Drop Rates need to adapt for 4-monthed seasons

I mean I knew people who exploit drop rates would come with their multi-client accounts attacking me, so I am ignoring them now. It’s just typical defeated Purist attitude.

Gotta wait for next Season for some more great changes!

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Yea barely played but smart assn around here.


Assumes he “defeats” people, assumes everyone are aged 30+ and have no life while ignoring the fact that he is unable to advance his characters to next level and keeps ranting in forums with 1.4k+ posts which will lead him nowhere, which is the standard he is probably used to in general, going nowhere.

Assumes everyone more efficient than him must be either cheating or using rmt because he thinks he’s some unbeatable warlord but in reality is just unaccomplished neckbeard turned narcissist

Stop with ur help me topics and play a different game, which is probably not possible because you probably spend most of your “gaming” time in forums instead. So swap forum.


This! 20 characters.

Do you see know what the community thinks about it?

We don´t want or need this.

Since yout attention span or lack of even minor skills is apparently a big issue, I guess real life is a little hard for you too. I always felt sorry for these people, so I feel with you as well.

I´m really sorry that you have to feel that way and hope you will find a hobby that will fulfill you.


I understand some people have it really tough, they just wanted D2 with better graphics and Blizzard listened to us.

So I am not going to indulge in personal insults (nor did I read any of your posts to be honest) and stay civil. I also know about their multi-clienting and alt accounts. But your behavior is still not excused.

Guys, D2: LoD still exists for you. I don’t get why you are so upset. I am sorry D2R is ours and will keep having changes. It is hard I know, but reality hits hard! Better drop rates soon hopefully!

If living in an alternative reality helps you to cope - keep on going :wink:


You mean the reality when D2R is 1:1 identical copy with upped graphics, not removed Immunities, Terror Zones, and launched with more changes and will have more changes per season? I will go on, it’s me coping dude. :wink:

I am also from the generation who started on Diablo1 and i am also thinking, that drop rates should be increased. At least in Tzones. I don´t think, that we break anything. Still…the game is mostly for our generation 30+,40+. We have families, jobs and we can´t play 8 hour per day.
I don´t want to listen any git gud and learn to play. I have found in non lader several HR including 2 bers and 1 Jah and i know how hard is it to find them.

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Exactly this.

When someone tells you to “git gud” in robotic mindless braindead grinding, a human-bot project, you know they have never done anything difficult in their lives and have no achievements. It’s not hard to know why they are so aggressive, hostile, and keep derailing topics with their personal insults.

Hopefully next season man.

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I think most people (me included and even those you call ‘purists’) welcomed terror zones. Sure, they could have been implemented a bit better, but they’re a great addition.

What do you think blizzard will say about your suggestion when they see your original post has only 1 (one) like? Are they going to be like ‘OH YEA, quickly lets increase drops for this guy’ or will they continue to maintain the same stance about them as they have for the past 20 something years?

You’re delusional. The problem is that you’re also persistent while not taking any advice from other people to improve your odds at getting good items. You also think everyone is out to get you and that people are multiboxing just to disagree with you over a forum or something. Get some help.

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hopefully drop rates wont be increased of anything, is already high enough


Yea better avoid the truth it could hurt sometimes.
Why are you repeating the same things over and over? It doesn’t make them happen just because of that. I don’t know what kicks it’s giving ya when you write about a change that will probably not happen as if it already happend.
You assume things and stand that your opinion is the only ones matter, everyone else is a purist or botter and should go back somewhere else while you are the one who should leave the game since it has so many flaws to you.

Talking about defeated purist and whatnot in like almost every post you do shows just how “defeated” you are tbh. It shows that you are desperate that the game isn’t like you want to. You might not want to accept it and keep believe your lies but everyone else here can see how in denial and troll you are.


One like on a new topic, after majority quit because of bad drop rates. But let’s see about Likes when the majority were here:

This is why they need to do it, for player-retention. They already changed the game because they realized purists are killing it.

They already changed drop rates with Terror Zones, who is the delusional person here. Anyways, see you next Season. You can vent here with your angry posts it’s fine, I could use bumps.

What majority? get real, how many people you talking about there? any number ever from you?


No, majority quit because of too high drop rates.

Source? Oh where is yours? :wink:

Can’t wait for more changes in next season man, Terror Zones already changed drop rates but hopefully even more in the future! :heart:

It’s going to be so good re-visiting this topic. :smiley:

We all know that now, nobody care that you cant wait, maybe forever. However anything new from you? Or you wanna repeat yourself a 1471th time?


And after they do more changes for next season which I can’t wait for, I hope they don’t forget /player x command!

Love D2R, thanks Blizzard! :heart:

He did it bois xD hahaha