Drop Rates need to adapt for 4-monthed seasons

The claim was 6 cold skillers so far on ladder. This is not rocket science to know that this sounds strange.

Your personal attack does not change my opinion but simply demonstrates to me that you can not argue the merits/ likelihood of the claim’s truth.

I don’t even want to discuss the likely hood of finding 6 cold skillers. But the rest of your text is just sad and I didn’t want to quote it and go into detail.

Fact is you struggle a lot at the game you claim to play for 22 years. You couldn’t even kill your own diaclone with your barb and you struggle to get gear unless someone donates it to you.

You are in no position to discuss loot, because you aren’t even average at the game.

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According to ladder, I am in the top 1500 for barb. That is fact. I do not buy my ladder gear nor do I d2jsp. I infrequently trade.

I chose not to make a smiter/hammerdin paladin or cold sorc. I represent legitimate players on ladder who do not go meta mode.

On non-ladder, I can kill dclone in seconds since I have a tribyrd paladin.

Which means nothing because the minority lvls barbs this ladder.

You represent noobs that overestimate themselves.

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How many barbs are on the leaderboard?

What’s your overall position on the leaderboard?

Since I have only played a barb this ladder, I am only “competing” with barbs. In reality, I am not “competing” at all.

How many barbs are on the ladder leaderboard? You decided not to answer that question. The answer undermines your entire argument.

Avoiding the questions and trying to distract while you yourself brought up leaderboards. Does it hurt falling into the hole you dug?

I didn’t answer because I haven’t counted them and you are not worth the time to do it. It doesn’t matter how many are on the leaderboard as my argument was that a minority levels their barbs which you can clearly see on the leaderboards you brought up.

Sorry but your distraction doesn’t work.

We all know that you struggle hard at the game and you also struggle in those discussions.

I asked you question that you did not answer. Your answer to my questiion was the distraction.

The fact is I can only “compete” with other barbs since I only have played barb. This competition is biased as others can use their meta character to gear up their barb which I obviiously have not done. Even with that impediment, I am still top 1500 barb.

Still waiting for your answers on both questions. You have access to the data.

Leaderboards tell us otherwise.

So quit distracting. Show us some data.

We can all see you sweat in this lost battle.

You failed to answer my question that I asked first. Why should I answer your question after you refuse to answer mine.

P.S. I can not answer where I am overall on the leaderboard right now since I am on my phone and do not have access to a nearby computer.

Now you reached the level of a toddler.

Was fun to play and beat you another time.

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I think the major problem is not drop rate of things, the bigger problem is that majority of uniques and sets are garbage, u see people trading tal rasha armor and amulets for HR but u didnt see that with other classes because only sorc items matter now and the same thing is with uniques, melee chars only play with grief and few uniques, we dont have a good starter/mid rw like spirit, i think that first things need to be better so people will give more value on trading. U get aldur boots and people want to trade for fal/lem ?? And tal rasha armor is vex+ hahahah phys sunder is garbage too, need to be reworked to roll 0-10.


More personal attacks. This was your initial reply to me.

This is what I posted.

You immediately resorted to an off-topic personal attack. You never addressed the likelihood of finding 6 cold skillers already in ladder.

There are 2 primary options: It is likely or unlikely. Needless to say, you never contradicted my claim that it is highly unlikely/fishy.

I stated that I am level 92 barb and top 1,500 on the ladder leaderboard. I also never used fg and d2jsp. Since now I am home and could check, my overall rank is 34,386 on the overall leaderboard and more relevantly, 763 on the barb leaderboard. I even recapped the gear that I found. There are 262K barbarians on ladder and 1.6 million characters total. That puts me in the top ~2% of the overall leaderboard (even though barbarians are much more difficult to play than cold sorcs and more gear dependent) and the top 0.3% for barbs.


In contrast: your main? your level ? your gear? d2jsp user? fg user? One of us was transparent.

If someone uses d2jsp in ladder, I do not care about what they think about how fast they can gear up using their accumulated fg.

The reality is none of this is relevant to the fact that 6 cold skillers already found this season seems fishy to me.

Instead of continuing your personal attacks, do you think finding 6 cold skillers already in this ladder is fishy or not?

