iam no math expert. but your first post has 4 likes.
The post after that is not for it has 14 likes
4<14, you are welcome. i know math is hard.
your 4 other accounts dont count as a majority…
No it wouldnt, it would be disaster, comparable maybe only with full on nuclear war…
It really is fairly obvious
oh boy, do i have news for you, diamonds aren’t actually rare or valuable.
I feel the changes coming, it’s good D2R is a live-service game and Blizzard can just make official polls to see what the majority wants, and it’s good its patches do not effect D2: LoD!
I know this is for a different thread but the same issue where it is roughly a 50/50 split, but you quoted it in this thread to say it is not a majority.
Now you are using much smaller numbers a few posts ago. The internet does not forget.
You do not need to be a math expert to see in this thread, you now decided to quote a much smaller number of like to get a skewed result.
It was more clear what the majority want pre-release and first months of release because now most of them quit due to major game problems (drop rates being a main one) and purists are known to multi-client. Most of those Likes are the same individuals.
Player retention is all times bad because D2R has been in the “purists’ definition of pure” form (which isn’t even “pure” D2, it’s 1.14) for so long. I understand they never intended this to happen they were working on stability, which is why first Ladder took so long but it is what it is.
Game will probably gain a lot more players if they fix drop rates, add ploot, add player x command and etc. by the time it hits Gamepass after the acquisition.
A simple email survey by Blizzard can do wonders, excluding multi-accounts.
Nah we all quit because of the dumb changes you and your cronies have been advocating got put in.
Apparently not everyone. I have been running public terror zones for a good part of the day. It has been pretty busy with games.
People have been asking since OG D2 for better drop rates, same as they have been asking since OG D2 for /player x command BTW.
But you said you found over 100 Jah’s a couple weeks ago.
Filthy little liar.
Meanwhile people that actually play the game in anything but the most casual way imaginable would find 6 or so in their first month even with limited play time… I mean it doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure out how to Hork. I mean hell I found 2x Vex + Ber in the same day on D2R once just clearing Chaos for 10 hours.
I don’t get how people struggle with runes so much. Even just running Trav with a non-hork setup you’ll pick up a HR every 12-16 hours of play. On P1 you’ll pull a HR out of Trav every 1k runs or so. That’s 2 hours a night of sub optimal play for a HR a week.
And that’s just the runes. If you trade then all the other crap you’ll fine if going to add up to quite a few other runes as well. If you throw horking on top of that… you’re looking at like 70% more runes, and another 30% or so more other drops. (Rough math from memory so don’t quote me.) Also horking something like P8 arcane blows this out of the water as well if you can organize it.
Just tells me that people like Zahramar have no idea how to play the game. Or are lying through their teeth for attention. I’d guess both.
I have no idea what your friends farm, but I have found multiple SoJs in d2r since it launched just by casually farming travincal. And the trading community isn’t ‘toxic’, maybe the one in game is, but some platforms are extremely reliable and fast.
There are people out here, slowly in game trading, playing 100% legit, finishing their first character perhaps even starting a second character 1-2 weeks in. Meanwhile you think 4 months isn’t long enough with the current drop rate. Maybe you should take a break, learn how to play better, trade better, or realize that perhaps you don’t play enough to be on ladder. It isn’t even that hard I’ve barely grinded this season and have 1 almost fully complete cold sorc (grossssss). I will then trade out of that awful class and be starting something better soon hopefully, but will shortly have 2 or 3 completed chars and 2 chars taht don’t need to be highly geared.
For every 1 Meph run this troll zahramar farms, he makes 14 posts complaining about the game.
He is a lost cause, just trying to destroy the game.
You’ll need to do better than throwing personal anecdotal information expecting that to derail the entire argument. People have quit the game and are not coming back. Maybe you light the community small, but many others do not.
Purists in a nutshell, and they cry Blizzard is not listening to us. Never had any logical counter-argument.
Op is right. They need to make it harder if ladders is 4 month.
Its to easy finding/tradnig gear, so it need to be harder.
spot on Zahramar for once…
Drop rates are so bad, they really need to adapt them. Listen to the voice of the majority, Blizzard.
Just wanted to voice my opinion here too cause I feel like there does need to be a change or something new to help with the drop rates, I feel like im not rewared enough for the time and effort I put into the game. I do find fun in challenges but I feel like the fun and challenge in this game is not balanced in terms of drop rates.