Drop Rates need to adapt for 4-monthed seasons

Let’s hope Blizzard listens to the majority. I mean, D2: LoD still exists if people want to no-life that.

What you feel is very valid and it is what the majority feels, a lot of useless items need to get deleted from nm-hell and overall improved drop rates.

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Bots are going full steam, and their owners have organized at least two DClone walks on Asia 6 in the morning in Japan, last week.

Once again the economy depends on bots due to the scarcity of items making real money trading and botting so profitable people can buy copies for the purpose of burning the licences after botting for months and selling the profits on the way.

The economy would not be fine without bots. It’d be nigh impossible to get high runes.
But bots have come to the rescue once again, allowing people to actually get content without no-lifing.


It’s a game for bots, it’s an exploit2win at its current state. A sorry state.

You’re still here and not farming…



Diablo don’t care about your needs!

Drop rates are too good imo. Ive found 6 HRs, 3 tal armors, 3 andys, 3 vipers…etc, etc, these stupid charms make the game way too easy…I can clear baal solo in an 8 player game in 3 minutes. I was able to do this on da 6 of the ladder. No JSP, no cheats, no help.

If you need this game to be easier, then like I’ve said before, its time for you to move on. Perhaps to something more your speed… like D3.


Personal anecdote do not matter when objective data of drop rates exist.

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All you do is offer personal anecdotes with no proof, you second hand Trump cosplayer :))
You can’t make this up! He is as relentless as a blind terrier chasing a dead squirrel. Surreal!


weird, your kill speed and time investment must not be very good, ARPGs are grindy, Nothing else to it. Maybe this type of Genre isn’t for you.


He will only shut up if he’s able to find a jah and ber per day…


No, We must all pay reparations of 1 Jah and Ber per day. We have to do more.

Casual Loots Matter!

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What majority? The same majority that contradicted you when you asked for better drop rates right in the second post of this thread? You’re unbelievably delusional.


And how do you know they quit because of the drop rates? They could have quit because the drop rates are in fact too big and they got everything they wanted. I fully geared two characters already this season (enigma, infinity etc.) and I’m slowly getting bored. Even killed ubers with a fire sorc for the fun of it.

At some point, you are going to have to learn to trade and play the game.

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Imagine thinking Likes mean something when:

  • Multi-account exploiters just mass-Like. Exploiters who get items from exploiters who take advantage of poor drop rates.
  • There are thousand of posts asking for better drop rates, p8 command, etc. that would accumulate easily tens of thousands Likes.

Just type in google “drop rates suck” and first hits are about D2.

Objective data of drop rates is that you will find a ber every two weeks on average if you play the game somewhat consistently. But you conveniently choose to ignore that.

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Objective data that you made up I would conveniently ignore for sure.

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Check what people liked the second post, they’re all main accounts with tens if not hundreds of forum posts. Cope more.

Again, the topic with ‘drop rates suck’ has more likes on the first reply that says the drop rates are fine. Obviously the majority wants the drop rates to stay like this. Again, c o p e m o r e.


Hey, it’s not my fault you don’t know basic math. Maybe ask someone to draft a drop average for you based on drop rate calc data (you can google this), I’m sure they’ll get to the same calculations that I got.


Would of been ironic, but second purist to not understand basic math and probability and tell other people “you don’t know basic math”.

Not reading your 100 off topic cringe rage posts by the ways. Just skimmed through and my eyes skimmed through that ironic part. Keep the cringe rage posts comin thinking people care or even read 'em (added to ignore too), I need them free bumps!

So if you cannot defeat the argument then it’s clearly the tool your opponent chose that’s wrong.

Predictable and boring.