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Trade for it. WTF are you doing?

That is just nonsense. What are u saying? If a game provides many hours of gameplay, then this is actually bad? lol

I tell you how it actually is. The game does NOT intend to give every player all the items during a ladder season. That is Diablo3, you can play it.

There will be ladders where you are more lucky and others where you don’t.

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Solo online got a Vex in pits last night (non TZ) The night before I got my first Ist of the season from countess. Just now in Pit got a Pul. I think drop rates are jus fine… but I am jus a Mal away from Greif and im being picky trying to find a eth balrog or colossus sword for oath.

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[quote=“MicroRNA-1507, post:195, topic:146372”]

That’s what you posted and what I was refering to. I also clarified this here:

As you see, I addressed that I never wanted to discuss the cold skillers with you. I didn’t go offtopic, I commented on your struggle to get gear 3 weeks into ladder and that you have to depend on handouts of others.

that’s like saying: I’m number 1 in my house in the hours while nobody else is there.
You said it yourself, your gear is trash and you needed handouts to even get there. You leeched yourself to lvl 92 on that single character and you think that you are good because of it. You complain about others using their own character to find items for their barb, but you take handouts from strangers to get your own gear. You are a hypocrite and you always try to change the narrative anytime the truth fails you.

5542 overall. 94. Obsession shako and nothing impressive so far. 0 accumulated fg spent.

I’m currently averaging less than 2 hour per day and also have a foh/smiter at 85 and a fire druid at 84. Nec at 20 and barb at 12.

Wanna know what I ate for breakfast too?

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How many hours of entertainment does a slot machine give you?

The content in a roleplaying games is actually that of the story – and what you need to do to beat the story, including grinding.

I mostly farm to gear characters that have no chance of getting the items on the actual playthrough of the story part of the game where these items should have dropped.

The game’s quality would have been immensely improved if there was more actual gameplay content, and if the drop rates were improved so that you’d get Enigma or Grief before completing the story.

Again. The game was designed for singleplayer – including the 1.10 runewords.
You were supposed to be able to craft these during the singleplayer campaign – nothing else makes sense.

Take any other game.
Like, super mario world.
Imagine if you could play any level as many times as you want.
But that you have to finish the game before you have a realistic chance of getting any powerups what so ever above the mushroom.
Nothing comes out of blocks but coins and the occational mushroom.
Beating bowser gives you an upgrade that improves your odds of getting upgrades exponentially, so you replay the old levels trying to get the various upgrades.
But why?
Why didn’t any of them drop during the actual game, during the story?
That is where Diablo II was and still is.

A lot of the actual content of the game is not a part of the actual game, a part of the story because it’s so rare.
I know the devs said everyone are not supposed to find everything – but it’s, again, reasonable to assume they ment during the actual game’s main story, on a playthrough.

Regardless of what people think, the drop rates do not make sense.
I think the lead devs simply have not played the game enough at any point to actually make an informed opinion on the drop rates during the campaign, and then, had to hold back drops of high runes due to the second expansion needing content.
The second expansion was scrapped – and thus the runewords supposed to be used in that campaign never really got to see the light of day to the main campaign not dropping enough high runes.

And once again, imagine the drop rates in any other game.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
If monsters have a 1 in 300 000 odds of dropping their rare drops instead of 1 in 300 or 1 in 600.

1 in 300 000 odds of dropping high runes is insane.
I can’t defend playing with those odds – I can only defend botting at those odds.
I appreciate that botters makes the content of the game accessible – but I wish the content was available to everyone – including the majority of players that played singleplayer.

…more people would have enjoyed the game far more if they found just some good items during their campaigns, at least once or twice.
Most people that quit quit because they never found anything interesting that made them want to play a second time. Especially if they played melee the first time.

Regardless, even if you found Death’s Fathom on your singleplayer Barbarian, and started a sorceress – you’d likely never find it on the sorceress even if you played literally 1000 sorceresses through the campaign.

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20 f-ing years i never found a zod rune. I found only once Jah. Never found tyraels, and i found once D-web, griffons etc.
I dont like things to be droped like in D3 but drop rates MUST improve a bit.
Otherwise only hardcore players really benefit yet again

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