2 was too far away from Diablo 1 when it comes to itemization.

It’s still one of the greatest ARPGs of all time – despite it’s flaws.
But the poor drop rates is a grievious flaw that has stopped far more players than it has contained.

The ones that remain are mostly ADHD and impulsive people that aren’t as rational when it comes to risk/reward as more neurotypical persons:
We remain because we are fine with repetetive tasks that aren’t rewarding enough for ordinary people.

How many hundred hours should you have to spend on each of your 20 characters on this 12 hour campaign that is the same 3-5 hour campaign thrice?

Most people stop playing on their character after beating Baal.
Which is the obvious thing to do.
The campaign is over – and the fact that the game didn’t share more loot with the player, didn’t show off the actual content of the game, is a flaw.

The campaign should have been 20 hours longer AND included far higher drop rates from the high level of the item pool during the second expansion – which was planned, but never came.
It stands to reason people would be likely to find complete elite sets before killing the final boss of the second expansion, or build a 1.10 runeword with high runes, with some grinding, before the final boss.

…games should let people experience the content in them during the actual game.

What point is there to a movie that lasts for 2 hours that is a TV series that has a total span of 12 hours if the remaining 10 hours are hidden until that requires you watch the final chapter of the movie 10 times to start to access more chapters from those 10 hidden hours…?

It’s insanity.
A point which I realize every now and again after farming for 100 hours and completing my sorceress:
There is no content left to play with her godly gear.

And when playing a new character with the same gear – a twinked character – the game is not long enough to let her equip the gear due to level requirements until she has finished baal in Hell.

The game itself is amazing.
The items are amazing.
The level requirements are poorly thought out.
The drop rates are off by orders of magnitude, for what the game is intended to be.
It is and was a singleplayer game at it’s core – BNet support was secondary and a feature.

Most players never played the game online.


Wrong. It’s clear you haven’t been playing the game in pre LOD times.
The gameplay is a reflection of the ingame universe. It is supposed to be infuriating, frustrating and maddening. The gameplay reflects the atmosphere of Sanctuary…a never ending grind, an infernal slot machine.

The game seems now easy because in two decades the meta was refined to perfection.

Working as designed. You get a taste of what Marius was experiencing.

The drop rates are more than fine especially now with the introduction of Terror zones.
I wonder what you would’ve said about pre 1.10 drop rates.

This is preposterous. I have been playing on Battlenet since my connection was on dial-up. And there are many like me.

You really think that you should not get one of these items after 30 hours of gameplay? Should it take 300 hours to get one of these? Is 3,000 hours better? Is 30 years better?

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28 fathom, near perf valk, 6 cold skillers, 3 piece tals, perf travs, perf cold sunder less than 20 days into the season. Nothing needs to change, you just need to decide if you’re actually going to play the game or not.

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Sorry but that fits exactly to your text. Seems like you never played classic D2 and you only started D2:LoD.

A lot

Insulting people with false accusations of mental illness doesn’t help your credibility. Some/Most people just enjoy achieving things that others don’t. That’s human nature. But not everybody wants to achieve the same things and that’s why we should be glad that there are so many different games that do things differently.

Sometimes never, and that is a great thing.

Or the very next monster that has the item in it’s table could drop exactly what you need.

And then there is the stat variables. It’s a very fun system how it is.

Now what is troubling, is that the sunder charms have done more damage to the trade economy then I could have predicted.

Nobody is buying crafting materials at appropriate prices anymore among other things, These cut upward mobility off right at the feet and FORCE you to rely on RNG. High runes are still valueable, but almost nothing else.

“oooh I found a P Mara, I can use that to get that Lo I need” “Ya I’ll pay you an um for it and you’ll like it.” “Welp I’d rather give it to the vendor.”

All of that is a completely made up narrative.

Not all games are meant to follow the same formula. Not all games of the same genre are meant to be carbon copies of each other.

Diablo II does things in it’s own way, and that is why this is the greatest dungeon crawler of all time. The rest I get bored of FAST. This one I keep coming back, but the changes are slowly starting to make me resent it. I certainly won’t be buying d4, JUST IN CASE they are actually deteriorating this game to encourage me to play their new game. I won’t support that, I don’t care how amazing the new one will be… For a time.

I find it difficult to believe that you found 6 cold skillers. If a skiller charm were to drop, you have multiple possibilities per class and 7 classes. The odds that you found 6 cold skillers is non-existent. I assume that you were trading or something else.

On my level 92 ladder barb horker, I have found one and only one skiller charm (druid summoner).

My best items to date that I found is a tal amulet and sunder charms. I was able to make a spirit monarch. My gear otherwise is so-so [I was gifted a barb torch, anni, naj plate, guardian, honor in ettin, dwarf star, ravenfrost (not worn for obvious reasons), nagelring, goldwrap, chance guards]. I traded for a kira since I was tired of being frozen.

Sorry Micro, but you aren’t the guy to measure up to. We all know you struggle.

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